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Posts posted by bbweiners

  1. I'm not sure if this constitutes as a bug/issue or not, but when I used Windows Media Player instead of VLC, the navigation in the new WallView while using FlowVideo was very choppy, would pause and eventually crash BigBox.

    I know this is a big revamp you guys are working on, and you're doing a great job!

  2. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:

    Beta 3 is out now with the following:

    • Improvement: The initial Add Games window that shows up for new users has been overhauled with all of the new import options

    • Fix for custom images not drawing correctly

    • Fix for sorting order incorrect

    • FlowControl's "GameContext" was changed to "FlowContext" since it can be for a game or a platform

    • FlowImage now has Stretch and StretchDirection properties

    • Wheel views can now use the new controls

    We also have functionality working for putting videos and/or Badge images inside of the wall view items (and in theory wheel or CoverFlow items as well), but we're still fixing a few bugs with those, so that will be in a beta next week.

    Fix for sorting order works for the Wall View, but not Horizontal Wheel Views.

    Wall View doesn't seem to respect "Rows Integer" For instance if you give rows a value of 2, it will still draw more than 2 rows. It will also act really weird with the way it animates/draws it.

    Wall View videos for games won't start playing until you select a game other than the first in your collection.

    Wall View doesn't allow me to launch my games! 

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  3. I found a couple more bugs with the wallview --

    - If you're in Bigbox and select genre's, collections or anything that isn't platforms, all the games are in a random, non alphabetical order.

    - When you open a platform, genre, collection, etc.. in Bigbox, videos won't start playing until you select a different game.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Beta 2 is out now with the following:

    • Views using the BoxArtCoverFactory now respect the GameImage setting instead of forcing Boxes
    • Wall view was attempting to draw items several times if you had less items than Columns x Rows causing index errors
    • Horizontal Platform Wheel wasn't respecting RotationAmount
    • Images in the new WallView were getting cut off because of a UV Coordinate issue and should now show correctly
    • Corrected an issue importing MS-DOS games via a drag and drop that would incorrectly set the application path of the game (introduced in 11.9)

    Custom Wheel Images are still not populating. Clear Logos are being used instead. I did an all image refresh.

  5. 52 minutes ago, damageinc86 said:

    I'm not sure if it was this beta that did it or not, but my bannerbox games view doesn't show banners anymore in bigbox.  It shows oversized clear logos instead.  I'm guessing it had something to do with it though, since this has been my first time starting launchbox in about a month, and i did all the updates that popped up.

    This would be what happens to me too. Do you know if BannerBox uses custom wheel images?

  6. The game selection border appears to not be centered correctly. It is thicker on the left side and top. This is very noticeable if you change the thickness from the default value of 30 to a smaller size, say 5. Then look at SNES or N64 games. 

  7. Hi,

    I've noticed a bug.

    When you're using, "View Genre" or "View Series" in Bigbox and a HorizontalWheelGamesView, the first game shows the wrong information. Wrong title, video, images, etc...

    This does not happen if you're using a WheelGamesView or TextGamesView.

    If you move the wheel left or right and go back to the first game, it then shows the correct data.


  8. Hi all,

    I have a weird problem. I have 17 platforms in my setup. When using Bigbox and any theme displaying the Boxes view, Platform views showing recently played or favorites, or just using Launchbox and having it display boxes, 14 of my systems show 2D box fronts. The other 3 of my systems show 3D box fronts.

    Any ideas as to why?


  9. Could anyone clarify what this feature entails --

     Add Sort By Options to Big Box (another item in the alphanumeric list)

    Does this mean that when you're in a platform, you'll be able to sort games by genres, playmodes, release year, etc... when invoking the alphanumeric list, instead of just sorting by title?

  10. 15 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    I'll be reviewing the clear logos issue in Big Box. I haven't seen it happen yet myself, but with everyone experiencing it, it should be easy enough to reproduce.

    I'm not sure if this is obvious or not, but the wheel is having the same issue with any images, not just clear logos.

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