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Everything posted by Sbaby

  1. ok, with this it works fine! Thank you 👏 But...I had already made these settings a long time ago, after a substantial Windows update it has removed all these particular checks from me also from other particular games to which I had set it. I ask you if there is a way with a script or command line that allows you to assign these parameters to the file at rom startup
  2. Sorry, I had removed it to test, but even checking the custom resolution the situation does not change ! ...now... Teknoparrot without BigBox is perfect 1920x1080 👇 With BigBox it doesn't work fine 👇
  3. mario kart with teknoparrot works fine in fullscreen 1920x1080 If I start it with launchbox or bigbox the window is cut and has a lower resolution, what could be the reason? all other tp games are fine with lb
  4. A really nice idea, great
  5. Use this with LB: https://github.com/TcNobo/TcNo-Acc-Switcher
  6. Okkkk ! Thanks ! Works fine 😍
  7. Only problem: if I switch from launchbox to bigbox or vice versa I lose the script and desktop return to original normal mode
  8. At the moment it didn't work but I added these two lines and it works fine now . It is also perfect with Windows 11. Thank you very much, very welcome 👍 ; To hide Icons, taskbar, minimize all windows, set wallpaper null, set background black ToggleEverything := HideDesktop() Runwait, "C:\Launchbox\BigBox.exe" Process, Wait, BigBox.exe Process, WaitClose, BigBox.exe ; To restore everything RestoreDesktop(ToggleEverything[1], ToggleEverything[2])
  9. I didn't understand what I should do ... Right now if I run 1.ahk everything works fine and everything goes black Then if I run 2.ahk it restores everything except original wallpaper how should i correct them? 1.ahk2.ahk
  10. Wow, that looks great and very interesting 😮 I did a test on a virtual machine with windows 10. I used your script ToggleAllLibrary.ahk I changed it by removing the semicolons from ToggleEverything: = HideDesktop () and magically it's all black ( This is great ) Then I used a second identical script but removing the semicolons from RestoreDesktop (ToggleEverything [1], ToggleEverything [2]) This brought me everything back to normal...icons, bar, etc except for the desktop background which remained black, instead it should have brought me back the original wallpaper, where did I go wrong? 🧐
  11. I would like to set a Windows desktop wallpaper when launchbox starts. This is for those milliseconds when I occasionally can't cover the desktop for some game loads (They are few but it happens to me). But then I would like the Windows 11 wallpaper to return when launchbox / bigbox is closed. Is it possible to do this with ahk script?
  12. thank you very very much ❤️💛👍👏💪💚💙😍
  13. Great ! 😎 I should figure out how to marry my TcNo-Acc-Switcher multiaccount choice with your ini manager. I'll do some rehearsals as soon as I can. thank you...
  14. ok when and if you want to share your work I will be happy to try it ☺️
  15. Where do you implement it? in native launchbox? Rocket Launcher I find it very cumbersome Instead with my script you just need to remember to create a rom (text file) with the same number you see when you import with launchbox. If you want to implement the executable of each game it must be an automatic thing but otherwise too much trouble for those who have many games
  16. I solved the problem by creating a new "APPLICATIONS" platform and putting DS4Windows in there as if it were a game. If you start Ds4Windows from BigBox, the automatic profiles start working again. Don't ask me why this happens but this is how it works
  17. i tweaked the wii script a bit, and de ps3 script, that @JoeViking245 and @Kiinkyfoxx had created very well here https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/39811-auto-hotkey-scripts/page/34 and I have created a new Steam launcher autohotkey emulator (SbabySteamLauncher.ahk) 😊 use these tick settings With the TcNo-Acc-Switcher software you have to enter your steam password only the first time, then it keeps them in memory and starts automatically without ever asking for them for each account. You can use this script even if you only have one account, just change it a little changes https://github.com/TcNobo/TcNo-Acc-Switcher This is the script of the emulator ahk file, you will have to enter the 3 data at the beginning, the folder where you installed TcNo-Acc-Switcher and the long numbers of the ids of your steam accounts instead of zeros You can change the buttons too, my buttons 1 and 2 correspond to joy3 and joy4, and for the keyboard they are V and B ;*************************Enter TcNo-Acc-Switcher Parameters************************* TcNoPath = M:\Games\Utility\TcNo-Acc-Switcher TcNoAccount1ID = 00000000000000000 TcNoAccount2ID = 00000000000000000 ;****************************************************************************************************** #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. StringSplit, ScriptNameArray, A_ScriptName,. #SingleInstance force Image = Themes\Image_start.png Image2 = Themes\Image_account1.png Image3 = Themes\Image_account2.png Image4 = Themes\Image_exit.png Emulator = "%TcNoPath%\TcNo-Acc-Switcher.exe" Options = Zw%A_ScreenWidth% Zh%A_ScreenHeight% ;Options = Zw1920 Zh1080 SplashImage,1:%Image%,b %Options%,,,MySplash WinMove, MySplash,,0,0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% WinMinimize, ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe, WinMinimize, ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe, WinMinimize, ahk_exe BigBox.exe, WinMinimize, ahk_exe BigBox.exe, MouseMove, 1920, 1080 #IfWinExist MySplash { 1Joy3:: 2Joy3:: $1:: $v:: { MouseMove, 1920, 1080 SplashImage,2:%Image2%,b %Options%,,,Splash2 WinMove, Splash2,,0,0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% WinWait, Splash2 SplashImage,1:off SetTimer, Image2, on, RunWait, %Emulator% +s:%TcNoAccount1ID% +open steam://rungameid/%1% Process, Wait, gameoverlayui.exe Process, WaitClose, gameoverlayui.exe Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -shutdown sleep 50 Gosub, Exit } 1Joy4:: 2Joy4:: $2:: $b:: { MouseMove, 1920, 1080 SplashImage,3:%Image3%,b %Options%,,,Splash3 WinMove, Splash3,,0,0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% WinWait, Splash3 SplashImage, 1:off SetTimer, Image3, on, RunWait, %Emulator% +s:%TcNoAccount2ID% +open steam://rungameid/%1% Process, Wait, gameoverlayui.exe Process, WaitClose, gameoverlayui.exe Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -shutdown sleep 50 Gosub, Exit } 1Joy2:: 2Joy2:: $Esc:: { SplashImage, 1:off Gosub, Exit } } Exit: SplashImage,4:%Image4%,b %Options%,,,Splash4 WinMove, Splash4,,0,0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% WinWait, Splash4 Process, Wait, steam.exe Process, WaitClose, steam.exe WinActivate, ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe, WinMaximize, ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe, WinActivate, ahk_exe BigBox.exe, WinMaximize, ahk_exe BigBox.exe, ExitApp Image2: Sleep, 9000 SplashImage, 2:off SetTimer, Image2, off, return Image3: Sleep, 9000 SplashImage, 3:off SetTimer, Image3, off, return Image4: Sleep, 5000 SplashImage, 4:off SetTimer, Image4, off, return ;************************************************************************ Inside the startup folder you need to create a Themes folder containing 4 images with the names that you find inside the code, these work as account choice and coverage of the loading and closing of Steam. I quickly created them with https://www.canva.com/ . you can create them as you like best I'm italian 😁 Roms files are simply txt empty files with the name of the steam game id number and without the extension Then create a ROMS folder, or whatever you like, and create many text files inside with the names of the games id. For example for Tekken 7 you will have 389730 (not 389730.txt) empty for each game steam starts at the start of the game and closes at the end by returning to launchbox. What do you think?
  18. I use "TcNo-Acc-Switcher" for choosing the steam account to start and it works very fine. Only thing I'd like to quit steam regularly after the game is over. The gameoverlayui process is active for every steam game so I am using this pre boot. With this script steam quits fine when the game is closed this works, with an external ahk file 👇 --- Process, Close, Steam.exe Sleep, 1000 #SingleInstance, Force #Persistent Process, Wait, gameoverlayui.exe Process, WaitClose, gameoverlayui.exe Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -shutdown sleep 50 ExitApp --- My problem is that I don't want to use the bulk applications but I would like it to be the default for every windows game, I tried to insert it in the launchbox script of every windows game but it doesn't work, what am I wrong? this doesn't work, but I would like to insert it right here 👇 Can anyone help me?
  19. It's true ! You are definitely right. I had set 5 seconds for the test and didn't think I would set it to 60 seconds for me too. Now I always use it and it works great. Thanks and very good! Another question: do you think something similar can be done for the ReShadeManager.dll plugin as well? Or maybe I should ask the author? 🤔
  20. Hi, i finally solved the problem 😁 There was a forgetfulness when I switched naomi games from using demul to using retroarch / flycast . Some games had custom configurations of launchbox pause resume, for example : ; Go back into fullscreen mode on resume; Demul requires it twice WinActivate, gpu Send! {Enter} Send! {Enter} I took them off and now everything works 🥳
  21. At this point the choice is obligatory for me: For me the options might be: Retroarch Pause via F1: Script pausing (Automatic) Return from pause Retroarch in all modes: Nothing (remains Script Off or pausing) so if one wants to take it back press F12 but at least there is no problem if one accidentally exits the retroarch menu in other ways What do you think ?
  22. I had understood even earlier! But I repeat, I have to remember all my life to behave in a certain way with the menu and it cannot be sustainable over time, furthermore as soon as the game goes into the hands of a friend or family it will not work. If they enter, exit and then re-enter the menu in different ways to change a key when they have to select it there will be the script that will choose O Thanks anyway for the effort, I will use it alone as long as I remember
  23. Hi 🤗, beautiful it works and these additions are great👍👍👍👏👏😍 However, the problem remains if I resume the game from the menu by pressing ENTER on RESUME GAME instead of pressing F1. This means that the change of bezel stops working, but the worst thing is that if I go back to the menu it starts pressing O inside the menu. You have already explained to me that it is a problem to fix it but I do not understand why if without pressing f1 I minimize retroarch and enter a text file, I script do not press O and it is correct, so somehow the script detects that Retroarch is not active. I ask you if it is not possible to apply the variable on the foreground of the bezel. In practice, if the bezel is in the foreground the scrip works otherwise if the bezel is in the background (so under the menu) the script pauses. I believe that somehow it can be done because it is already in this way, in fact by minimizing retroarch with the script running, it pauses correctly. Or I ask you if I simply have to insert in the script "RetroarchMenuHotkeyA" instead of "RetroarchMenuHotkeyB" ??? Give me an example
  24. Good idea ! I will keep both choices in mind every time I add arcade pc games 👍
  25. I could configure a fake emulator with autohotkey but then how can I tell the exit to close all those ahk windows arcade games that I add to that emulator? maybe Send !{f4} would be enough ??? I have to try EDIT : I tried ! works ! I solved 🥳
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