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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Thank you for explaining brother, much appreciated! This clears up the issue, I have no idea how to incorporate an iValueConverter so i'll leave it as it is.
  2. I'm working on a custom LB Theme and it's going quite well, one thing I really can't seem to tackle is the following, something I wanted to do/see for a long time now. Normally in Big box you can alternate field and output in style, for example: <TextBlock Text="Status: " Foreground="#5731F8" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="24" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.Version}" Foreground="#8287ED" FontWeight="Medium" FontSize="24" /> Resulting in something like - Status: Good But in Launchbox the first field "Status:" is already baked into the output resulting in "Status: Good" without the ability to be creative with the outcome much, I could alternate the colors on each row but then again when a field is missing in between the two rows you'll get the same colored rows on top of each other again. <TextBlock Text="{Binding Status}" Visibility="{Binding StatusVisibility}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,0,0,4" /> Example when a field is not present, than the alternating colors aren't effective: What I really would like to be able to do: I would love to separate these fields as I find it looks better (not so much in above example though, that was just a quick setup) but also an improvement in readability and fast eye navigation but I am at a loss when it comes to those binding paths and what can be done with them further in coding, I hope I expressed this well in proper english lol Another wish I have is being able to style different outputs like "Good" in green "Imperfect" in orange and "Preliminary" in red, although I have a feeling this isn't possible. I hope someone can help me explain if things can be done or impossible etc, hope I don't bother you by doing so, thanks for reading either way @Jason Carr @Grila @eatkinola @Rincewind @Lordmonkus
  3. Arcade & Diner: 5.1 Surround Ambience View File A completely different mix than the one posted yesterday it's composed and mixed in 5.1 Dolby Digital, out of 5 different one hour ambience recordings, each recording is slowly spinning 45 degrees within 5 minutes to either Front Left, Front Right, Surround Right, Surround Left or the Mid-speaker, but they even travel across the matrix in depth, sort of like 3D sound depth. This way the audio hopefully won't become repetitive as with most ambience recordings after a while. Can also be played on stereo systems although the surround effect will be less. If you like to simulate an arcade setting, audio helps give it that extra dimension/mood. Just fire up the audio with your media player of choice and MAME-away The file is an MKA file, the audio container format of well known MKV video container format. At least MPC-HC and VLC will be able to play it but other players may as well. Hope you like! p.s. It's also nice to play the 5.1 audio with your eyes closed, strangely it relaxes lol ? Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 02/01/2019 Category Sound Packs  
  4. Version 1.3


    A completely different mix than the one posted yesterday it's composed and mixed in 5.1 Dolby Digital, out of 5 different one hour ambience recordings, each recording is slowly spinning 45 degrees within 5 minutes to either Front Left, Front Right, Surround Right, Surround Left or the Mid-speaker, but they even travel across the matrix in depth, sort of like 3D sound depth. This way the audio hopefully won't become repetitive as with most ambience recordings after a while. Can also be played on stereo systems although the surround effect will be less. If you like to simulate an arcade setting, audio helps give it that extra dimension/mood. Just fire up the audio with your media player of choice and MAME-away The file is an MKA file, the audio container format of well known MKV video container format. At least MPC-HC and VLC will be able to play it but other players may as well. Hope you like! p.s. It's also nice to play the 5.1 audio with your eyes closed, strangely it relaxes lol ?
  5. Arcade & Diner - Dynamic Stereo Ambience View File If you like to simulate an arcade setting, audio helps give it that extra dimension/mood. Just fire up the mp3 with your media player of choice and MAME-away This is an hour long ambience Mp3 file, I mixed several sources of a diner and an arcade together with a dynamic left to right panning mix on 4 tracks, especially useful when you've set up a home cinema / audio set which has the ability of spreading 2 channel stereo to the back speakers as 4 channel stereo. When the dynamic panning sets in it comes really close to a real surround mix, it makes the ambience feel more realistic with depth. Now I haven't tested the file yet with headphones on so be warned, it might not be a suitable mix for this as you might hear too much detail where the rough panning wasn't performed well. Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 01/31/2019 Category Big Box Sound Packs
  6. Thanks bro, ah yes mission succeeded!
  7. Startup Theme for this Big Box theme is released in advance:
  8. Neon Deluxe Arcade (Street) - Startup Theme View File Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner. Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme: Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street) Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside) Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming) This Startup theme does not use fanart backgrounds but one static image in 4K quality. 1. The left side has been bound to "Box3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 2. The right side has been bound to "Cart3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 3. On the left side covering the 3DBox is bound to "CartFrontImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 4. Game logo in Top Center Unpack the folder in: LAUNCHBOX\StartupThemes, go to startup settings and choose the title of this theme. If you like the startup theme to last longer on your screen, simply delay it to 5 seconds in the launchbox and/or bigbox settings. Enjoy! ? Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 01/31/2019 Category Startup Themes
  9. Version 1.6


    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner. Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme: Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street) Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside) Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming) This Startup theme does not use fanart backgrounds but one static image in 4K quality. 1. The left side has been bound to "Box3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 2. The right side has been bound to "Cart3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 3. On the left side covering the 3DBox is bound to "CartFrontImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list. 4. Game logo in Top Center Unpack the folder in: LAUNCHBOX\StartupThemes, go to startup settings and choose the title of this theme. If you like the startup theme to last longer on your screen, simply delay it to 5 seconds in the launchbox and/or bigbox settings. Enjoy! ?
  10. Awesome \m/ ps Confirmation: Futurestate Neon Deluxe was converted successfully in beta 8. \m/
  11. (Warning: Opinion article/review lol) With this controller added to the collection it feels like I am back in the console wars again, the epic years of Sega sucks and Nintendon't, the endless show-off of smelly black belt gaming teens and pale technologically advanced android children, the war will only end when this generation passes on to the next dimension, without a doubt the war will go on over there, anyhoot... I feel like I have a SNESS controller and a Mega Drive controller in my collection again, but better... much much better! (opinion < opinion!) The most expensive controller (top-left Xbox One controller) does not compare to the other two, ain't that funny! But I never had an xbox variant console or controller before so the feeling of this controller has never grew on me. The 8bitdo SF30 Pro is amazing brother @Dane, it is smaller than the rest but funny enough it is just right and wide enough for around 30 years older hands. It's exactly like the original controller in terms of feel - or how I remember it - it was my favorite controller back in the day and I didn't like the original Mega Drive controller as much back then as the D-pad wasn't as pleasing to me and if I remember correctly I didn't like the buttons sticking up so high, also it was a bit too large for my hands in those days, but I played a lot with them either way and still love those controllers as well. Now the Hori Fighting Commander wins this contest for me without any doubt! But this controller has dual analogness, wirelessness, rumbleness and aerial movementness (forgot what they call it) and probably some wise assness other feature my old brain fails to pick up. I find the analog sticks on this controller much better than any other I've checked, those are Dual Shock 3 & 4 - looser than these I haven't found anywhere yet, funny how I only noticed the looseness since comparing other controllers - and Logitech F310. It has the perfect amount of 'tightness', it's tightness is about the same as the Xbox One controller but the Xbox One controller's sticks are a bit higher giving that 'stick' feeling more 'schtick' although the SF30 wins the analog contest as it has a much nicer feeling 'grip-wise'. I love the old classic select and start button placement, what I really don't like however is the position of the 'guide/home' button (situated below yellow button B), since I use this button as a 'press, hold, combine' button for secondary actions it would have been better if they would have placed it somewhere in the middle, between the analog sticks or on top of the logo lol. The other small extra button - below the D-pad - is a Turbo button, it works but it does not have the amazing second level turbo function the Hori has: auto pressing and repeating the button, that's just Hori 2.0 for ya. But at least it has turbo. The D-pad. Difficult, I like em both but Hori wins for ease of 'roundness' if you know what I mean, the SF30 Pro has a bit smaller and a more 4-way pronounced feel, which can be great to when desired a more 8 bit feeling so to speak. All in all, both these controllers combined is all I need for now untill something better comes along. Greetings, Lust ps Sega rules! ?
  12. Ah ok, can't promise it won't be demanding for your system although with Futurestate Neon Deluxe I also made some views which where a lot quicker. Have you tried turning off all background images , cleanup images and turn off all transitions for this system?
  13. What is a Potato FE PC?! Lol sounds organic
  14. Slow progress on bezels, will show when getting it to work in xaml, meanwhile further work on arcade inside, small changes, while I'm working on it it slowly falls into place to being a completely different theme than Futurestate Neon Deluxe, puzzling where which element goes can be quite a mind fuck.
  15. Awesome @Jason Carr I was just working on a new theme and riddled how I would do such thing as platform specific and there you are! ? Seen this @Kondorito?
  16. @Kondorito I dont know which files will be in play for these changes (havent tried it yet) but if you are afraid of things changing around try to temporarily protect those files by setting the files to "read only", works for most things windows.
  17. Not sure if this answers your question but just in case: 1. Big Box/Options/View > Check box: "Remember Separate view for each platform" 2. Big Box/Options/Controller Buttons (and/or Keyboard Mappings)/Switch Theme > Map a button/key for Switch theme, now when you are in a platform you can use the button/key to switch and it will remember which theme you've used.
  18. In the mean time I bought a Xbox one wireless controller as I have never used any xbox controller before I was curious, to cut things short: I like the analog sticks better than ps4 although the top of the sticks are meh, the dpad is not my thing as it clicks and overall it doesnt really do it for me, its much smaller than I thought. The Hori Fighter Commander is still my fav controller, and finally was able to order a 8bitdo SF30 pro controller, have been wanting this one for a long time now.
  19. I like to make my own backgrounds/graphics so it will have a unique feeling and in 4K, New Retro Arcade screenshots (almost all in 1080p) are overly used at this point. For the time being it will be a crossover between FutureState Neon Deluxe and this new theme: "Neon Deluxe Arcade" it'll feature a cabinet with video/screenshots, what you've described is my wish as well although at this point I might only be able to get the arcade cabinet part done, when PASC is out i'll try to make a different screen for each system, it'll work much easier then.
  20. I just place the 2 images here without saying a word, that way it will be really mysterious, they'll be like huh? Why doesn't he say something, I'm going to sit here and watch.
  21. I'd like to change the text color of a status, like "Good" would be green, "Imperfect" in orange and Preliminary" in red. Anyone know if this would be possible and how this can be done? Thanks for any reply.
  22. Thank you so much for all the hard work, I still have to finish watching the video but it already blows my mind how cool this is, ps 4K youtube video is also awesome!
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