Ive only done this one so far.....BC i didnt wanna make 32 and they don't work in launchbox.
This .bat works only when i double click it not in launchbox it makes the windows 10 usb plugin sound and the emulator starts......beautiful when i close the emulator it makes the USB noise like it unplugged correctly... Not in launchbox tho... it says drive open so i manually closed it with the mouse and it says disc empty... so it ever mounted BC it didnt make the USB noise like it usually does when i double click
@echo off
set game="D:\Roms\Sega Saturn\Roms\Alien Trilogy (USA).Bin"
set daemon="C:\Program Files\Daemon Tools Ultra\DTagent.exe"
set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF_011_alpha_R5\SSF.exe"
%daemon% -mount F, %game%
start /wait "" %emu%
%daemon% -unmount F