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Everything posted by tallpr24

  1. thank you, can you send me some screen shots on how a game would like with your settings?
  2. i got this to work but the controls dont work, im using xbox controller, all other retroarch cores work with this controller, but not with nec pcfx. i get the game to launch and i see the game in the middle of pcfx menu but the little hand is stuck on the eject button and I cant move it. any ideas?
  3. if anyone is interested. by changing these paramerters in the mame.ini, it enables scanlines. looks amazing.
  4. thanks.
  5. Hello, does anyone know how use /activate shaders in mame? I love the way the grits scanlines.slangp look in retroarch. I read on reddit you have to use HLSL shader. what I would like to do, my end game , is to have the shader on for all mame games.
  6. good info thank you.
  7. ok to start a new topic on my sound issues?
  8. i got them all to work, but now i have new issue with this new rom set. keep in mind all i did was change my rom set from old .78 to a new set (.251) some of the roms in mame, lots of them from Capcom, but there are others, have a cracking really bad sound when i Launch them. i read some where to check refresh rates and audio latency, but all that checks out, and i use other cores for all legacy systems like nes and genesis and many others. its seems to be happening only with the mame cores in retroarch. any one know how to fix the sound issues in retroarch mame ?
  9. hello, what retro arch core do i use for .251 i tried a bunch and none seem to work. running retro arch 64 bit 1.14. . Im also using a non merged full set.
  10. this is working good, should i be concerned about any special bios files needed from my full set?
  11. got it. i will try that and report back.
  12. yes, i have 217 non-merged set, its like 132 gb. way too big. so import them but select move to launchbox instead of leave in current folder? then i can grab them from the roms launchbox folder and delete the other from their original location?
  13. hello, I know you had provided .bat file that would actually move those roms for you. can you provide that here? i would like to have those roms only , and remove the ones that launchbox is ignoring to save hard drive space.
  14. were can i get the smaller set? the 2003 mame core, does not seem to run some of my roms, the one thing i did change recently is that i upgraded from 32 bit retroarch to 64 bit rectroarch
  15. I finally found the version of mame rom set i have its MAME v0.078 i have had this rom set for many years. does this help? the new mame rom set is over 150 gigs. is there a smaller good collection that you know off?
  16. thank you so much!! you guys are awesome!!!
  17. so for mame 0.251 what is the best retroarch core to use for this set?
  18. damn, I see an option to include this in playlist, and i have been seperating half these systems just to get them to show up as seperate consoles/systems. i wasted so much time lol. Im going to try the new mame rom set and start over again.
  19. sorry for the delay. here is the screen shot you requested.
  20. if i do that , then it removes the consoles like sege genesis and nintendo game boy, is there a way to show these play list in addition to consoles?
  21. this is just arcade, when i imported my mame roms years ago.
  22. i have it set this way, so if i activate this, they will show up in big box as seperate systems?
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