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Everything posted by tallpr24

  1. i have the game running if i run it out of launchbox, but when i launch from lanchbox i get an error. any ideas ?
  2. for me was my password had funny characters, i reset the password to only contain letter and numbes and all good now. try that
  3. hello, i now running into this issue as well. I am not running cemu as admin and pasted the script as well. but it still goes into window mode. any other sugguestions?
  4. Hmm, going to keep your advise in my head should it happen again. Thank you.
  5. so doing that did not work, but then i went back and un checked it and now is working as it should. i guess i ran into some kind of glitch??
  6. that did not work for me. its happening with dolphin, no matter what i do it starts in the background, the weird thing is that this is a copy of my setup from my pc my son uses. I dont see anything different
  7. i have a weird issue. i made a copy of my current setup by simply copying everything on my pc hard drive (launcbbox, roms and emulator folders) to another usb drive. i have done this a million times and i never had this issue. but for some reason now, on the backup drive, when i launch a game in big box it launches behind big box. I have to alt tab over to that windows to see it and close it. any ideas how i can fix this?
  8. understood, thank you for your help
  9. understood, thank you for your help
  10. Looks like it’s all working now . Thank you. So do the videos always load slow like they do for me? Is there a setting for that? I was hoping it would be like batocera
  11. hello!! weird issue here. i have launchbox working on my main computer. eveyrthing works fine, when i click test on emumovies section of launchbox it works. i have a usb back up drive i keep for emergencies, when i try to log into the emu movies from the launchbox on the usb drive, it says log in failed., check user name and password. i littery copied and pasted the password even typed in manually but it just wont work. any ideas what im doing wrong?
  12. samething with xbox 360, no video snaps
  13. its working now, been trying to download video snaps for all the games, is it normal for popular systems like the og xbox to not have any movie snaps?
  14. Also, I wasn’t a premier user at eMU movies so four hours ago I paid for the life subscription is that may be why it’s not appearing?
  15. I don’t have that option. How do I tell launchbox to download this game videos?
  16. i have the same issue, exept for me i have the videos checkbox checked. i think maybe i never downloaded the vidoes for each game>? how can i check that?
  17. how do you activate or set up the auto playing of preview videos for each game like in emulation station or batocera in launchbox/bigbox?
  18. path is the same, checked in launchbox and re mapped the .exe just in case, but no matter what i do , launchbox tries to launch the game then it just goes back to the launchbox game list screen. any ideas what im doing wrong or what im missing ?
  19. my windows license is not working with android, do i need to purchase a new license for android?
  20. is it easier to simply delete the system and re add it?
  21. is pointing to H:\roms\super nes\ but it should be h:\roms\Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  22. man, i didnt know i can check that. i see the path is wrong. how can I change the path for all these games all at once?
  23. i also tried to launch the games directly from retroarch and they launch just fine.
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