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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Yeah I'm looking through that, I also noted the copyright symbol touching the new '5200' but I trust you will make it a beautiful piece of art like always
  2. Thanks man, glad to see you enjoy it In order for the 3D box to show up you have to check in keyboard or joystick button mappings (within bigbox settings) which button is set to "Switch Image Type", with this you can switch the image type in that placeholder on the fly. Not sure but do note image type view is remembered for each platform so you'll probably have to set it to the right view. I see you don't have the theme's font installed btw was this on purpose? If not check out the installation instructions, should look better. The spinning disc is something that was added to the unified theme isn't it? I am not that experienced in theming yet.
  3. Sounds really good, thanks man! I'll be checking it out later this month to really understand the new system.
  4. @Jason Carr I'm wondering how the mame metadata works together with LaunchboxDB and playlists. One example that confuses me is House of the Dead, (for the record I did not install the beta yet or rescraped my mame library) this game is an arcade game but it is not listed under arcade, instead it scraped (a few months ago) this game as House of the Dead 4 (rom file is hotd), I searched the game in the database and see it is listed/changed? under Sega Model 2 as a platform will this mean it will not be under arcade even with the new metadata but it will be in the new Sega Model 2 playlist but then listed as a different platform? One other question: If I delete my arcade list and playlists will all my game ratings be deleted as well?
  5. Looks amazing man! Segaretro is not stable over at this end as well.
  6. You think I should use this property with a lower value in my theme as well to speed it up or is it optimized by default? Always looking to speed the theme up as long lists with thousands of games are a bit sluggish <- Which seems logical to me but if I can speed it up further any advice is welcome
  7. Yep seems like the mouse is slowly developing the wearing out issue I mentioned before if it's behaving like that cross-OS. If you have another less used mouse try it out, that way you can rule out if it's hardware related. Almost all mice develop this after heavy use, funny enough it happened to me far sooner multiple times with expensive Logitech, Roccat and Microsoft mice, while this cheap mouse is outlasting it already, it's a 15 euro Corsair (edit: It starts with a C lol, it's a Coolermaster actually) compared to 40 to 60 euro mice I used before. I use side buttons a lot for quick copy and paste functions, the funny thing is you can program these buttons with freeware drivers so you dont have to buy expensive mice for this task alone (which is why I did before).
    Back in time! Awesome bro, thank you!
  8. @Jason Carr @Lordmonkus I just had an update again with version 8.5 but there is no difference in the change log, know what's up?
  9. Someone mentioned the gpu is quite important for smooth navigation in BigBox as well, so it could be that part which is slower maybe? For me my mame list (6500 games atm) is slower than lists with under or around hundred games and my system is sufficient enough, just gotta clean out the mame folder and its immense size of media files in a slow pace, i've downloaded all media in triple amount: from launchbox, emumovies and seperate media packs all thrown in lol so its no wonder it's seeking and sorting quite some data lol good luck with the mancave <- its the best thing ever ??
  10. Ps. Very long lists with thousands of games do make bigbox slower as well btw
  11. When I started with launchbox I run it at a slower and unstable system, it crashed a lot (not because of launchbox btw) which caused my data folder to become corrupt at times it seems quite sensitive for crashes. What I did was make a folder inside launchbox folder and called "_Backup" in which I store a copy of the contents, it's not very large as its xml files mostly. I know launchbkx makes auto backups but this one time I wasnt able to restore corrupted xml files with these so I do it manually now which saved my ass a few times on that system. The media folders could be backupped on another disc like images and videos if you customized them a lot if not then you could only backup the data folder and if a crash may appear you could download all media from the scraper again. Basically you could backup your entire collection ofcourse lol but just a few tips in how I do it. SSD seems to be the best and fastest way but a bit more expensive, do keep in mind the slower loading times could occur because of a lower end system, slow gpu but also which theme you use, always check if the default theme is causing slownes as that one should be the fastest. Turning off all background images within launchbox image priorities settings helps speed up as does setting all transitions to none within bigbox settings.
  12. Imagine you had this machine as a child in the 80's, it would be the universe at your fingertips. Great work bro!
  13. PS I am not sure but you also have to include those user control headers "xmlns" to make stuff work but you probably know more about this than I.
  14. I did make a theme based on someone else his theme but to be honest I don't know everything about it still, but I learned a lot. Below I paste some out of the documentation that comes in the default theme folder, these are the possible codes to display video's as far as I know. You mind want to ask around in the thread "XAML tips & tricks" <called something like that, thats where the real experts are. Good luck bro! SelectedPlatform vs. ActivePlatform Please note that with the below properties, anywhere SelectedPlatform is used, ActivePlatform can be used instead. ActivePlatform will wait for the selection to be completely updated before updating, while SelectedPlatform will update immediately upon selecting a new platform. ImageVideoTransitionSelector <transitions:TransitionPresenter Grid.Row="1" TransitionSelector="{Binding ImageVideoTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding ImageVideoView}" IsContentVideo="true"/> BackgroundView The view to use for the background; will return a view of type BackgroundView or ImageVideoView <transitions:TransitionPresenter TransitionSelector="{Binding BackgroundTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding BackgroundView}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualHeight}" Width="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualWidth}" IsContentVideo="true" />
  15. Don't know if it could help you guys but the way I remove or I should rather say 'keep' the video files from a platform is by dragging all videos in the location where the rom files are stored, this way I can easily see which ones to delete as the names of the rom files are identical to the names of the videos, at least that is the way I set it up.
    “I can't think of anything more rewarding than being able to express yourself to others through painting. Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul.” ― Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross, Vol. 29
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