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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. @Hoshizuku no Kaiyou Do you speak Japanese? Reason I ask is that i'm translating and reconstructing japanese instruction cards from time to time, mostly I can translate them if there are low quality english versions but sometimes they haven't been made, it would be great if I could ask someone that could read it.
  2. Awesome! I have quite a few high res photographs of arcade cabinets when you stand before them but a lot of these games dont run well in mame, this way they can finally be put to good use in the future.
  3. Looking really great man, my compliments! To unravel the mysteries a bit, the clear logo displays if there aint no marquee because of the image priority settings youve succesfully changed. The 'doubling' of the marquee/clear logo is something I came across as well when I created the magic marquee filler trick. For some reason any image file you add/link to the marquee xaml will keep on changing back to the marquee placeholder, this is probably because of the way the pre-coded environment is created. Maybe @Jason Carr can shed some light on this.
  4. The new Ghouls 'n Ghosts poster in action, finally another long standing wish fullfilled, I had it print in matt so the light reflection would be better in black-light, I didn't expect it to behave that well, look at that lightning coming out! ?? If you want to print something for yourself as well you can find the file here:
  5. See here for more info and examples of stretch and stretchdirection: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.controls.mediaelement.stretch?view=netframework-4.7.2 Edit: Should be 'uniformtofill' if an overflow is wanted.
  6. Oh and probably this as well: HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
  7. Lol the: you know what you want when you see it, principle I think (bare with me as I mostly just change code around till it works instead of the right theory right out of my head) all it needs then is the stretch property of the blurred layer to be set at downonly or uponly, youll have to test out what changes it brings. Stretch="Uniform" StretchDirection="DownOnly"
  8. Ah ok so basically you need to scale the blurred layer in the same dimensions as the layer that is in front; the marquee/clear logo. Have you tried (I havent looked at the code that RetroHumanoid posted) copying the same scaling/positioning code for the marquee/clear logo? I made something simular before which is quite simplistic but maybe you can use it to learn/experiment/mix in with the code from RetroHumanoid.
  9. You mean with the clear; - clear logo, right? Is there empty space at the top of each clear logo? If not it could be empty space within some of the png files in need of cropping blank space first. Otherwise all thats left is messing around with the positioning of the logo code.
  10. Glad it worked out with the logo (I'm going to try this out for my own setup as well) I'll tag some people that may be able to help you further on the technical questions: @Jason Carr @RetroHumanoid Edit: oops you already posted Retrohumanoid lol
  11. If i'm not mistaken you can go to options within launchbox and change the image priorities for I think box front (could be another image category) if you check clear logo in here and push it further up in priority it should work, mightvtake you some experimenting with this by putting clear logo to the far top to test it out.
  12. Happy Halloween poster View File I was looking for the full art (without any text or logo's) of this legendary megadrive/genesis Ghouls'n Ghosts cover, I couldn't find it anywhere so I reconstructed it. I've wanted this as a poster in my game room for a long time and so may you perhaps, now we can Maybe it can serve for other purposes as well. Happy Halloween all! Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 10/27/2018 Category Game Media
  13. Version 1.0.1


    I was looking for the full art (without any text or logo's) of this legendary megadrive/genesis Ghouls'n Ghosts cover, I couldn't find it anywhere so I reconstructed it. I've wanted this as a poster in my game room for a long time and so may you perhaps, now we can Maybe it can serve for other purposes as well. Happy Halloween all!
  14. Holy crap, you mean you actually got one? ?
  15. I've see it come by on Metal Jesus Rocks and Game Sack, more info:
  16. A request for media: Cute 'Em Ups, I like those games lol
  17. Personally I prefer a favorites playlist automatically more than developers/publishers, those could be made manually which would be less playlists (faster system) as most people probably would create a favorite developer/publisher playlist, but thats just a thought. A warning message could be very helpful indeed, getting best of both worlds.
  18. Superb man, thank you so much! I have looked beyond that option, gonna try that
  19. @Jason Carr I hope this is the right place to ask this if not i'm really sorry, it's a bit hard for me to find the right search terms in english. Since the overhaul of the mame importer tool I'm a bit confused how to import/update an image from the database without also downloading the metadata from the database. Since this metadata is outdated and/or doesn't have the same metadata as the importer has (which is so useful for the new playlists but also has so much more info). Is there a way to do so or is it still being worked on? I reckon I have to remove said game and import it again to get the mame metadata and updated images? Wouldn't it be best if all the mame metadata is transfered to the database at some point and the entries locked (so games won't be renamed back and forth, would be better for playlist stability as well I guess) so all we would have to do update the entries with new images/media?
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