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Everything posted by GunerX

  1. Platform background video's are working. But playlists are still not working. here is the "Nintendo DS" video. It works.
  2. ok. I just checked everything again, and it STILL is not doing what you claim it should. it SHOULD change the video background at this point, right?
  3. yes I read that part, but I thought that was for Platform Catagories. my mistake.
  4. i did read the instructions, i even just re-read it because of what you just said, I guess I misunderstood. so the thing I want to do is not even possible at all??? I want to change the background video here:
  5. its not the cache. i delete the entire cache folder often. see previous thread here
  6. ok. did that. does nothing. F:\Program Files\LaunchBox\Themes\CriticalZoneV2\Videos\Backgrounds\Platforms\Nintendo DS same file as before.
  7. also forgot to mention this issue persists with Images aswell.
  8. -update- Platform FOREGROUND video's will override, Background Platform video's will NOT. for the record I put a video here: F:\Program Files\LaunchBox\Themes\CriticalZoneV2\Videos\Backgrounds\Platforms the video is called "Nintendo DS.mp4" this same exact video will override the FOREGROUND video if it is placed in here: F:\Program Files\LaunchBox\Themes\CriticalZoneV2\Videos\Platforms it seems that NOTHING put into "backgrounds" works except for the Default folder.
  9. 1: default video works just fine, i can dump any number of vids into that folder and it will cycle through them 2: i havnt tried platforms, let me go do that now 3: playlist is named "Metroid" (will grab a screenshot of the default images folder that clearly shows the folder name is "Metroid" ) 4: i have like 9 different "Metroid" related vids, Ive tried them all, they work just fine everywhere else, just not inside the theme folder anywhere 5: yes 6: yes, ill grab a screenshot for you in a moment
  10. there are no permission issues. and if there were, take ownership would have fixed it already.
  11. ok. i give up. ive spent days (literally days) and asked for help on the forums. I cant get this theme to OVERRIDE videos/images. the only folder that functions is "Default". someone. anyone. if you have figured out how to make this work. please help me. (and dont do the typical asshat internet thing and tell me to read the instructions, I did, I put the same image/video in EVERY SINGLE FOLDER THAT IS IN THE THEME and it STILL does NOT override the images/play the videos)
  12. ok. i give up. ive spent days (literally days) and asked for help on the forums. I cant get this theme to OVERRIDE videos/images. the only folder that functions is "Default". someone. anyone. if you have figured out how to make this work. please help me.
  13. nvm. i spoke too soon. it was the Cache that was keeping the logo in place. after deleting the cache and making a new fresh one, there is no clear logo again.... -sigh-
  14. that fixed it. it has to have the exact same folder setup as the normal images folder. making the folders like this: Playlists > Metroid > Clear Logo > image.png this makes it work
  15. ? does it need its own folder inside Playlist??? like > Playlists > Metroid > clearlogo.png
  16. yes. that is what i ended up doing. it works that way. but if i ever want to change themes its going to get complicated
  17. i am having this same issue -.-; launchbox wont start them, but if i open nestopia and open a rom from there, it works fine.
  18. yes. this is what i ment. i just typoed platform. i put it into Playlists and it still didnt work.
  19. according to the readme of the theme I am using, i just go into the theme folder > CriticalZoneV2 > images > Platforms > Clear Logo > and put the image here and name it the same name as the Playlist. ok. I did that. but bigbox isnt loading it. Ive restared bigbox many times, deleted the cache, refreshed the cache, force loaded all wheel images, etc etc. Playlist name is "Metroid" image name is "Metroid.png". what am I doing wrong?
  20. i have set in big box "prioritize soundtrack music over video audio" and this works....most of the time... Xenosaga 2's video sound ALWAYS plays regardless of what settings I use. I am doing something wrong? or is this a bug?
  21. it works. thanks!
  22. How do I get big box to display the game Version next to the title? I have some ROM hacks of Super Metroid, they are all titled "Super Metroid: ROM HACK NAME" but in big box its just "Super Metroid" so its hard to figure out which is which
  23. there is a comparison example on their home page. also i compared 3 images (1920x1080) before and after compression, I could not see a difference. The service is free, try it out for yourself.
  24. Ive been noticing that some images that launchbox scrapes are very good quality and also very small file sizes....while others are very very large file sizes (6 or even 7 MB for a single image). this results in slower load times (especially when we have around 5,000+ images) and it takes up A LOT of space on the drives. I am currently going through all of my folders and (slowly) compressing the images into much more manageable sizes using TinyPNG.com. Heres an example of what I mean: I recommend that you work together with them to get all images uploaded to the DB to be compressed by their servers and then returned to the DB. They have a developer API section on their site aswell. https://tinypng.com/developers
  25. what the title says. I submitted changes to Xenosaga I and they were approved, you can see the images here https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/5169 but when I rescrape for new images in LaunchBox, I still get the old images (which were deleted) and none of the new images. am I doing something wrong or should I just try again later?
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