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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. 21 hours ago, fromlostdays said:

    Are you maybe using different themes or plugins for the small install?

    Same theme and plugins...I didn't change that...but noticed the flashing occurs less when I removed the extra BACKGROUND videos for the theme (city hunter 2), I had like 10 of them, now I have 2 and it's more rarely happening...

    But it doesn't happen on my external hard drive install, on the same computer...

  2. LB works fine with my build, but BigBox goes between working fine, to often flashing black (on the same computer I have my main build of LB, which doesn't do this at all...)

    Anything I can do to fix this? I'm perplexed...it's set up the same, it's just a smaller collection of the games I have on my 8TB version...

    Thanks in advance.

  3. On 12/22/2017 at 1:42 PM, angelobodetti said:

    That's what I did. The XML was tricky because I had to combine them. I might have done something wrong because when I just copied the XML over it was only the new games, not the total games. Then there was a merge bat file. Needless to say it works but i don't have the original XMLs anymore.

    What I do not have any clue how to do is bring all of this into my current LB install. I have an entirely different LB setup running just for ExoDos.

    Excited about adding the Win3x pack to LAUNCHBOX :-)

  4. 4 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    When you run across this scenario you can always right click the game and change the version to the one that you prefer I know it sucks because you have to do it manually but it can be done.

    Yes,, but I wish it was a two-click process, right click, float over, change default rom instead of having to EDIT, go to additional tab, choose it, and click default, then close edit....takes forever on my bloated LB collection.

    @Jason Carr - any chance of this being done sometime for MAME titles? :-)

  5. 14 hours ago, usuallee76 said:

    Wow so that explains a lot...I was getting a few community ratings, but after awhile I wasn't getting as many as I thought I would. But sure enough, I'm downloading metadata on a few games to try it out, and now they have ratings, so I'll have to do all games. I'd assumed being connected to the database within LB would be enough.

    How can you make sure your votes are being uploaded? Will syncing to the games database also accomplish this?

    BTW...I have to wonder who is doing the ratings...taste is subjective of course but I mean seriously. A rating of 3.17 out of 5 for frikking Gate of Thunder on Turbografx CD? That be some serious hatin'! Game's awesome and everyone knows it! C'mon, man.

    I agree, some really shitty video game tastes rating some of these games...Must be an overwhelming amount of Gen X'ers doing the ratings...sad....

  6. I'm importing 0.192 (cause my previous 0.185 is all ganked...I'm assuming launchbox arcade/mame importer is not up to date with this, but what version IS is updated to and any way to make this a cleaner import? (want to omit non-working games, or even better would be cool if LB could import the game, but tag it as "Broken"

  7. Anyone successful in doing this well?  Would you be willing to help a bit?

    Which MAME is the best one to install in Retoarch, there are several...plain MAME, and 2003, 2010, 2014, 2016... I have the latest rom set (0.192)

    Any tutorials on getting this looking amazing like I've seen in some MAME Retroarch Youtube videos?...blew my mind.


  8. Using a 0.192 SPLIT rom set...I have many chds that will hopefully work fine with it too from older sets...

    It's been a while since I imported to launchbox the arcade platform, but many of my roms are broken and I end up having to replace them places online for some unknown reason, then they work...so I'm sick of checking and manually fixing 4,200+ plus games this way...anyways, I'll delete the older roms and import the new roms, but using the LB wizard, what is pros and cons of each (skip this or that) method offered, just wondering if anyone has advice or a explanation in detail of what I'm omitting when I chose to not import clones for example..I know some full games must be lost (puckman.pac-man) comes to mind from what I've read...

    Also is there an up to date working IMPORT add-on I can use to get more detailed control of this IMPORT PROCESS vs. the default LB method?  Thanks.

  9. I'm updating from 0.185 to 0.192, I know there isn't a ton of changes based on some youtube videos I see with new games supported, BUT....I've always been confused if NEW CHD's are needed or not when changing versions, or will my existing ones I'm using with 0.185 work fine?  @DOS76 - if you don't mind...thanks!

  10. 1 hour ago, angelobodetti said:

    That's what I did. The XML was tricky because I had to combine them. I might have done something wrong because when I just copied the XML over it was only the new games, not the total games. Then there was a merge bat file. Needless to say it works but i don't have the original XMLs anymore.

    What I do not have any clue how to do is bring all of this into my current LB install. I have an entirely different LB setup running just for ExoDos.

    Here you go!...this is the one with the latest pack installed into my launchbox (I did no editing to it)...sorry I don't have the older one, it overwrote that one I believe, but this should be the final one... 


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