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Everything posted by hevenik

  1. I confirm. The plugin does not work on non-English version of windows. I am looking forward to an update. By the way, Very good work. Keep it up.
  2. Street Fighter Collection View File This is collection of video themes for Street Fighter games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 10 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: (There will be regular updates for xml file) Street Fighter Collection.xml Enjoy Submitter hevenik Submitted 04/28/2017 Category Game Theme Videos
  3. Version 1.0.4


    This is collection of video themes for Street Fighter games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 10 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: (There will be regular updates for xml file) Street Fighter Collection.xml Enjoy
  4. Sure, I have Street Fighter and Tomb Raider series currently on the table but Mario Party and Smash Bros will be right after.
  5. Yes, You are right. I'll fix it tomorrow. Thanks for info Edit: Fixed
  6. Castlevania Collection View File This is collection of 32 themes for all Castlevania games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 30 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: Castlevania Collection.xml Enjoy Submitter hevenik Submitted 04/24/2017 Category Game Theme Videos
  7. Version 1.0.1


    This is collection of 32 themes for all Castlevania games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 30 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: Castlevania Collection.xml Enjoy
  8. Thank You for kind word Yes, there will be a Street Fighter Playlist but currently I still working on The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania collections You mean video themes? Hmmm got no idea if there is any tutorial for this but if You want to start with something very easy and basic there is Hyper Theme app included in Hypersin frontend, for more complex work I recommend Adobe After Effects or Adobe Animate
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is collection of 18 themes for all Crash Bandicoot games including logo and .xml file. Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: Crash Bandicoot Collection.xml Enjoy
  10. Crash Bandicoot Collection View File This is collection of 18 themes for all Crash Bandicoot games including logo and .xml file. Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: Crash Bandicoot Collection.xml Enjoy Submitter hevenik Submitted 04/13/2017 Category Game Theme Videos
  11. I already start The Legend of Zelda playlist so check it out in download section
  12. Version 1.0.7


    This is collection of 30 themes for all The Legend of Zelda games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 23 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: The Legend of Zelda Collection.xml Enjoy
  13. The Legend of Zelda Collection View File This is collection of 30 themes for all The Legend of Zelda games including logo and .xml file Currently there is 23 themes available to download and i will be added more soon Here is a little preview Playlist Main Theme: Game Themes: Playlist Logo: XML File: The Legend of Zelda Collection.xml Enjoy Submitter hevenik Submitted 04/04/2017 Category Game Theme Videos
  14. Ohh in this many files I just missed that one - Added
  15. Yup, Zelda is on the way
  16. Mega Man Themes Collection View File This is collection of 73 themes for all ( I hope) Mega Man games including logo and .xml file If there is more Mega Man games (official release, good hack, etc) you want to see in this collection just let me know Here is a little preview. Link to each theme in video description. Mega Man Collection.xml Enjoy Submitter hevenik Submitted 03/28/2017 Category Game Theme Videos
  17. Version 1.0.1


    This is collection of 73 themes for all ( I hope) Mega Man games including logo and .xml file If there is more Mega Man games (official release, good hack, etc) you want to see in this collection just let me know Here is a little preview. Link to each theme in video description. Mega Man Collection.xml Enjoy
  18. Sure thing Edit: and here it is Entire video collection ready to download
  19. I figure it out now it's ok and I can add this file with all videos
  20. I would like to but i don't know why my .xml file for my mega man playlist is almost empty. Same for my Crash Bandicoot and Zelda games playlists only Castlevania playlist .xml file seems to be ok. Got no idea if this is just a bug or something?
  21. Yes, I'll try to upload all videos today or tomorrow
  22. Hello all I would like to present to you a collection of 73 Mega Man games, each with its own custom theme. Currently also working on several other collections (The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Crash Bandicoot) Hope you like it
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