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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. LOL Dan! Did you try poffertjes en oliebollen as well? you talk dutch a bit? I don't like my country much or it's general inhabitants lol but I don't like our species much either way, call me trans-species, I feel like a different animal... anyway back to the swamps of Nether, it's not bad to live in on social and economic terms although at least whats left of it after decades of destructive corporatism, it's hard to explain but you see it in more countries, it seems everything has been a bit too much about money and less about the human/nature aspect, one thing this country lacks quite a lot is escape from people and lack of nature because it is so small and crowded. Anyhow ignore my bitter ramblings, I shouldn't be talking about politics or the state of the world here, escapism at it's finest> game rooms, man caves and launchbox it's keeping me happy, it is medicine.
  2. @Hayata The Netherlands, we do have recliners, I have one in my game room but not the big and the really fluffy classic recliners I see on tv, the filling seems so much more comfortable to sit in. Knowing my country if we have em they would be very expensive, maybe I can find a similar second hand one day. Ps you better start prepping some food and drinks brother, before you know it you'll have to live there
  3. Those recliners are a wet dream for me man, good lord how cool! I think these are typical US recliners as I see them in US movies and series but never over in my country, maybe I should search better though. Amazing place you've got man!
  4. Can you describe what you see and what is checked when going to bigbox/settings/controller? Do you connect your ps4 controller through usb? When you pressed select do you mean you pressed the X button and then your windows system shutdown completely?
  5. @Dan Found an english link to the future technology I mentioned before, in the further future when it'll be more more common and affordable this would be the perfect sizable marquee monitor: https://www.lg.com/global/lg-signature/oled-tv-r9
  6. Sorry to say but the time frame will be stretched, got some health and other issues going on the side which will delay the project some what, not to say it will take a year longer though but perhaps weeks longer, it is hard to say. I try to do as much work as I can each day but it will take some more time, some packs have less media than others, like the letter M is quite large and a bit messy, gotta keep the quality constant and sometimes logos differ so much in color or style with the flyer I just need to cut out the logo from the flyer to make it look like a serious box, I rather spend more time on it than make it look half decent.
  7. I talk a lot, so I want to keep it short for you guys: Launchbox is a magic unicorn, I like magic unicorns, well hell if you where a kid in the 80's or 90's and all of a sudden you see a magic unicorn in front of you and beside it a launchbox installation, which one would hold most magic for you? Just sayin' *disappears back into the colorful shadows of a magical rainbow*
  8. Thanks man Yeah you do need quite a bit of cash if you're going custom/bar display marquee monitor. The monitor I use is quite cheap compared to those and the image quality is very good, still surprised by it's quality actually. I saw an article about the upcoming foldable oled screens, these can be rolled up, theoratically (excuse my english lol) if these can adjust themselfs to display only screens without black borders top or bottom by rolling down and move the display to the top then you'll be really able to size the screen to the marquee, not cheap either but interesting thought.
  9. That looks amazing bro! Love the wooden walls!
  10. Thanks man! Very interesting read indeed, love it!
  11. Good to hear! That would certainly uncomplicate a lot for scraping and working with/for media of arcade systems. Even though I like to be able to see or sort by arcade system names, maybe a new info field for this could be an alternative to help sorting these in playlists, although I have no idea how complicated this would be for you guys to realize or if theres a better way.
  12. That's really cool of you bro!!! Thanks man ?
  13. Not sure if you want to or planning to but I love those cartoony shoot em ups aka Cute em Ups, best known are the parodius series, I havent started yet but want to give these Cute em Ups their own genre field in my collection so I can make a playlist of these, would be great to have a video with these as I haven't seen it around.
  14. Hot damn, its Epic all over! Great work \m/
  15. Wow brother that looks amazing! Really impressed by this, I hope you can make this for BigBox as well someday, I never used Hyperspin before as I rolled into the community through Launchbox. I subscribed to your channel as well Your cabinet and marquees remind me a bit of the ones we made for the arcade cabinets project and the redone Neo geo marquees, you can use those in case you like to work on other NeoGeo projects if you want, keep up the great work! Links: And this one, it has more obscure Neo Geo game marquees compared to the dual layout versions if you're interested:
  16. Thanks, I want to wait for the UV Led TL (not sure if TL is called the same overseas) tubes to come along as , I've seen normal led tubes come by, I think that would spread the light better in such a small room. Maybe a bulb with uv leds placed around will work as well although not sure if it would work the same technology-wise. Yeah those bars will blind you as well, its scary stuff
  17. Ah yes, I learn new english words every day, thanks bro Those led spots are far too bright for a small room like this lol these spots are shining thus far into other rooms when the door is open that it reflects on the walls so downstairs anything white still lights up without seeing the purple light anymore, I hope I explained this well lol
  18. I have this one pointed to front direction and a smaller one of 6 lights pointed to the back: https://www.amazon.co.uk/beamz-Black-Light-Ultraviolet-Lighting-Mobile/dp/B075R31Q6Y/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1547191672&sr=8-8&keywords=beamz+uv+led It works really well although when installing these you do have to place them well so they don't reflect in the monitors, the color seems a lighter shade of purple than traditional TL tubes and light up the room far more than the traditional ones, I like these UV Leds more than traditional as the UV effect is also brighter but wish it was (dont know the exact english term) radial/global light instead of spots as it's hard to position well in smaller rooms without screen reflection or them shining in your eyes, so I had to place 2 of them in the middle of the ceiling and point to both directions. The posters are from a poster book, a collection of classic/famous UV posters used during the counter culture.
  19. If you care to https://translate.google.com/ yourself I can answer you brother.
  20. Here's my game room/time capsule/psychedelic galaxy, a few photo's as I don't want to spam this with 20 photos, more photos here:
  21. Update of the (finally finished) room where I play and work on all the projects, no more desk and office chair, been sitting on those for almost 20 years, time for something new. Tried to catch every detail, 20 photos should be enough It's more than a game room it's a bit of a time capsule of past century things I love. I do have to remove some dust though lol Well that's it all in all.
  22. At the moment the launchbox database is being reconstructed after a hdd fail so it can take a little while to recover every image again, I think tomorrow should be safe to download them just to be sure, normally you can download media by selecting games and then go to tools/download metadata and images, here you can choose which categories you'd like to scrape, don't forget to let Arcade Marquees checked.
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