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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. One question Exo, in your instructions to me in the reply in the last page, you said "copying the exodos folder will make the games work."

    Where do I copy that folder? You mean what's IN the folder, or the entire folder? Where? In my Launchbox GAMES folder?  Thanks...

  2. On 11/29/2017 at 5:55 PM, Lordmonkus said:

    Sub folders for organizing games.

    I would also love this, or at least the ability to right click a playlist and EXPORT the GAMES (move or copy) to a folder named the same...

  3. ExoDOS, thanks! BTW I don't mind replacing my existing TOTAL DOS MS-DOS import...it's a mess of games that work or have to have their setup/install.exe/bat ran first to run, or games that simply don't run, but I I like the idea of making an EXODOS Category instead and comparing titles later.....what are the drawbacks to not using the MS-DOS Category for eXoDOS, but still scraping it in LB? is there any?

  4. On 11/17/2017 at 2:48 AM, damageinc86 said:

    So, you have to either use one of their emulators from that site, or retroarch?  Damn,...none of which I've gotten into.  Looks really cool, but I use mednafen for most of my systems.  It would be cool if integrating this into an emulator could become a more standard thing codewise for devs to talk to each other about.  So it can be applied to more emulators. 

    I may have missed this later in the thread, but when using Retroarch, are only certain emulators supported (EX: choosing a specific one for Nintendo, etc..), or any in Retroarch for that supported system?

  5. 11 minutes ago, pipes78 said:

    313 games or Platforms?

    The great thing about Launchbox or any Front end is you can customise it to you. Some go for complete collections with games they they will never play and some for small collections of games they will play. 

    I agree, it's actually fun to take my licensed LB collection and build mini-collections onto Flash drives...my last one was a classic Nintendo/sega collection, featuring all 8-16bit Sega/Nintendo games, including handheld systems, (and 64bit-N64 games) onto one collection on a 128GB flash (with extra room for all the assets), or maybe 64GB Flash...don't remember..

  6. I have issues with some games in the TOTAL DOS collection  too (I'm using release 13); what fixes many of them is running the setup for them again (although it doesn't fix them all),.

    To do this: right-click the game, and choose near the top of that menu to CONFIG the game...if that option is missing, it needs to be pointed to the right EXE....so right click the game, and EDIT it...go to the launcher area that shows the EXE that is loaded when you double click it, and look for the field below it for the INSTALLER, browse and choose the INSTALL/setup.EXE (can be named anything, but usually something like that), then click to OK that....right-click and choose CONFIG...then when the DOSBOX opens the installer, go through the setup, always picking the default C drive to install (it actually treats this so called C drive as the folder in your actual folder you have the game stored, so don't change that, just pick the C drive it gives you in most cases, if it gives you a choice of C, D, E,...always pick C...when asked for soundcard/music card, just choose soundblaster or soundblaster 16, complete the install/setup) and then make sure under EDIT again that the game matches the correct .EXE under where it is launching, sometimes LB auto sets the wrong .exe file....

  7. eXo, you a true superhero of gaming preservation, thank you so much!

    Sorry if I missed this earlier, but I have to be sure because of all the time I've put into my collection... I have over 46k titles in my launchbox across all platforms...also many, many custom playlists and some custom platforms too...I have the complete existing LB EXODOS/Win3XO collection (the win3x0 collection is fully installed in my case via your .bat process (over the exodos install)... will LB support those titles too? 

    My most important concern is that I  don't want to lose access to my existing many thousands of other games/playlists by starting with a fresh launchbox config...this won't happen with your process will it?

  8. 29 minutes ago, harryoke said:

    Quick update on Exodos/win3XO Bigbox Startup video, designed logo .... went for the trusted evil skull & fire .... hope u like



    Awesome! You should also create an angelic theme'd one for users on the light side though...

  9. On 11/29/2017 at 5:43 PM, eXo said:

    For those with existing lb setups, the solution will likely be to drop the dos platform xml over your existing one.

    The benefit of this is it adds eXoDOS to your setup without affecting your other platforms. The negative is it won't work with any existing DOS games you have installed. But once you have eXoDos, you won't need your other DOS games ;)

    I've been slowly adding TOTAL DOS (I think it's release 13) into my collection....at about 6200 games...so I literally don't need to worry about any of those anymore? I won't be missing anything?  (I don't install demos, variations (like a1, a2, etc...) or non-English titles, etc)

  10. This happens about 75-80% of the time since the last update.

    I edit a game from the main LB view, then add a front image....I click OKAY and the entire LB window get a solid border around it, slightly shifts upward and to the left (looks like a few pixels) and then I have to end task and it takes forever to close...

    Even when it does work and accept the graphic and not crash, sometimes it takes 2-5 minutes for it to finish processing and be useable again..   Using Windows 10....  wasn't having these issues before with  last update I believe.

    Anything else I can do/try?  It's making it a chore to add images here and there....thank you!

    - Brett

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