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About bbweiners

  • Birthday 11/19/1980

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    Fantastic plugin! It does everything a person could want.
  1. @JoeViking245 This is fantastic! Thank you so much for making this. I don't know why I just started using this, rather then when you released it, but it does everything that a person could want.
  2. I’ll have to try that strategy. I threw a lot of elbows, but I always lured the enemies into them. Also, have you played Double Dragon Reloaded?
  3. That’s awesome. I could beat it with 3 credits. 75 cents for about 45 minutes of such great gameplay was always worth it for me.
  4. You picked Double Dragon for the Arcade!!!! That’s my all time favorite
  5. Double Dragon (Arcade) 1987 WWF Wrestlefest (Arcade) Diablo II (PC) Madden Franchise (PC) Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PC)
  6. @nicolasonline I had another issue where if you delete your image cache that it would sometimes repopulate game images with the wrong image. Is this happening for you too?
  7. This sounds like the same bug I reported about a week ago in the 13.13 beta thread. @faeran did notice the comment. @faeran Any updates?
  8. Hi, I've noticed a bug with 13.13 that started in the beta and is in the release version as well. I've tested multiple themes and it happens in all of them. The issue is CoverFlow (The Wheel) is not drawing an image for every game that it should be when you first launch BigBox. Some games will be missing their image. If you back out of the games menu and go to platforms, then back to games, all the game images will then populate. The other issue is the game images are not always correct. In my instance the game image for multiple games is actually the platform image, not the game image. Thanks!
  9. Thanks Christian!
  10. Hi All, I know the search feature has been updated recently, so I'm not sure if this is by design or not, but here's the issue I'm seeing. When I'm in Bigbox, if I use the index search option and type in something, I can search game titles and Bigbox will populate the way you would expect. However, if I try to search other data (genre, release, esrb, etc...) I receive no results. This seems to have changed recently, since I used to be able to type anything into the index search, and if it was part of the games metadata it would populate. Is that how it's supposed to be now? If so, why? Thanks!
  11. The Fade/In & Out are working! I think everything should be good to go now. I will have to mess around a bit to make sure. Thank you @skizzosjt & @JoeViking245 for all the help. I couldn't have done it without you.
  12. @skizzosjt, That's correct about how Startup Screens work for me. The Startup Screen will be up for a couple of seconds, and if the game hasn't loaded, it will just go back to BigBox. It will sit at BigBox for however long it takes to load the game. That's why I wanted to do this Black Screen thing. I thought it was really clumsy and weird to have a Startup Screen fade in, sit there for a couple of seconds, fade out back to BigBox, then eventually show the game.
  13. Hey @skizzosjt, The Transvalue Loop works great for fading from black to transparent! For some reason I can't figure out how to switch from transparent to black.
  14. Hey @JoeViking245, Thanks for the suggestions. I tried the DLLCall command, and unfortunately it didn't work. I'm not entirely sure I know how to do the Winset with a timer for transparency. Would you have any examples? Thanks!
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