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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Wonderful work like always! @Jason Carr I asked you about this extract/copy function before (about selecting .cpp files) but it does work as I hoped, I might not have explained my question in proper english I think as this IS what I was waiting for as I can select and copy the roms from different arcade systems to other folders so I can split them for other platforms/emulators. Thanks brother! \m/
  2. Sounds great Jason! Does the new Export/Copy Rom files function also mean we could extract roms from a mame set based on selection of .cpp like Naomi for example so we can separate roms to different platforms/emulators? That would be really awesome! \m/
  3. Thanks guys! I've been off in calculating how long something is going to take me before but I hope I have it right this time; next week or around christmas for the 0ABCDE pack, I have to gather, process and place around 80 different company logos on the set and then check if any games in this range have missing boxes & clear logos still, plus a final check up on the colors and contrast.
  4. Glad to hear bro thank you, without you this project would'nt have happened!
  5. Working to finish the "0ABCDE" pack, definitely not complete yet and I see I still have to correct a few grey levels and saturation within these but consider it as a preview of what the end result will look like, hope to release the pack next week or around christmas. It also includes logo's and artwork previously unavailable, alternative, rare and custom artwork. 0ABCDE_-_Preview.zip
  6. Oh hell yes, Faxanadu! Loved that game and it's soundtrack \m/
  7. This soundtrack blew my mind back in the day, I was especially glad the Megadrive had a headphone jack so I could listen to it without the TV turned on. So many other amazing soundtracks (still discovering them) but this one keeps a special place for me. ps Top Gear on the SNES was quite special.
  8. Thanks man, good to hear! I was thinking of a solution (could be a stupid thought though as i'm a bit blurry atm) but an option in the download media option to scrape media from a secondary platform as in "scrape as" or something, although this could mess up ones media collection when not used properly and the fact the games are linked to a database ID. Meanwhile I'll try to upload missink logos and flyers I collected and cut out in the process.
  9. Meanwhile I added the clear logo to the entry of above example in the database, to keep in mind after reading the above issue.
  10. @Jason Carr A thing I noticed having used scraping through the full mame set importer (to get all media to create these boxes) are that a lot of games have been moved with their media to different platforms like Naomi, Model 2 etc. these games don't get scraped unless they have a copy of them still within the arcade section (which isn't always the case I think as I'm missing some media) but only the media within this arcade entry gets scraped, an example would be this Beach Spikers entry, the logo wasn't downloaded but the flyer was so I noticed something was going on, is there a way for the importer to still download these from other arcade platforms as well or a future fix in the works? Arcade entry: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/35103 Naomi entry: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/75590
  11. Congrats man, looking really nice! \m/
  12. You could try a batch image converting tool, photoshop has its image processing tool for example but there are loads out there, this way you can build a collection for a day for instance and at the end of the collecting you batch convert them. Bmp is really an outdated format, png is so much better with its smaller filesize and lossless compression, not to mention alpha transparency.
  13. This seems to be a firefox bug have you tried with another browser? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1191462
  14. A basement is a dream I wont be able to ever fullfill, as we hardly have basements in my country. Thats even cooler man!
  15. Ps convincing the wife, you have to make sure she'll get a wish fullfilled as well and it'll work out man, worked for me!
  16. Yes I know the feeling, once Marquee-fever hit me I transformed an entire room for it, there is no way back for you now bro haha
  17. There is a lot of work to be done (what have I begun lol), many corrections needed, covers missing or wrong covers etc. I can't leave errors alone when I see it (terrible OCD) Here is an example of one special game that doesn't have any promo material online so I put something together for Galaxy Game (1971) to work with. I guess I'll be organizing this arcade 3d box project the same way as the arcade cabinets project and release it in letter packs so the wait of results isn't months/year from now. Hope you like this ode to a very special and beautiful cabinet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Game
  18. I agree, some times you just have to play and check/research games and it's marquee through launchbox in a quick way, would be great if it could be added as an optional thing one day. But at this point there is so much work for him to be done, gotta be patient.
  19. yep here it is, the video that made me get a marquee screen
  20. Lol, you mean the marquee images? In bigbox settings there are options to choose your secondary display and show the marquee images, theres a tutorial on this on the launchbox youtube channel if im not mistaken, very easy to set up.
  21. It is foolish to be certain of things that are completely subjective.
  22. I got this one an ultrawide screen 21:9, its pretty cheap and great quality: https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-25UM58-P-ultrawide-monitor
  23. I tried to make my own Arcade neon sign by ordering a DIY EL wire kit.... Good lord what a waste of money, I friggin' love the product now. Theres so much wrong with it that I don't know where to begin, most of all the constant high pitch beep is very soothing, or if you want more soothing you can let it blink or blink faster which means beeping fast or faster, loving it. Gotta find a way to put it to good use now, maybe I should put it under my pillow while I sleep.
  24. All good things come to those who are pushy wait ?
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