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Everything posted by tallpr24

  1. ok, so changed it so launchbox does not run as admin. i was able to use drag and drop, but still same problem, after the normal process, at the end i get " 0 games imported"
  2. let mey try to launch launchbox as normal and not as admin
  3. no, it doesn't look like that function is activated on my launchbox, i just checked my sons computer, and i cant do drag and drop on his neither.
  4. i tried dragging it to launchbox but the icon turns red with a line in the middle showing the function cannot work.
  5. I'm having a strange issue. no matter what i do launchbox will not import mario kart 8. i had this issue in the past. I was able to get past this issue with a suggestion given to me here to import it a custom console like "test 1" and then after the game imports, edited it to the correct data but thats not working neither. Any ideas?
  6. i was able to get intelivision, master system and virtual boy to work. the only ones not working are the following: psp 3do and dreamcast any ideas?
  7. sorry Neil9000, will not do that going forward
  8. I used Mame .0216. put these files in the folder along with your roms use the correct flags in launchbox, see below for gamepark use :gp32 -memc put the gp32.zip bios files in your rom folder in mame.
  9. these are the only ones i cant get to work intelivision master system virtual boy pspp
  10. disregard, user error lol only have a few not working one of them is 3d0. will report back soon with the other 2
  11. so some of them worked on android but the following did not. The roms are the same exact ones im using in windows so the names are all correct. The following systems wont load bezels. gameboy --gambette atari lynx-- handy gamegear --genesis plus gx 3d0--4d0 atari jaguar-virtual jaguar sega saturn--crashes gameboy color-gambette wonder swam gameboy advance
  12. yes , but it runs like crap
  13. so , i run this in windows, then copy the folders over?
  14. oh, wow, i wasnt aware you were the auther!! great job, i love your app. I will try that.
  15. there is no option to export emulator settings or configs, only the games.
  16. no i have not tried that. i thought this was a retroarch feature, your export utility exports the retroarch config files and changes them to work on android?
  17. damn, i dont think it will work, i just read on a youtube forum that each bezel has a config file associated to it in the config folder. That file has a path in there thats setup for windows path, there is a guy on youtube i found posted the bezels but he reconfigured the config files to point at the android path, here is the url and files needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggfy_CaEkWA&lc=z230c5myzlrzuj4bp04t1aokgbyy2fhobdcuhzhgr0clrk0h00410.1578886824939057 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fopen%3Fid%3D1RYEO2eqqzcfqWJZgHe8jAwK-HnSpL-NB&v=ggfy_CaEkWA&redir_token=mh5zBuQiOR3auSZ5wlhkEnZA-8R8MTU3OTAwNzQzNkAxNTc4OTIxMDM2&event=video_description https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F11GFijZMpIgMLvhpn64cHiwsm3y6xe7DPfTRgoNr5ddE&v=ggfy_CaEkWA&redir_token=mh5zBuQiOR3auSZ5wlhkEnZA-8R8MTU3OTAwNzQzNkAxNTc4OTIxMDM2&event=video_description
  18. Any one know if this will work on android?
  19. just wondering about getting bezels to work on the android side ? is it as simple as just copying the config and bezel folders to retroarch onto the retroarch folder in android?
  20. you know, i havent plaid any of the roms that require the number pad, i think are you are correct, i have only played the games dont require it.
  21. i love mame, but for me, i like retroarch for the simplicity of the controller setup. the cores come preconfigured . for me the colecovision core was already configured. controllers worked perfect for me, but again this i a preference thing , also, all i did was drop the bios files and the roms just work , no fiddling with file names, even though i did rename them any way because i wanted the bezels to work.
  22. Not sure if your interested, but Colecovision works good using retroarch
  23. i get the same warning. I cant get the game to play, but at least it launches.
  24. here is my rom folder in mame, it empty, im using 0.216 and i edite my mame.ini. did you try editing your mame.ini to where your games folder is before renaming them?
  25. thats interesting. I dint have to rename my roms, it just works. see my naming format, they are regular full names.
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