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Everything posted by Sbaby

  1. Sbaby

    HDR setting

    I prefer to always keep it on. I have 2000 Windows games and emulators and only the ones mentioned have problems. Anyway thanks for your advice, I'll try and then I'll let you know
  2. Sbaby

    HDR setting

    my main problem is that starting these games reset windows hdr brightness leaving hdr on. Also I would like all retroarch cores to work in hdr, some don't work instead
  3. Sbaby

    HDR setting

    Hi, Retroarch and almost all emulators work fine with HDR enabled in Windows 11, but some emulators when launched cause HDR to be deactivated and not reactivated when returning to Launchbox. Other emulators only cause a Windows HDR brightness reset and I have to change it every time I start one of these emulators Retroarch with Nintendo 64 Retroarch with Vectrex Retroarch with 3DS Xemu Rpcs3 Ryujinx Yuzu Future Pinball ---- Advice? ... Edit : Cemu works with HDR.! Is Yuzu that doesn't work
  4. It was just like that
  5. After continuous attempts, close, reopen, without success I tried to keep the error window in the background, in doing so I was able to make a random change to a game and this allowed the launchbox to restart correctly. Now I am calm but I hope it does not happen again 😓
  6. I have this serious problem that occurs when launchbox starts. I have already tried to reload the data backup folder but the problem persists. I have already tried to reinstall launchbox and I tried it both on windows 11 and on windows 10 but always error. I can no longer do anything but close or I am forced to use only bigbox. I have already officially reported the problem but I wanted to know if anyone has it -------------------------------------------------------------- Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'window') App: LaunchBox Version: 12.14 Type: System.ArgumentNullException Site: Void .ctor(System.Windows.Window) Source: PresentationFramework at System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper..ctor(Window window) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MessageBoxEx.Show(Window ownerWindow, String text, String caption, MessageBoxButton buttons, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defResult) at ParameterClass.CollectFailureException(Window owner, String text, String caption, MessageBoxButton buttons, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult, ParameterClass ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MessageBoxManager.PromptYesNo(String message, MessageBoxResult defaultButton) at TaskVisitor.CollectFailureException(String message, MessageBoxResult defaultButton, TaskVisitor ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.SideBarViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass79_0.ComputeInvalidRepository() at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeDelegateCore() at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Wait(TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl(DispatcherOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.InvokeConcreteWorker(Object , Object , DispatcherPriority ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.SideBarViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass79_0.CallAdvisableDic(Object , DispatcherPriority ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.SideBarViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass79_0.InstantiateInvalidRepository() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.CompareConcreteRepository(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.RateTransformerFilter() at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Recent Log: 09:27:11 Exception
  7. Your themes are great, i use them all (NES,SNES, MEGADRIVE, PSX) . I really hope they arrive for other consoles as well ☺️
  8. This is it : I would like it like this, size and position of the xbox controller (cpwizard png folder) Then it would also be great if the original control panel of the arcade cabinet were in place of the gamecube controller (mame Cpanel png folder)
  9. I figured out my problem, I was actually using theme ControlBox so I had to put Arcade.axml in that location. Now it works but obviously I see the full screen control panel completely pixelated. I would like to reduce the size and position of the png but I struggle to understand 😥
  10. Are your images normally in png or jpg? PNG (but I also tried the jpg) What is the exact name of the platform? Arcade Are you keeping the images in the folder designated by Retro808? I've been using it for some time now for generic consoles and it works fine, even with some single Arcade and MS-DOS games (with the code name of launchbox) they work fine. The folders I use are: \ Launchbox \ Images \ Game Controls \ \ Launchbox \ Images \ Game Controls \ Arcade \ \ Launchbox \ Images \ Game Controls \ MS-DOS \ While the theme in which I have default.xaml is: \ Launchbox \ PauseThemes \ Game Controls FS \ I had tried putting your Arcade.xaml in \ Launchbox \ PauseThemes \ Game Controls FS \ and then the gng.png image in \ Launchbox \ Images \ Game Controls \ Arcade \ it does not work
  11. Many thanks I tried with Ghosts'n Goblins with the gng.png image and also with the gng.jpg image but it doesn't work. If I rename gng.png to 6382.png it works but I have too many roms and it would be impossible to do it manually for all of them
  12. For console it is fine but for mame games how can I insert all the images with the correct name? Is there an application that converts control panel image rom names into launchbox code names?
  13. I use this: https://github.com/TcNobo/TcNo-Acc-Switcher Added as an additional application in the appropriate section launchbox
  14. but instead it would not be possible that every 30 seconds the bezel totally changes or changes color? There are some official games that have this option, for example Deathsmiles. Couldn't it be done with Retroarch or Mame?
  15. yes, I already have those settings active, but I'm still scared 🥲
  16. I'm worried about my Oled TV, with the bezels always static it could have a tendency to suffer from the so-called burn-in. I would not like to find myself in this bad situation, I ask you if there are animated bezels or if there are videos instead of images for bezels, so as to avoid the image that is always still and static Even just for retroarch and mame would be enough for me Thanks
  17. Instead I tried to play Abuse zipped with retroarch and dosbox pure core as well but it works very badly compared to the normal dosbox, all jerky. Maybe I'm wrong or omitting something?
  18. AllGames.xml <console name="PC Engine"> <title>Ai Chou Aniki (CD)</title> <title>Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo (CD)</title> <title>Aldynes: The Mission Code for Rage Crisis</title> <title>Alien Crush</title> <title>Andre Panza: Kickboxing</title> <title>Batman</title> <title>Beyond Shadowgate (CD)</title> <title>Blazing Lazers | Gunhed</title> <title>Bloody Wolf</title> <title>Bomberman</title> <title>Bomberman '93</title> <title>Bomberman '94</title> <title>Bonk's Adventure</title> <title>Bonk's Revenge</title> <title>Buster Bros. (CD)</title> <title>Cadash</title> <title>China Warrior</title> <title>Cho Aniki (CD)</title> <title>Columns</title> <title>Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams (CD)</title> <title>Daimakaimura</title> <title>Darkwing Duck</title> <title>Devil's Crush: Naxat Pinball</title> <title>Die Hard</title> <title>Double Dragon II: The Revenge (CD)</title> <title>Download</title> <title>Dragon Spirit</title> <title>Dragon's Curse</title> <title>Druaga no Tou | Tower of Druaga, The</title> <title>Dungeon Explorer</title> <title>Final Match Tennis</title> <title>Galaga '88 | Galaga '90</title> <title>Gate of Thunder (CD)</title> <title>G&ouml;tzendiener (CD)</title> <title>Genji Tsushin Agedama</title> <title>Gokuraku! Chuuka Taisen</title> <title>Gradius</title> <title>Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou (CD)</title> <title>Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu</title> <title>Keith Courage in Alpha Zones</title> <title>KiKi KaiKai</title> <title>Legend of Hero Tonma</title> <title>Legendary Axe II, The</title> <title>Legendary Axe, The</title> <title>Loom (CD)</title> <title>Lords of Thunder (CD)</title> <title>Magical Chase</title> <title>Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (CD)</title> <title>Military Madness</title> <title>Moto Roader</title> <title>Neutopia</title> <title>Neutopia II</title> <title>New Adventure Island</title> <title>Ninja Ryuuken Den | Ninja Gaiden</title> <title>Ninja Spirit</title> <title>OutRun</title> <title>Pac-Land</title> <title>Psychosis | Paranoia</title> <title>Puyo Puyo CD (CD)</title> <title>R-Type</title> <title>Raiden</title> <title>Salamander</title> <title>Shinobi</title> <title>Shiryou Sensen: War of the Dead</title> <title>ShockMan</title> <title>Soldier Blade</title> <title>Space Harrier</title> <title>Splash Lake (CD)</title> <title>Splatterhouse</title> <title>Star Parodier (CD)</title> <title>Steam Heart's (CD)</title> <title>Street Fighter II: Champion Edition</title> <title>Super Star Soldier</title> <title>Sylphia (CD)</title> <title>Taito Chase H.Q.</title> <title>Toilet Kids</title> <title>Valis II (CD)</title> <title>Vigilante</title> <title>Volfied</title> <title>World Sports Competition</title> <title>Ys: Book I &amp; II (CD)</title> I own some of these games but the badges are not shown. The other platforms have badges retroachievments correctly
  19. I have "NEC PC-Engine CD" known as "NEC TurboGrafx CD" How to add it?
  20. I have for a long time some automatic profiles for the ds4windows program, if I start retroarch, automatically it will load a ds4windows retroarch profile that allows me to use the f1 key on the joypad pad. If I start retroarch natively works, it also worked when starting a retroarch-game from launchbox, but for some time it no longer loads the automatic profile if I start retroarch from launchbox. why ?
  21. Can someone share xbox bezel.png image ?
  22. Hi, for some strange reason it happens that while playing mame I still hear the sound of the launchbox or bigbox game preview video in the background. I found this solution with this "SoundVolumeView" application by starting this ahk when starting mame. In practice, it turns off the windows audio (only of the Bigbox and Launchbox application) during mame sessions. This works very well but I would like to ask if possible to add a native launchbox option to do this with all games. Is useful Link : https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/sound_volume_view.html Ahk Scripts : run, "M:\Giochi\Utility\Launchbox\ThirdParty\SoundVolumeView\SoundVolumeView.exe" /Mute LaunchBox run, "M:\Giochi\Utility\Launchbox\ThirdParty\SoundVolumeView\SoundVolumeView.exe" /Mute BigBox Process, WaitClose, mame.exe run, "M:\Giochi\Utility\Launchbox\ThirdParty\SoundVolumeView\SoundVolumeView.exe" /UnMute LaunchBox run, "M:\Giochi\Utility\Launchbox\ThirdParty\SoundVolumeView\SoundVolumeView.exe" /UnMute BigBox
  23. I have the problem that it doesn't stay for a long time but then it doesn't download anything. with the browser or with filezilla I connect perfectly How do I solve this problem?
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