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Everything posted by Sbaby

  1. Because I make children play and things must be simple and above all they must not be hidden Furthermore, children often make key combinations without realizing it and press the exit, while in this way there would be an extra step and it would be better I already have the key combination set up but I'd like that too because it's there for all the other games and I'm used to it now and every time the kids ask me "why doesn't it work?" "Why does the other game work instead?" 😁 And then too many things have to be remembered
  2. thanks but if in a year I play that game again how do I remember that the reset corresponds to the exit? I don't understand why this feature is not enabled for windows games. I understand that 90% of them have the option to exit within the game but there should be the choice of being able to enter it
  3. how can i do this with a windows game? to be exact it's Haunted Museum 2, it's a windows arcade game that doesn't have the EXIT option. I am aware that I can use a script that sends ALTF4 input but as I made a nice pause screen with the commands and it works, it makes me visualize the gun controls, I would like to use the EXIT pause option from launchbox pause screen. How to do? Single games do not have the lb EXIT section, I could insert some scripts in the lb PAUSE section of the game but which script should activate when pressing the last EXIT GAME option of launchbox?
  4. Hey ! they are beautiful, congratulations, I will definitely use them. Could you also do it with punchout and ghost'n goblins? I see you made Ghoul's n Ghost beautiful but I would like to have the name of the first title
  5. Unfortunately the menu no longer works with this script. Also I think if you want to exit the menu by choosing the option and not by f1 it probably won't work well
  6. great @skizzosjt It would be useful if it turned off during the retroarch menu. Is it possible to make it deactivate at the first press of f1 and reactivate at the second press of f1?
  7. Through your screenshots I understand 😊 I used FadeTitle ahk class obtained with ctrl-q instead I have to insert those contained in TeknoParrot (v1.0.0.361).ini Now I have tried with VT4 and it works Thank you EDIT : The problem is actually that it did not read the ini file because of the names, maybe because I use the launchbox plug in, I had to rename it like this [Virtua Tennis 4] GameProfile=VT4 FadeTitle=A SegaLib Application ahk_class SegaLib Application To [VT4] GameProfile=VT4 FadeTitle=A SegaLib Application ahk_class SegaLib Application anyway works now
  8. hi, i just wanted to close this by saying i solved the problem thanks to @skizzosjt 👏 😋 see here:
  9. you are very smart! Thank you very much, it is really useful to me
  10. thank you very much for your tests. You gave me good directions. I'll keep you updated
  11. hi, I tried this module but I still have problems loading, could you kindly tell me how you configure it?
  12. Fantastic ! It works ! 👍😊 it would be useful if it only worked when Retroarch is focus maximized! I would not like it to press "o" when I am in the bigbox pause or for some reason I momentarily minimized the retroarch window. How could this be done?
  13. Launchbox : 12.14 Retroarch : 1.10.3 Flycast : Core version 7457db8 Games : all those emulated by flycast, you can also try Virtua Tennis 1 and 2 if you want Pause theme : Game Controls FS (Full Screen - Beta) (with png image files) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- config\Flycast\Flycast.opt : reicast_allow_service_buttons = "disabled" reicast_alpha_sorting = "per-triangle (normal)" reicast_analog_stick_deadzone = "15%" reicast_anisotropic_filtering = "4" reicast_auto_skip_frame = "disabled" reicast_boot_to_bios = "disabled" reicast_broadcast = "NTSC" reicast_cable_type = "TV (Composite)" reicast_custom_textures = "disabled" reicast_delay_frame_swapping = "disabled" reicast_detect_vsync_swap_interval = "disabled" reicast_digital_triggers = "disabled" reicast_dump_textures = "disabled" reicast_enable_dsp = "enabled" reicast_enable_purupuru = "enabled" reicast_enable_rttb = "disabled" reicast_fog = "enabled" reicast_force_freeplay = "disabled" reicast_force_wince = "disabled" reicast_frame_skipping = "disabled" reicast_gdrom_fast_loading = "disabled" reicast_hle_bios = "disabled" reicast_internal_resolution = "640x480" reicast_language = "Italian" reicast_lightgun1_crosshair = "disabled" reicast_lightgun2_crosshair = "disabled" reicast_lightgun3_crosshair = "Green" reicast_lightgun4_crosshair = "Blue" reicast_mipmapping = "enabled" reicast_native_depth_interpolation = "disabled" reicast_oit_abuffer_size = "512MB" reicast_oit_layers = "32" reicast_per_content_vmus = "disabled" reicast_pvr2_filtering = "disabled" reicast_region = "Europe" reicast_screen_rotation = "horizontal" reicast_show_lightgun_settings = "disabled" reicast_show_vmu_screen_settings = "disabled" reicast_texture_filtering = "0" reicast_texupscale = "1" reicast_texupscale_max_filtered_texture_size = "256" reicast_threaded_rendering = "enabled" reicast_trigger_deadzone = "0%" reicast_vmu1_pixel_off_color = "DEFAULT_OFF 01" reicast_vmu1_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00" reicast_vmu1_screen_display = "disabled" reicast_vmu1_screen_opacity = "100%" reicast_vmu1_screen_position = "Upper Left" reicast_vmu1_screen_size_mult = "1x" reicast_vmu2_pixel_off_color = "DEFAULT_OFF 01" reicast_vmu2_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00" reicast_vmu2_screen_display = "disabled" reicast_vmu2_screen_opacity = "100%" reicast_vmu2_screen_position = "Upper Left" reicast_vmu2_screen_size_mult = "1x" reicast_vmu3_pixel_off_color = "DEFAULT_OFF 01" reicast_vmu3_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00" reicast_vmu3_screen_display = "disabled" reicast_vmu3_screen_opacity = "100%" reicast_vmu3_screen_position = "Upper Left" reicast_vmu3_screen_size_mult = "1x" reicast_vmu4_pixel_off_color = "DEFAULT_OFF 01" reicast_vmu4_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00" reicast_vmu4_screen_display = "disabled" reicast_vmu4_screen_opacity = "100%" reicast_vmu4_screen_position = "Upper Left" reicast_vmu4_screen_size_mult = "1x" reicast_volume_modifier_enable = "enabled" reicast_widescreen_cheats = "disabled" reicast_widescreen_hack = "disabled"
  14. for mame I am still using the native (not retroarch) for some reasons related to past configurations, but sooner or later I will also want to use retroarch While for almost all consoles I use retroarch and I am very happy. In launchbox I set a configuration file for each platform emulated by retroarch with the command -c "folder\platform.cfg" .... Inside the file I set the string: input_overlay = ": \ overlays \ borders \ platform.cfg". so for example I have snes.cfg with the generic overlay with animated border of buttons. Then I also have various single-setup games that are automatically downloaded from launchbox and bezzel project in the \ overlays \ GameBezels folder. In short, as you can see, I have various configurations based on what I like! I am interested in being able to change the bezel on the fly for various reasons including also the safeguard of my oled screen, I would like to be able to change it every now and then with a button, for example when I do long gaming sessions, or turn it off, or that it changes by itself every minute with some autohotkey scripts. If you feel like giving me a hand I would be really grateful, even if for the moment only for retroarch is fine 🤗
  15. thank you, I look forward to it. ☺ A small clarification: I use flycast core for naomi arcade roms. I used to use demul but now I prefer flycast for various things, including some nice ones.
  16. I delete all configs. I have tried starting everything from the beginning with the retroarch configurations (default) but the problem persists . It only happens with the FLYCAST core, with all the other cores I don't have this problem. Can you please try flycast core and tell me if you have any problems ?
  17. For mame, do you know if there is a keyboard command or button to disable and enable the bezel on the fly? without having to press tab and do it manually from the mame panel 🧐
  18. I'm sure it's retroarch because with other retroarch launch configurations it works fine, I have one configuration for each retroarch platform. The problem I've tried to figure out which of the many options is not the same but I can't find
  19. Retroarch loses full screen when I go in and out of the launchbox pause It is probably a retroarch setting because until recently I had no problems. But I don't find it. Can anyone help me? 2022-08-15 16-49-20-
  20. Great ! now my experience with mame is back as it once was ! Thanks !!! I have applied the exclusion to my Kaspersky
  21. beautiful jewel, congratulations 👍
  22. Can you share your image pack?
  23. thanks but i didn't use cpwizard, i just got png files downloaded from launchbox, i can't mass change game titles and button labels
  24. I temporarily used ImageMagick software to mass-edit all the png images by automatically adding the black frame. In this way it is not very nice but it is operational Unfortunately there are about 150 missing from my arcade collection but patience, for now these 327 are enough, automatically transformed by the batch file For the missing games I temporarily use a 6 button one and renamed it to Arcade.png if someone gives me some ideas to improve everything aesthetically automatically I would appreciate 🙋‍♂️
  25. i have a similar problem my naomi games show the dreamcast bezels but i would like it bezelproject arcade. The problem is that if you select all naomi games from sega naomi's playlist and proceed with the media update, the bezels section will not appear. Usually it happens at the end of the update of the images from launchbox and emumovies but in this case it doesn't happen, why?
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