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Everything posted by srxz

  1. All those points are currently fixed. I just need to test them and release it, so it will break less Regarding the Depressurizer, it really scrapes the html page, I will not do that with steam, I prefer keep it "legal", what I can do is to get the categories to Custom fields and Tags from steamspy.com (see this https://steamspy.com/app/750920 ) but Ill think about it, if it really worth go to 2 apis to get information, i will double the complexity and maintainability of the scraper for a feature that only Premium members have
  2. Hi @CriticalCid thanks for your testing and thoughts, I will try to fix these issues: Replace invalid characters (Im already doing this Windows wide, I block every invalid char that windows forbidden, this is a LB problem ) , this is the problem with //N.P.P.D. RUSH//- The milk of Ultraviolet , I just replace invalid chars with _, and double _ makes LB doesnt find the media, I will replace it with something else I already validate if the metadata is there, if not it just makes it null. But I guess there's some metadata going through and this breaks the plugin I will check if the game has store page, if not i will treat the exception, this should be easy Regarding the feedback this is complicated, it goes to places that Im not expert, Im not a programmer so to explain a little, I use asynchronous download, this means that you can trigger the scrape button and keep interacting with LB, this is good because it dosnt lock the interface but on the other side since it is asynchrounous I have no idea on how to get the feedback that you need. If I plan to do all the download on other way the LB will just freeze until it stops, but it will be easy to give the feedback once its finished. But, my code is always open on github, it anyone knows how to do it I will kindly approve the merge request! So just hit the scrape button and chill for now ? I will update it and release a new version maybe today, would be great if you could test it again Like I said I didnt designed this for hundreds of games so I guess I'm happy with results lol! Regarding tags, custom fields, etc. Please see this : https://gist.github.com/rodrigosiviero/f6681dbfddddf9fbcf954bbac7a33ec4 this is the information that I retrieve from Steam, which are the information that you wish to add?! Unfortunately Steam doesn't give us steam tags Any doubts or questions you can also hit me up at discord directly srxz#5034
  3. That's odd, just make sure all the games that you've select are with Application Path : steam://rungameid/<idOfTheGame> , if not the multiple game option will just ignore. Another thing to try is to scrape it manually, see if it will pop the URL option or not, if it pops the application path is wrong. But in any case I will try it out as soon I get home and hope to fix it! Sure you can add me on steam! https://steamcommunity.com/id/sur0x
  4. Hi Scriven, you can give it a go. I added the features, let me know if its working.
  5. I tried the Steam import from LB last night and I might be able to do it. When LB adds the game to the Library it generates the launch parameter on Application path as: steam://rungameid/<AppId> e.g. steam://rungameid/730 So I just need to check if there's this pattern on Application path, if yes, does the scrap automatically based on the found ID, if not pops up the form to paste URL. Also I can add maybe the multiple game selection for this one.
  6. Please download it again and test it, I have updated the plugin.
  7. My backlog per year has around 25 games and i can't finish ?
  8. Hi Scriven, This is a good idea, since I never used the steam importer from LB I have no idea if adds the appID in somewhere, if yes I can do it easily. I will take a look this weekend on this. I didn't designed this for a 6500+ steam library, this is insane! ?
  9. Youtube had a major outage 24h ago, they changed something on their side as is stated here: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/YoutubeExplode/issues/169 the exact same error 22hours ago, it is already fixed I just need to update the Youtube library. I will do this tonight after work, around 7PM EST.
  10. I believe that is codec problem, do you use any codec pack? If not I suggest at least k-lite codec pack basic - https://codecguide.com/download_kl.htm
  11. Launchbox already has this feature to import every game from your user from steam, this scraper was made to update selected games, for example I have over 600 games on steam and only want 10~15 added to launchbox so I will add them manually and scrape it manually. But you got the point, it allows scrape steam games bought in other ways as well ?
  12. Steam Scraper View File Plugin that scrapes Steam Information, banner, screenshots and video to a selected game. Requirements: Launchbox 8.8+ Install: Extract the content of zip file to : Launchbox/plugins/SteamScraper Source code: Github (feel free to make a pull request ) Thanks to: @fawkesyeah for the extensive testing @CriticalCid for Ideas. EDIT If you have trouble running the plugin and crashing due CAS error, please right click on the DLL's , properties and then unblock. Usage: Just paste the Steam URL from the game that you need to scrape information. Video Tutorial: If you want to add Additional Custom fields and Tags please edit the properties.json : Note: This will generate a LOT of tags, I advise to hide it if you are going to use it. (Legacy Settings -> Game Details -> Disable Custom Fields) Also if you have the SteamDB or SteamSpy Link only you can use it to get the Steam metadata as well, the regex works just remind to put the / on the final url just like this: BUT THIS WONT GET INFO FROM THE RESPECTIVELY WEBSITES, IT WILL GO TO STEAM ANYWAYS. Submitter srxz Submitted 09/27/2018 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins
  13. Version 2.3


    Plugin that scrapes Steam Information, banner, screenshots and video to a selected game. Requirements: Launchbox 8.8+ Install: Extract the content of zip file to : Launchbox/plugins/SteamScraper Source code: Github (feel free to make a pull request ) Thanks to: @fawkesyeah for the extensive testing @CriticalCid for Ideas. EDIT If you have trouble running the plugin and crashing due CAS error, please right click on the DLL's , properties and then unblock. Usage: Just paste the Steam URL from the game that you need to scrape information. Video Tutorial: If you want to add Additional Custom fields and Tags please edit the properties.json : Note: This will generate a LOT of tags, I advise to hide it if you are going to use it. (Legacy Settings -> Game Details -> Disable Custom Fields) Also if you have the SteamDB or SteamSpy Link only you can use it to get the Steam metadata as well, the regex works just remind to put the / on the final url just like this: BUT THIS WONT GET INFO FROM THE RESPECTIVELY WEBSITES, IT WILL GO TO STEAM ANYWAYS.
  14. Yes, That would be feasible and correct way to do it, maybe I can add a checkbox to Force update of the fields even if the information is filled. I tested the first Dev version yesterday and it is kinda of working, video is being download but there's something breaking it sometimes, last thing to implement is screenshots.
  15. probably I will put some box to OK to overwrite or cancel Having some problems on set the information to the game, posted on the forums but no one replied yet
  16. Guys, I'm trying to set selectedGame details from a form or from another Class for example so i set the setters and getters: public static string gameNotes { get; set; } on my OnSelected method from IGame Interface I do: public void OnSelected(IGame selectedGame) { gameNotes = selectedGame.Notes; Form1 frm = new Form1(); frm.Show(); } Then on my Form I do MyInterfaceClass.gameNotes = "Some Notes" But it doesn't set on Launchbox, Am I doing something wrong? If Someone could help me would be great
  17. Yes sir, Screenshots lists and Genres list! I forgot the line code to output to CMD, but if you check the code on the left side you can see the SSList and the genresList code. It will take more time for the plugin, but we will get there(I hope).
  18. Added you on Discord, the gathering of the information is complete, got everything I think, later this week I will start the plugin itself, information so far:
  19. @fawkesyeahBanner I mean the game logo, for example: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/764790/header.jpg from https://store.steampowered.com/app/764790/The_Messenger/ is that it?
  20. Last night I spent trying to do a crawler myself on C#, since I never worked with c# before it took me a long time to do it, but I managed to get the Game logo, developer, publisher, release date and video. I don't think we need more stuff correct? Maybe I can get more images but I have no idea how to add it to Launchbox programmatically, I just need now to put the code into a new plugin, can't use the same as Youtube. I was thinking in do the same as the Youtube URL, you paste the URL link and it parses everything. Steam might block if you try to scrape like 200 games at once, so I'm thinking if I add the bulk action it would be bad, but, I don't think that someone has like Mame 5000 games so one each time would be better. Regarding those like, thanks I found them yesterday and they are not good for app metadata, except this one https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/User:RJackson/StorefrontAPI , This was a good find I think I can parse this and get all the info that we need without scrape everything! I'm a little bit f*** on my work but I will try to code something on the following weeks, if you are on Discord please DM me so I can send you the first versions as soon they are done since I do not have premium anymore would be good someone testing it.
  21. I was actually just looking into this right now. Yes it is doable, but, on the wrong way, I would have to "scrape" the website and get information manually, this is a bad practice. Steam as far I know doesn't provide you API to get metadata from their games. Actually I was looking to get ALL the metadata from steam and put it on Game Details of launchbox, such as publisher, developer, year, etc. The process to get only the video is the same, I need to find thqe webpage, crawl until I find the file and download it, there's some problems with this, if steam changes the page it will break and steam can easily block me if I request too much.
  22. @Kondorito @fawkesyeah could you guys please test it with 8.7 I have uploaded the new version I couldn't test with the videos, i guess my license expired and video doesn't show anymore??!!? But I verified that the video throwing error got downloaded. Also thank you @fawkesyeah for the idea to put Vive games to Launchbox, I have hundreds of them out of steam and sometimes it's just a nightmare to know what to play.
  23. Hey @Kondorito @fawkesyeah, thanks for the report. Im at work now, I will try to look into this after I get home, it seems like youtube updated something on their side everyone is having this problem, good thing is the library that I use (YotutubeExplode) already updated I just need to compile the new version and release it.
  24. Could you please copy and paste the error and send to me? Please provide more info so I can help. ps. do you speak portuguese? If yes, hit me an PM and I can help you in portuguese.
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