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About KingSlayer937

  • Birthday 07/10/1985

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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. you mentioned nothing, i dont like you at all and alot of other prolly share that feeling. IDC one bit what you want me to do i take no orders from people that act the way you do. Ill do as i please thank you, ban me, dont, idc either way as my front end is finished up pretty much. Funny how you say something to me because i know you dont like me, but said nothing to this dork about using drugs and all that, your a asshole hypicrit. so let that resonate as you remove me from the forum.
  2. Look man, idk why your so butt hurt over my comment i was trying to help you. If you truly didnt have your AV quarantine it, and its just exitting on launch there must be a error log. You need to check event viewer and see if something causing issues. You sure you installed the .net dependency? Ive only had one program conflict with lb boot and it was msi afterburner, but a few updates later it was fixed.
  3. I mean your on here talking about using cocaine, going back and forth. You claiming to be windows 10 educated is laughable, win10 comes with AV and you dont even know the abr for it. Im not gonna feed into this, 9 times out of 10 is AV or MSI afterburner stopping lb from opening, youve been told that twice now. But again i dont know what im talking about smh.
  4. missing the point? you are embodied confusion. AV is short for anti virus. You have alot to learn my friend, good luck on your journey.
  5. what do you mean exactly when you say you spent hours compiling launchbox? it comes precompiled? Maybe the cocaine is working against you here, if you want my opinion it sounds like your AV is eating a needed dll on launch.
  6. Doing a major overhaul of additional apps the past few months, adding anything i can to each of my games. When i got around to adding rom hacks and mods to each game I realized that retroacheivements actually supports some of these hacks. So i needed a way to differentiate all the normal hacks from the RA supported ones. Turns out the solution was simple, lb must support unicode symbols because the trophy emoji displays properly! So i can now "mark" certain rom hacks that RA supports by adding the trophy symbol at the end. Combined with the RA plugin already available I never miss a RA supported title in my collection. As a avid trophy hunter this has been really useful to me the past few weeks, figured i'd share the info in case anybody else thinks its useful. Just copy the 🏆 symbol and paste it into the additional app title.
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  7. I did this exact thing last year, i ended up keeping rocketlauncher as part of my setup but in a way it was removed. First off your likely going to lose bezel support if you don't have plans to install retroarch, this is the only reason rocketlauncher remains in my setup for a few emus i dont use RA for (ps2, few others). They will look the same tho yes, likely even better using RA shaders. I let RL go for everything else and didnt look back. i use retroarch because in my opinion its way better, bezels look great with it, list goes on and on. You can even have custom themes and fonts per system with RA, its VERY customizable. Pretty sure LB can do the rest of those things although i could be mistaken.
  8. I noticed that too lately its been a bit higher on my end as well, i hit 4gb yesterday after having LB open for hours doing a bunch of edits. Usually for me 1.5-2gb is normal. Depends on how much ram you have i assume, i have 4x8GB(32GB).
  9. Ah yeah, i have a exit hotkey already mapped i just thought that maybe i was missing something to get it to close on its own after video is done playing. I can exit with either esc, pause menu, or controller button combo. I actually map my home button to snap screenshots. But your right its really not a big deal, i'd rather hit esc or exit button combo than lose my nice bezel setup and shaders. Its odd tho thats why i posted, because it seems to "want" to exit after playing the video. It goes back to LB for like 1 sec then RA returns with that "no items" menu.
  10. I use retroarch's ffmpeg to play most of my game related video content (commercials, bonus videos, movies, making of, etc), I add them as a additional apps to corresponding games. Retroarch is great for this because you can use old tv bezels and crt shaders. I only have one small issue with RA end, i can't seem to get RA to close after the video playback has finished. Documentation doesnt speak of any exit-after-playback switches or anything. Hitting ESC after the video is finished isnt the biggest deal, does anybody know if im missing something? I tried the --eof-exit switch but im pretty sure that only works with the BSV playback/recording stuff. Not sure how i would go about coding up batch scripts either...because i have no way to tell if RA is playing a video or not.
  11. KingSlayer937

    N64 DD

    They load just fine for me using Mupen64plus_next. https://www.libretro.com/index.php/mupen64plus-next-2-0-64dd-support-angrylion-and-gliden64-in-one-build-parallel-rsp-support-and-android/ alternatively you can pass the "--subsystem ndd" command as well to RA. If your trying to boot a rom thats ndd only, with no disk/cart combo (ex. Super Mario 64 -Disk Version) use Parallel n64 for that. Both need a bios installed in system folder.
  12. Dolphin.exe -n 0000000100000002 This command works for me, boots directly into the wii menu. Dolphin.exe -n 0001000248414341 This boots directly into MiiMaker. The -C switch is for the config file, i never had any luck with that. As far as i know there isnt a switch to mount a iso/etc in dolphin. You can "change disc" within the wii menu in Disc Channel, not sure if it actually boots the iso or not, ive never used it. I only use my menu for nostalgia, managing my saves, miis, that kinda stuff.
  13. Thanks Rlad, making another playlist named XBox 360 and adding all official games to said playlist worked.
  14. I just recently started using playlist's somewhat in LB to try to organize my collection a bit better. I changed my default view to platform categories and everything works as expected, its a bit wonky making playlists but overall im happy with the feature. I was wondering if there might be a way to hide the games i have in a playlist from the main platform category? I posted a screenshot below of one example, i dont want to see the XBLA games (orange cover) mixed in with the 360 games (green cover). I was hoping to separate them and have only the 360 games listed when i highlight XBox 360, and if i click XBox Live Arcade all the XBLA games show.
  15. Trust me man i know the pain, i hated updating my RA and losing all settings....they say you can just copy paste but we all know that can sometimes ruin ur settings and stuff. last time i updated it broke my setup and had to reinstall RA so i kept mine kinda ancient for quite some time lol. Pretty sure the hotkey bezel switching has been there forever i just overlooked it like most people. I remember using it on psp and ps3 and it had that feature. Recently i updated RA and redid the whole thing since the LB team is integrating RA sometime this year. This time i wont be losing anything when i update i setup custom dirs. Well when you get around to this jus shoot me a msg if you need help with the bezel cfgs, id glady write them up for ya if you needed me to.
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