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Posts posted by Retro808

  1. You would have to manually edit the theme since it is a custom theme. There is no BB setting to do this. 

    Go into the theme's man folder and then go into the \Views folder. Within that you might see a set of subfolders named after views. If there are those folders then open the folder for the view you are using in BB and inside you should see a xaml file named "Arcade". You can copy that file and paste it then rename that new one exactly as your other arcade platforms are named. Example: Atomiswave.xaml. You may have to then open that file and see if any of the lines of code reference the "Arcade" platform name. If it does you would need to edit that to show the new platform name. This should give those platforms that same Arcade look in the theme.

    Below are examples of a theme using custom views for platforms. You can see in the main \Views folders are the global view files and then the folders with the view names. Those folders contain custom platform files for the different views. Going into the WheelGamesView folder you see the theme maker made custom platform views for the platforms listed. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.01.37 AM.png

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.03.28 AM.png

  2. 4 hours ago, 80sArcade said:

    Makes sense, but I definitely selected "USA" for the region when I imported.  I don't have Hyper Olympic either.  For some reason this game was completely left out as if it's missing from the list that LB is looking for when it does the full import.  I'm not sure where to find that list.

    Did you use the Full Mame Rom Set Import option or the File Import option? 

    Just tested importing against 265 and 266 mame rom sets and Track & Field imports fine if you do not uncheck any of the default settings in the import wizard. In the setting below I set North America as the Region and even allowed the Play Choice-10 option since there is a Track & Filed version there and you can see it imports both of them fine. 

    If you used the Full Mame Rom set option you can simply rerun it over top of the existing install and see if it works again. If you did the file import option it would be best to delete the games from the arcade platform and import again. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 8.47.21 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 8.48.29 PM.png

  3. In LB there is no keyboard mapping since LB by default is the more PC side of the frontend so it already uses keyboard functions like any other Windows program. LB is not really made to be used with arcade panels even though that panel might replicate keystrokes. LB is more mouse/keyboard. 

    In BB there is a specific keyboard mapping section. BB is the more cabinet oriented side so you can map specific functions to your type of arcade panel. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Decept0r said:

    This problem has been driving me crazy too. Same issue, I have the BIOS files but for some reason--Launchbox won't launch retroarch. Everything worked fine until the latest update which changed the settings somehow. 
    Any help is greatly appreciated. 


    One of our devs is looking into it.....

    On 5/20/2024 at 1:34 PM, C-Beats said:

    OH, that explains why I'm not seeing what you are... Didn't even notice you're using RetroArch. I wasn't even aware there WAS a PCSX2 Libretro core. I've only ever used (or heard used) the standalone emulator. I'll have to take a look again now that I'm on the same page as you.


  5. 11 minutes ago, The Papaw said:

    So I have spent 2 days re-installing Launchbox and RetroArch to fix black screens. I can see the end, almost...

    How do I get this to work? If I select "Open Location" it is going to ...\system\pcsx2. If I select "Browse to File", it does go to the correct folder, but won't allow me to choose a bios file. The files are there, LB isn't let me select a folder or a file. The games work fine if I select "Play Anyway". Something is broken

    I believe it is being looked into as an issue with the new dependencies feature and PCSX2 core for RA. Cbeats commented on a post about it that he was going to look into the code as he was not aware of that core for RA. 

  6. 2 hours ago, oniotaku said:

    Why does Launchbox no longer ask me where I want my roms to go?

    This issue is reported in the beta testing thread and is known by the devs. A fix is in place for the next beta release. 

    I have merged your threads. Please do not post the same issue in multiple places.

  7. You can just delete the other line in the Associated Platforms tab for Nintendo NES. Click on the cells and delete the contents. If you have Retroarch already set up to your liking no need to have LB do it. I do not use the automated feature for emulator downloads. Prefer to manually set all my emulators up. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Mitoboru said:

    So I had a look in my directory since I'm using a second scraper and I have a "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" and a "Super Nintendo Entertainment System.backup" files in my directory...

    Which on is the one to keep?!

    That one with the .backup should not be there. Remove it. It is not one made by LB. Skraper is known for backing up LB platforms data in that folder which is why we recommend either not using it or turning off the backup feature Skraper has. No other files except the ones LB generates should be kept in the \Data\Platforms folders. 

  9. Yeah I was initially curious about having BB Attract Mode running as there have been a few users who experience the same lock up in BB Attract Mode as you. I had that issue for many years and it stopped for some reason. However, I doubt that is the main issue since you have the same problem with out without BB Attract Mode running. I tested one with Attract Mode and one without and the issue never happened. 

    I would say install another emulator and add a game then test leaving that game and emulator running and see what happens. This way if the issue does not occur with another emulator we at least narrow it to a specific emulator. 

  10. 2 hours ago, jpfassanaro said:

    Good morning guys, I'm wondering how I add game hacks to launchbox, can anyone help me?

    Just like any other standard rom file. You can add them to an existing platform or create a unique one just for the hacks. For example if you have SNES hacks when you import them you can call the platform "SNES Hacks" and assign it the emulator you are using for the hack. 

  11. 4 hours ago, larsulrik said:

    Wait, use new features or get new features? The main site says "...renew your license...in order to access new features after 1 year" which I took to mean, the premium product remains the premium product but you won't get any new feature that comes out on 1 year and 1 day and later. However your response implies "premium" and "new" are interchangeable and after 1 year, the premium 1 year license expires and the product becomes the free version with no premium features?...or is this only if you try to update the premium version after a year?  😄

    2 scenarios:

    1. If after your 1 year license expires you keep using the last version you are able to download for that year your license will work as normal. So your premium features still work. So if you never want to pay anymore money do not update LB after that. You will still have the premium features from those versions prior to your license expiration. FYI if you do this route keep the version installers located in your \Updates folder. 

    2. If after your 1 year license expires you then update LB to a newer version that was introduced after your expiration you will not be able to use that new versions premium features, it will in essence revert you to a free version. 

    So if you go the #2 route and you want to use premium features you would have 2 options. 1. Reinstall a version that came out during your 1 year license (or technically any version prior) or 2. Pay to update your license. 

    You are correct that when your license expires if LB releases a new version with some bug fixes after that, if you update to that version, you lose premium features. You would need to update your license to keep using premium features and get those fixes. Many times those bug fixes are fixing premium features. So not much can be done about that. There is a give an take.  I personally feel LB is worth the Lifetime license due to how much active development is done. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, livemoonkey said:

    This is an on-going issue LaunchBox is not fixing (answering to).  It is NOT an isolated issue. If you spend a little bit of time searching, you'd know that.  No, not everyone has this issue. But As I said, it's happening too much to ignore. Because one person rebooted their pc and temporarily fixed it is not an answer.  I've "fixed" it as well.  Then days or weeks later, it randomly happens again and it doesn't fix unless I fully reinstall LB and all of it's dependencies.  WE SHOULD NOT BE HAVING TO DO THIS. 

    My response to that post in no way, shape, or form insinuated no one else has had this issue. It was quite frankly a direct response to a direct question stating it might have been in this user's case a unique build issue since at the time of my post the user only advised after several reboots it worked. We have seen many ways the install or even a reinstall has been a LB build issue and an issue unique to a user's pc. Even seen overzealous antivirus cause this issue.  

    3 hours ago, livemoonkey said:

     If you spend a little bit of time searching, you'd know that.   

    How about you spend a little less time assuming you know what I do and how much time I spend on this forum researching. That type of attitude is not needed nor welcomed. 

    Now if you want to provide more details to this issue that you are experiencing it can be relayed to the team. You state you have "fixed it as well" so what did you do to fix it. It might lead to the devs understanding why it is affecting sporadic users. 

  13. You will need to open the theme's folder and edit the GameDetailsView.xaml. You would need to change the color code for all the corresponding lines. Taking a quick look at that file I see color codes #ABAEED (that's the purplish color) and #C7F5D9 (the light greenish color). So I would focus on lines using those color codes. 

    Best thing to do is make a backup of that file. Then edit the original one. If you mess up you can always revert. 

    • Like 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, Starbuck said:

    Images have always and still are being created under Launchbox in the image folders. But even though I have 1 image per category clicked it makes a new image for the duplicates renumbering them 01 - 02 - 03 etc. (See attached)


    Image folder.jpg

    That because LB is not seeing duplicate images. LB logic is appending the images with -01, -02, etc. as it allows for multiple images. When you download images if you set the limit to 1 (or really any number) you should also check the box for the option "Remove Roughly Matched Duplicate Images". It is on the same screen as where you select the image limit. It is a recommended setting to have on. This way LB will compare the images and not download if it looks like a true duplicate (as in same metadata). 

    As a note the images you have in this pic if you look are not actually duplicates meaning it the same image with the same metadata. It is truly 2 different image designs. 

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