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Everything posted by mo50cal

  1. tried this and it doesn't work at all it just loads the emulator
  2. how can i make all the arcade platforms marquees change with the games like the arcade platform
  3. this started since last update when i select options for the game menu they just don't show up i can get only play, view achievements and star rating to show also i can't get add to playlist not to show
  4. that would be great
  5. you are the man... first off it didn't work (lol) but for the first time ever i was able to play 3 monitor mode how can i edit the script to make all 3 screens pop up in full screen?
  6. i tried this my antivirus aggressively deleted the exe and demul.ini thank god i backed it up well i eventually got it to work but the antivirus just keeps deleting it even after i gave it an exception
    great work a phillips cdi would be very appreciated thank you!!!!
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