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  1. Thank you for your detailed reply! I was mistaking (parenthesis) for [brackets]. When I grew up we called them both brackets, so sorry about that. What I specifically was referring to was the ones that say the region and occasionally some othe info for example from the MSX: 3-D Golf Simulation - High Speed (Jpn) 123 (Arab, Alt) I appreciate your point about the extra information being useful, but we already have region and version fields which could be used for this purpose. Could the parenthesised information not be parsed and used to fill in those fields? Finally, thank you for the tip about hiding the information. That's very useful, but I don't appear to have that option. Neither in the menu or the Ctrl-R shortcut. Although that is not an issue with your plugin. Edit: The option does exist but doesn't appear in list view for some reason, only images view. I tried it out and it works on some systems, but not others. It works on Acorn Electron for example, but not MSX. Do you have any idea why that could be? Edit 2: It doesn't work on MSX, because that information is not in the version field, but in the title.
  2. Hello. This is such a useful plugin. Thank you so much. I'd like to request a feature. It has been requested before, but I think has been forgotten. Could you make the plugin remove the information from the brackets in the title? I have so many games that have the region or other information in brackets after the game title. Not only does it look ugly, but I think it is also preventing some games being detected in the Launchbox database correctly. Thanks again!
  3. @faeran I've created a couple of themes that fit in with this theme, for Commodore Amiga and Acorn Electron so far. What's the best way to share them? Would you be interested in adding them if they meet your expectations? I did them for my own setup, but if they're of any use I'd be happy to share them. I just don't want to tread on any toes.
  4. Yes, I agree with you. Every system that I have used with smart playlist has been like that. For example, Kodi, iTunes etc... I can't believe this is the intended behaviour, because it makes the smart playlist more-or-less useless for complicated queries.
  5. Thanks for the solution. I'm going to check it now. But I'm not crazy, am I? Logically this should work and if it is indeed working as intended it really needs to be documented and made impossible to choose the same name field twice.
  6. Hi. I'm not sure if I'm being stupid here, but I am trying to create a playlist which excludes certain systems. It's not important, but the reason is I want to exclude systems which are curated outside of Launchbox. (Mame, ExoDos, WinExo etc...) So, I create a playlist with the condition: platform - does not equal - MAME. And it works! Great! No MAME games! But when I add the second condition: platform - does not equal - Microsoft DOS The playlist breaks. Both MAME and DOS games are appearing. I can't understand why this doesn't work.
  7. Fantastic! Talk about a fast response. Thank you so much!
  8. I only use the play store versions because they are automatically updated. Retroarch's built-in updater is not user friendly at all and I could never get the hang of the fdroid version. Another thing: Could you add an option to create a .nomedia file in the image directories? My phone's album is filled with screenshots and whatnot now, which I don't really want to happen. Thanks!
  9. My only gripe, and it is minor, is that there doesn't seem to be direct support for Retroarch Plus? It does work when I set the emulator to Retroarch 64bit Sideloaded, but this is a bit non-intuitive. I can't imagine why anyone would not be using Retroarch Plus, so it should really be supported out of the box.
  10. Which batch file are you talking about? The one that switches aspect ratio? The reason that exists is because some (most?) lightgun games are in a 4:3 aspect ratio, whereas others are in 16:9, so the accuracy can be off especially at the edges. This doesn't effect MAME, but it can effect DemulShooter if you use that.
  11. Hi! Sure, I don't mind sharing it. Some caveats though... First, it was written by me for my system. There are a lot of paths and things that are only relevant to me. I'll go through it and replace them with variables. Second, it's due a rewrite. Since Launchbox now supports controller profiles, a lot of the script (detecting lightgun games) is irrelevant now. Third, I'm sure there are parts of it that could be done more neatly or efficiently. I'll get onto it once I have some time!
  12. The problem with MAME is that it will default to Xinput and in Xinput there is no way to differentiate controllers except by order. However, if you force MAME to use Dinput, we can work out controllers by their HWID. That way, you can use MAME's built in fixed controller mappings. Take a look at this ctrlr file that I made (attached below). When I play a lightgun game, I force MAME to use Dinput and map the emulated Xbox 360 controllers to MAME Joysticks 11 and 12 (by making them high up, they are never accidentally bumped out of the way by other devices.) I hope that makes sense! mycontrols.cfg
  13. I don't remember if this is how it was before, but when the desktop export is working it would be fantastic if it had an option to only export the default rom for games that have more than one version. Essentially a 1G1R type of system.
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