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Everything posted by bbweiners

  1. Without going to a couple of different websites to see how large the Romsets they offer are, I wouldn't.
  2. Well, you'll be good to go then.
  3. I like Demul as it can play the 2K games while Redream and Reicast can't. But, I really like keeping everything within Retroarch if possible. Then, branching out for a select game here and there if they don't work within a Retroarch core, or don't work well.
  4. You should be able to play all Wii, Gamecube, and PS1 games at 1080p with that setup. Possibly PS2 as well. I have much less experience with PS2 emulation.
  5. PS1, PS2, Saturn, Dreamcast, Gamecube, and Wii emulation are all great. I have no idea about Wii U or 3ds. For PS1 I'd use Beetle/Mednafen - this can be used in Retroarch. PS2 I'd use PCSX2. Saturn I'd use Mednafen Saturn - Also available in Retroarch. If your PC isn't powerful enough for it I'd use SSFLoader. Dreamcast I'd use Redream or Reicast - Available in Retroarch. Wii and Gamecube no question you'll want to use Dolphin.
  6. I have one more question. Is there a way to make your theme wait a specific amount of time before loading the image source? Say, 1 second.
  7. @NJDave71 showed me a very easy and more efficient way to solve this problem. <TextBlock x:Name="tbCSRImage" Visibility="Collapsed"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Aeon Nox/Images/etc/score/{0:F1}.png"> <Binding Path="ActiveGame.CommunityOrLocalStarRating" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Image Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=tbCSRImage}" ... />
  8. It worked! Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
  9. I understand that if I want ratings to round to the nearest .1 that I have to add more DataTriggers. Example -- <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="3" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/3.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="3.1" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/3.1.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="3.2" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/3.2.png" /> </DataTrigger>
  10. Hi, Could anyone tell me how to make my theme populate star ratings with community ratings that aren't whole numbers? Right now the only ratings that populate are whole number ratings. So for example, 3.124598 won't populate. Is there a way to make it round to 3.1? Thanks! <!--STAR RATING--> <Viewbox Grid.Column="11" Grid.Row="4" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" StretchDirection="DownOnly" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Panel.ZIndex="101" Margin="0,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"> </Viewbox> <Image Grid.Column="15" Grid.Row="4" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" Panel.ZIndex="101" > <Image.Style> <Style TargetType="Image"> <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/0.png" /> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="1" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/1.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="2" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/2.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="3" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/3.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="4" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/4.png" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.CommunityStarRating}" Value="5" > <Setter Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Custom/Images/Theme/5.png" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </Image.Style> </Image>
  11. Thanks again for your help @teeedubb!
  12. (-b -e) were still in the Default Command-Line Parameters. That's why it wasn't working. Thanks!
  13. I tried doing that. All it does is open Dolphin. No game is loaded.
  14. Currently I'm just trying to get this to work for Dolphin.
  15. Hi, Right now I have to create this script for every game that I want to use it on. I have to enter the emulator and game paths to get it to launch. Is there a way that I could use this script as an emulator in Launchbox and have it work for any game that I try launching? Thanks! MouseMove, 1920, 1080 RunWait, C:\Windows\nircmd\nircmd.exe monitor off Run, "C:\Users\a9041158\Documents\Ishiiruka.Stable.758(05f5dddab).x64\Dolphin.exe" /e C:\Users\a9041158\Documents\iso\Muramasa__The_Demon_Blade.iso Sleep, 500 Run, C:\Windows\nircmd\nircmd.exe monitor on $Esc:: { RunWait, C:\Windows\nircmd\nircmd.exe monitor off Sleep, 500 Process, Close, dolphin.exe Run, C:\Windows\nircmd\nircmd.exe monitor on }
  16. @Mozza I inserted a screenshot to show you the error message that I'm getting. I entered the text of your script into the emulator/autohotkey area.
  17. I couldn't get it to work. I tried running it as an autohotkey script for Dolphin.
  18. Eh, it probably just went over my head.
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