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Everything posted by alfredolvera

  1. Well... then I don't know what happened. Maybe I just had a bad Mario Kart dump. I already tested all the Mega Man X, Star Fox 1 & 2, even Top Gear 3000, they load with no issues. I just find it funny that my bad dump worked fine with bsnes
  2. Ah, this explains it. Thanks @Lurkon
  3. So, after trying out 3 other Mario Kart ROMs from the Internet, I found one that works with Higan. I find it extremely odd that the one I had worked with bsnes, but not on Higan. Gotta test the rest of my SNES library to test if all my ROMs work with this new core. Hope the improvements and updates are worth the hassle of changing from bsnes to higan!
  4. I had to play with those settings for a bit, but after smashing my face against my 4K TV and doing everything step by step, I got it filling the entire screen using the SNES Video Test Program. Honestly, I find it pretty weird that some values have to go on the minus side of things, and my Mario Kart ROM loads perfectly with SNES9x and Bsnes, but not with Higan. Maybe this core isn't ready for prime time? This are my settings for 4K res, if anybody wants them.
  5. Sorry, it was "off". This is what I'm seing. Used to fill the entire screen with the bezel.
  6. Integer scale on, but no custom resolution. Using the 4:3 and core provided presets.
  7. Also, the screen appears to be bordered for me with the 4:3 and "core provided" video setting. Is that the new "normal"? Happens with all my games. EDIT: As extra bordered, with black bars below and above the screen. Bsnes covered the whole screen on the vertical axis.
  8. OK, this is really weird. Mega Man X works for me, but Mario Kart doesn't. Bad dump? That's weird because it loaded perfectly with the bsnes core, but now refuses on the Higan core.
  9. Hey man, have you tried loading any DSP1 titles, such as Mario Kart? I had the Bsnes bios in the system folder, but I can't get them to work on the Higan core.
  10. Dude, yes!!! This will be awesome
  11. LET'S PLAY!! - BB Startup Videos View File Hi guys! I'm not a programmer, but I wanted to contribute in someway to the LB community, so I decided to make some Big Box Startup Videos. I've called them: LET'S PLAY!! You need this intros if you want that everyone in your house knows its game time. Play them loud and proud. Included are 3 versions (all 1080p) for various musical tastes: STAR FOX F-ZERO TRANCE Hope you like them! If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know! Cheers!!! Submitter alfredolvera Submitted 09/05/2017 Category Big Box Startup Videos
  12. OMG! Thanks
  13. Hi guys, I'm looking into building a racing arcade cab with Launchbox and I'm researching into possible racing wheels. But, as I learned with my regular arcade (and my mashy-buttons drunk friends), going with the highest quality parts isn't the same as going with the most durable and abuse-ready ones. I was looking into the high end Logitechs, like the G920 and such, but I don't know if it will be able to withstand that kind of abuse. Do you have any recommendations for a Steering Wheel system that is abuse-ready for drunk people? Thanks!!
  14. Hi Guys, I just wanted to share something that I found while searching for Xbox themed intro videos. This guy on YouTube have tons of them, I think they where supposed to be used in a modded Xbox 360, but they fit perfectly for booting up Big Box. YouTube Intro Playlist After you find one that you like, Google "youtube download", get the MP4 720p or 1080p and just save them to your LaunchBox Videos folder as startup.mp4 Cheers!
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