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Everything posted by mylkman
Ok I followed the tutorial here to set up demul fromBrad, Brad, bo-rad Banana-fana fo-frad Fee-fi-mo-mrad Brad! LOL Anyway, IM having difficulty getting the game to start up AND couldn't find anyone wth this issue so maybe its just something small I'm doing wrong. Demul opens but doesn't start the game. I have tried going through retroarch and some of the games seem to work fine. IM assuming that some games just have a compatibility issue with reicast or needs a different bios. Can anyone help with this issue? Also, while using retroarch with reicast core, is there a way to automate or save that annoying pop up for the clock and date? Finally, has anyone had more or less success with the redream core? I believe it is newer so hopefully it works with more games. THANK YOU
Well I was able to find a few games that had the download in the edit section but wouldn't show in the game section. I tried going through the types to see if that was issue but it wasn't. Very strange.
I couldn't find an answer to this on any websites. Is there a way to either undo reset the shaders? Does putting stock shader work for that?
While outside of Launchbox Edit area I do not see some pics for some games. Not all are like this BTW. However, these games are showing pictures inside of the edit area within LB.
Hey guys I know this had to be asked before but I simply couldn't come up with the correct search terms to find it. Maybe IM the only one with this issue. So I have lotsof roms that downloaded pics from the metadata but they don't show in launchbox. However they show up in the edit area of launchbox. Is there a way to get launchbox to look pretty? I haven't dove into my Bog Box yet to see if they will display properly because I would like this area to look good as well.
Yes its retroarch. Isnt the loading in the game though, or is it done through retroarch? I was unsuccessful doing that the way you mentioned.
Yes. That is what I did. Thank you.
Thank you. I might be missing the bios Thank you. So it is on a game to game basis. This is what I have successfully done. Was hoping to just have them all be aes.
Interesting but not shocking they make this difficult. LOL Do you know what your splash screen says when you enter F1 from a game? (Version of uni bios)
OK I have a button for duel bios. I can hit button combo and it says I'm running version 3.2. How can I change this setting one time for all my games without having to keep hitting the button combo to get into the settings?Thx
Oh wait... So your saying that if I have that version installed, which I do. I should be able to download the right core for Final Alpha burn. The bios are usually in the rom sets?
Happen to know the version number I need? My screen definitely doesn't look like yours. It only has an option to toggle on / off
IM trying to figure out how to successfully change the unibios in the settings for neo geo roms. I've checked most of my roms are .bin in a .zip folder. I think in the tutorial is states that the home variant which I would like is .bin. I was able to change one game by hitting F1. Changing the option tab for using the unibios to the enabled tab. So I Know I have the unibios in the roms folder. I clicked save over core values in retroarch. Now, i read that A,B,C at the same time will get you into settings page to change the MVS to AES. I have hit these buttons multiple times and still have yet to get into this. Any Ideas?
OK I remember selected that on one of my imports to see what it does. Thank you
Is there the ability to stop creating these playlists on the leffthand side:/ ? I'm sure there is , i just haven't seen it in settings.
OK. Seems my games may be the culprit then. Thank you.
OK. Thank you. I imported my games but they didn't seem to work. Just to make sure I'm doing things correctly will these games work with the fbalpha core in retroarch?
Ok at least I'm not feeling crazy for wanting this as other people have asked as well.
OK I see that now. It doesn't automatically move it until the screen refreshes. Pretty Cool. I was hoping that was the case, however when I didn't see it move from the platform I just assumed it stayed in that folder. THX
I Would also like to see a way to actually change the file name inside of Launchbox. This way if something ever happens I don't have to do an edit like I'm doing now. Many hours is worth it one time..... But not a second God Forbid I ever need to reinstall a game set from Sega and Nes. lol
IM assuming you still cant change a platform in the edit of a game and have the game remove itself from the one platform and show up on another? For example, I have a sega genesis platform game and I find out it is a x32 platform game, I know I can change the core values and Platform values, however the game still shows up in the wrong platform. Anyway to implement changing the platform and moving it without doing another import?