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Everything posted by Isoku

  1. Ok i try to get you in my setup cause i fiddled a good amount of time to have the automation level i want in the end 😅 You see here my folder structure of retroarch. First of all i create a new subfolder in the system folder with the name of the used core and put all bios files for that specific core inside the folder. In my example Beetle PCE. Next i create a subfolder in the config folder with the same name as in system folder. In here i write my override configs. On this image is my generally core override config for pc engine, supergrafx, turbografx etc. (config must named after the core to load automatically). In the override config you see the line with the system directory where i dropped the bios files in step 1. When retroarch starts it takes this path as the new default system folder. Normally i have here the saves and states override too but for Beetle PCE i have multiple systems. So i create a config override file with the name of the content folder to load up automatically, In other words that folder where your roms are present. In this case for NEC PC Engine. Here i set the rest of overrides for the system specific like saves, states and bezels. Retroarch have a well documentation of the override configs in which order the files are loaded. See here https://docs.libretro.com/guides/overrides/ But i believe in the end the point of interest for you is the override line system_directory = ":\system\MyPreferedFolder" where can set retroarchs behavior to look up for files. I dont know if this is relevant for the most users here. It is just thing of stay all clean and ordered. More thing for "enthusiasts"
  2. Thanks mate. A little bummer for my inner monk but i think its not a deal breaker to switch to a managed retroarch emulator by launchbox. I changed in every custom core configs the system folder to the subfolders by system/core. Never had an issue with recognizing bios files. edit: Yes you have to change the path in the config to the subfolder otherwise retroarch wont find the bios. Big thanks for looking into that. Maybe some day the launchbox devs have boring days and will look into this ☺️
  3. Thanks for your answer, that helps me a lot i hate the default anarchy from retroarch, so i try make a better sorting Another question from me is a little offtopic because this feature is already in the stable releases are the bios checks. Does the checks works too when the bios files are in subfolders? f.e. RAfolder/system/Super Nintentendo/Snes9x/biosfiles
  4. i have one more question to the savegame management. how does it work? i made a custom config with save folders per system and in it per core. f. e. RAfolder/saves/Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Snes9x/savefiles Do i need to revert to standard save path or does it work with my config?
  5. Very nice, another top notch feature. Keep up your awesome work 🤩
  6. Is the save management working with additional apps too? f. e. different regions merged together.
  7. ok, i just mentioned, sry mate sometimes people, with lesser knowledge than you, drop all in the same bucket. I have a few retroid pockets they running android ... i sync them, saves, states, settings and roms, all over a syncthing instance in my network but i have my pc not integrated in that flow yet ... so i can at the moment not say what happens in my setup, when i load the synced saves on pc. Im at the moment too busy to verify. I wont be able to work with launchbox, etc for a few weeks. Mabye someone else have faster informations.
  8. Launchbox take actually no effects on retroarch savefiles nor other emulator saves. Launchbox gives you only the ability to install some emulators without hassling with google store. Launchbox acts only as a frontend what starts the emulators with different parameters to launch your desired rom. Everything else is handled by the emu itself. Do you eventually installed a other core for genesis or copied the files in the wrong folder?
  9. i give it a try the next days when i do my next platform and give you feedback.
  10. Hi, i observed in the last time freezing launchbox completely after editing games. The duration till it freezes is random. It could happen after 5 till 50 or more. When i press the OK button i the editing window, then it happens randomly. Since i imported a 3 new romsets i have lot of editing work and so i noticed this quiet often. When this occurs i have to close launchbox via task manager, then start it again and can go on. What i observed, the last edited game is saved correctly, so change will be written. Sadly i can not provide a log ... Happens in the recent version 13.9 and in 13.8
  11. When i saw the last beta releases with this new feature, i didnt know what to think about it ... sooo its like: my normal platform category view is superior and what could it make better i thought. Then with 13.9 the full release i checked the discovery center out and ... holy ... its just a huge banger!! im actually thinking of making it to my new mainview. It make so much fun to scroll all the games over the different category's like 80's, 90's, Game because you love this game, and so much more. Thank you for this god send feature and continue the awesome work to bring us another banger feature like that 😋 Post "Hype" if you love it too 🤩
  12. Isoku


    I love this theme really and i would make this to my main theme ... but no videos plz consider to make a view with videos pleeeeaasseee 🥰
  13. Hi there, i want to ask if its possible to add scrolling text when i go to the additional apps selection in bigbox. When a game title named different in regions i add the titles to the additional apps. Sometimes they are too long and cut off (screenshot). Or is there a opportunity to make the box bigger? Cant find out in which view its configured.
  14. ok, then it belongs to the category feature request, when it should work like i want? Or can you tell me what is default? So i can rename it to fit your defaults.
  15. Problem: Exporting to Android When i export a game that merged with different versions of the game, f.e. Dino Crisis i merged the german and usa version, the export only recognize the german version. When i export a multidisc game, f.e. Heart of Darkness german and usa version merged, the export contains both versions incl. both discs of the game. In both cases all versions/discs have a entry in additional apps. Is this a bug or a feature? 🙃
  16. Of course im talking about the Android version. but then i have to wait a bit for this feature. I just tought i missed something.
  17. I really like the additional app feature but one question about the standard when i have 2 or 3 roms as additonal app. How can i change the standard app what launches? For example i have earthbound in the snes category. The (USA) original and 3 alternatives with translations. To my luck the translation what i play as main file is the standard but how can i change it to the original as standard?
  18. mhh touché .. ya i understand that point ..it was just a quick minddrop but yes, you have to see both sides and that make more sense to separate launchbox and emumovies
  19. Dont know if its better to put this in the feature request thread but on top of that it would be really nice and comfortable to merge this two separate "media choose screens" into one single single screen. It happens more than twice when i sometimes revisit games and update media that i forgot to uncheck the launchbox media or vice versa the emumovies media. It would be imo more comfortable instead of clicking through the tabs on edit games and it saves one screen in the import games.
  20. Hi together, i need help to setup an ahk script for detetcting joysticks and send a keypress when a detected joystick lost connection. Background: recently i played nes games over retroarch with a 8bitdo controller. it happens two times that the controller turns off without a reason. Now i want a script that sends the pause key to retroarch when one of the connected controller lost connection. i use them over bluetooth and not wired. Anybody out there who can help me out?
  21. Nice, thank you
  22. Per the MAME discussions: Is it possible to add a possibilty to check what version of mame set is actually in the database merged? Like a small info in the import wizard like: Current Mame version: 0.220 or something like that?
  23. Do you use Launchbox in conjunction with Rocketlauncher?
  24. What is wrong to import the gb roms as a new platform? Just scrape them as gb. Now you can set up your emulator and everything is fine. I copy all roms over with sgb enhancement cause that are a few mb and dont hurt my storage plus i have a clean sgb enhanced gb collection. You can also use your existing gb roms folder but just i said we talk about a few mb. Is the double search entry that big problem? I think you will always have that problem when you use one version of a game with two platforms. Just think about ps1 games on a ps2. Sensless but possible. Maybe someone else have a better solution.
  25. Isoku

    Poll Results

    This load and save state in rocketlauncher pause menu is just a ahk command for the emulator you are using. Rocketlauncher build completly on ahk what launchbox not does. I dont have the knowledge if launchbox can this handle too.
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