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Your Friendly A.I Overlord

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Posts posted by Your Friendly A.I Overlord

  1. It's very difficult to answer your question directly because your situation is virtually unknown to me. But autohotkey has a WinActivate command. https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinActivate.htm

    Something like:

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    WinWait, RetroArch ahk_class RetroArch
    Sleep 5000                              ;set for delay. 1000ms is 1 second.

    Of course you can make the script more complicated with WinActive https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinActive.htm and run the script in a loop.

    But as a first step I myself would investigate the focus loss by finding out which program steals the focus.

  2. I am vaguely familiar with game randomizers, but aren't those romhacks/mods. If so, maybe you can add them to your regular game as additional apps so you can choose between the regular game and the randomized game. Alternatively, if anything needs to be copied, you can easily create a .bat file or autohotkey script and add that as an additional app to your regular game. (I am sorry if I misunderstood, but I once read about Pokemon randomizers and that is all I know, I don't know how those randomizers work in practice.)

  3. 31 minutes ago, jajamelony said:

    No one ever said that ROMs should be included. The point is, for a new user the import function is misleading, specifically for the import FULL ROMSET verbiage. After importing of the FULL ROMSET you're unable to play any of the games until you configure the emulator separately - that is a 100% true statement.  Had the menu option said "Import MAME ROMSET metadata" we would not be having this conversation.

    You're angry because if you buy a car you still can't drive before you take some drivers lessons. For things to work, you have to do them in the correct order you know.


    31 minutes ago, jajamelony said:

    When I purchase my license I knew this was the front-end and if you look at my other posts I know very well how the system works. I don't know if the moderators here are employees of the software company making Launchbox, if you are, then perhaps you should listen to feedback instead of insinuating that someone is a moron. That is just rude and unprofessional.

    Honestly, you're coming across as a moron. Blaming the software and moderators for your failing to understand how something (obviously) works. If you don't know how something works, ask or do research instead of blaming others.


    "Import FULL ROMSET" does exactly that. It imports a full set of mame roms into LaunchBox. Nowhere is that option called (or implied) "Play Full Romset"

  4. 1 hour ago, zugswang said:

    Thanks, but I prefer to just manually copy over the files, as I know that the exact setup I am copying worked perfectly.

    If I leave it to sync, it will sync the files I currently have, which may not work.

    I'm not sure what the difference would be between manually copying a perfectly working setup of LaunchBox or syncing a perfectly working setup of LaunchBox. Just be selective when you sync. I personally sync to my NAS. The files that are replaced are moved to the recycle bin. If need be I can always get them from there. But to each his own. 


    Just to clarify, maybe you are equating syncing with real-time syncing. But you can do a manual sync too.

  5. 2 hours ago, tiualex said:


    I know this topic is old, but I'm new here in frontends world and I'm still interested with this theme. I'm audio guy and chiptune composer myself and I have huge collection of videogame soundtracks in original formats. Low bitrate mp3s is not acceseble for me, but flac or something has to much size on hdd. Original formats are really small size and sounds great in most cases. I use foobar2000 audio player for these. There is a way to integrate it or something? It will be really immersive for me and save me huge discspace. Thank you, guys!

    This comment is probably not helpful to you. I don't know how to integrate Foobar2000 with LaunchBox and have your music files play automatically with your games. But you could import your music files or Foobar2000 playlists as roms and create a Music platform (or add them to your games as additional apps). Then setup Foobar2000 as an emulator. I know Foobar2000 has command line support and this way at least your music collection is accessible  from LaunchBox.

  6. Can I ask what you do to test closing DS4Windows? I'll probably kick in an open door, but those scripts only work if you close an emulator by pressing the escape key or using controller automation (which sends a virtual press of the escape key.) If you manually close an emulator the lines below $Esc:: won't get triggered. Just making sure.

  7. I'll post my autohotkey script that I use in the running autohotkey tab for Rscp3. This script only works for me because it's specific to my situation:

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%\..\..
    Run, %A_WorkingDir%\Opstarten\DS4WinTaskkill.lnk
         if WinExist("Building SPU cache...")
         If (ErrorLevel = 0 )
              WinActivate, Building
              WinMaximize, Building
              WinSet, AlwaysOnTop,
         Sleep 1000
    WinWait, FPS ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon
    Sleep 500
    Send, !{Enter down}
    Sleep 200
    Send, !{Enter up} 
    Sleep 500
    MouseMove, 3840, -2160, 0
    Send, {Esc down}
    Sleep 100
    Send, {Esc up}
    Sleep 500
    Send ^{p down}
    Sleep 100
    Send ^{p up}
    Sleep 500
    Send, {Esc down}
    Sleep 100
    Send, {Esc up}
    Sleep 500
    Send ^{s down}
    Sleep 100
    Send ^{s up}
    Sleep 1000
    Process, Close, rpcs3.exe
    Run, "\LaunchBox\Opstarten\DS4Windows.lnk"


  8. 4 minutes ago, Wanderer189 said:

    So how did you accomplish this:

    "so I use an elevated script to exit DS4Windows when I start a game in Rpcs3. Then when I exit a game in Rpcs3 I run DS4Windows again. (All this via the Running Autohotkey tab for Rpcs3.)"

    By first making a .bat file that kills DS4Windows and than compile that to an .exe that can be run with admin rights. To prevent UAC pop-ups I created elevated shortcuts to that .exe via Task Scheduler that I run in the running autohotkey tab for Rpcs3. More info here: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/57690-create-elevated-shortcut-without-uac-prompt-windows-10-a.html It may all be a bit convoluted, but hey, for me tinkering is half the fun of emulation. I'm sorry that closing DS4Windows doesn't work for you, but at this moment I'm all out of ideas. If something comes to mind I will let you know.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Wanderer189 said:

    Does DS4 end for you when you exit a game?

    My situation is a little different then yours. I have DS4Windows run at system boot. So all my games and emulators see my DS4 Controller as a Xbox 360 controller. The only emulator that I want to exit DS4Windows for is Rpcs3, witch has native support for the DS4 and it's gyro functions. But in the DS4Windows settings I have "Hide DS4 Controller" checked to prevent double inputs. But that starts DS4Windows with admin rights, so I use an elevated script to exit DS4Windows when I start a game in Rpcs3. Then when I exit a game in Rpcs3 I run DS4Windows again. (All this via the Running Autohotkey tab for Rpcs3.)

  10. A few things come to mind. I use DS4Windows myself and there are a few things to consider. First, in the DS4Windows settings there is a checkbox "Hide DS4 Controller". If that is checked it starts DS4Windows with admin rights and needs to be closed via a script with admin rights. Second, there is also a checkbox "Close Minimizes". Make sure that one is unchecked.


    I myself have the checkbox "Start Minimized" checked.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Wanderer189 said:

    This is working great for me running DS4Windows. I added to the emulator start script. How do I kill the process using AHK when I leave the emulator/exit game?


    WinClose, ahk_exe DS4Windows.exe

    If that doesn't work try:

    Process, Close, DS4Windows.exe


  12. 18 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    If you change a platform name you also need to go into the LB emulator set-up and make sure the Associated Platform name is changed for the emulator running the games.

    @Jason Carr If I may make a suggestion? Is there a way to automate this? Or at least a warning popup that this needs to be done? It did slip my mind and I see this go wrong quite often.

  13. You should be able to do this. Go to LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Platforms > Go to the platform you want to edit >  Change Title > Go to the Folders tab > LaunchBox prompts if you want to change the folder names, click Yes. > Then LaunchBox asks if you want to migrate you files from the old location to the new. Also click Yes.

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