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Files posted by Undertherainbow

  1. Poster Box Pause

    This is my pause theme. 
    It is made with CTC by amazing @y2guru!
    It resembles very old community theme BB theme and was used as inspiration!
    Theme is bit on the larger side because it uses assets(images) to show various gamepads depending on platform that you are on.
    Currently showing original platform controls and how it is transferred to your gamepad. (Xbox/Playstation)
    Created with PSD files shared by @OhBoy Link
    *Unfortunately OhBoy never responded to my PM in which i asked him for permission it was a month ago. If he ever responds and has problem with me using it , i will remove and add something else. 
    I seem to have mislabeled PS1/PS2/PS3 images. 
    Please just rename whatever file to match how your platform name is
    Sony Playstation.png
    Support for All kinds of resolutions (wide /ultrawide)
    Have fun!
    With this you can't have excuse that you do not know Meryl's codec from back cover 🙃

    1. For use in BigBox : Extract PosterBoxPause folder to LaunchBox\PauseThemes\ 2. For use in Launchbox! Please follow these instructions if you wish to use this Pause Theme in LaunchBox - The LaunchBox plugins folder must contain the following plugins:        COMMUNITYlb065.dll        COMMUNITYThemeCreatorLibrary1.5.0.dll        If these plugins do not exist, copy them from "LaunchBox\PauseThemes\PosterBoxPause\Plugins" to LaunchBox\Plugins.        Once the plugins have been copied, restart LaunchBox.  


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  2. Duckstation border overlay UltraWide and 1080p

    Duckstation finally added border overlay!
    Here is UltraWide and 1080p BO for it
    It uses @Mr. RetroLust Lights out TV. So all Thanks to him!
    NO GUI Does NOT support loading shaders or overlay!
    Only this does 
    Extract and copy folder "resources" to duckstation folder. 
    1. Click wheel (settings in duckstation) -post processing-border overlay and select overlay 2a /2b
    2a. Click Graphics -Aspect ratio -16:9 (Set game graphics aspect ratio 16:9)
    2b. Click Graphics -Aspect ratio PAR 1:1 (set game aspect ratio PAR 1:1 should fit all 1080p resolutions tested on 1920x1080)
    3. Please select default overscan (only overscan area)
    New V3 are different files. Feel free to delete old resource files. 
    Duckstation made changes how overscan works and old overlay no longer fits.
    This update fixes that.
    V4 FIX 
    Duck offers 2 different scalers. Integrer and non-integrer (graphic settings-scaling)
    Default is non-integrer *(Smooth)
    If that is your preference then select SMOOTH overlay. 
    Image will NOT FIT if wrong scaler is used. Match scaler to overlay
    For different resolutions use "custom" and tinker with values

    Shaders setup i used, in case someone is interested.

    Smooth vs integrer scaler difference. Your preference , but overlay must match your scaler choice!


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  3. Background for Collections - Playlists

    This is made for theme i am working on, but will also work for any BB theme that uses same/similar layout , video on left like Retrotastic by @faeran
    Work in progress...
    Just copy files to your desired theme. It uses same folder format as Retrostatic
    Platform collections themes done so far 97 files:
    And few game themes:
    Metal Gear for PC and Doom Troopers
    More to come as i get more time. Have fun!


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  4. Sega Mega Drive Japan 3D Boxes (450 files) + 2D Front and Back covers

    450 box
    original physical scans
    Thanks to @Robin55 for sharing his Sega MD action script template.( Sorry Robin, ur name didnt get tagged due to my stupid copy paste..)
    Link inside is text file with google drive download link!
    ---Addendum : Added Front and Back covers 2D. I made them in same time as 3D boxes, but forgot to post here.. were posted on hyperspin forum only before.


       (1 review)



  5. Unblocker-right click

    Hey, i have been using this for a lot of years and since i have noticed that people have need here for unblocker , i share mine which is automated.
    It will add unblock <directory> to right click of mouse to any folder and will "unblock" all directories within.
    There is nothing malicious about it, it has 2 files, one is streams.exe which if u do not trust mine can download from sysinternals (Microsoft), in that case just make it exe autoinstaller
    -fixed wrong link, sorry i had it in my old documentation, microsoft changed since then
    Second file is a simple registry add, again nothing malicious make ur own if u do not trust mine:
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\UnBlock (file)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\UnBlock (file)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\UnBlock (directory)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\UnBlock (directory)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\UnBlock (directory)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\UnBlock (directory)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\""  
    If u do use mine, then unpack Unblocker_unpack_me.zip and inside u will find two files, streams.sfx.exe and unblocker.exe , double click each of them and thats it. U will have unblock directory under right click when targeting folder.
    When u use "unblock directory" for the first time it will ask for some eula agreement , i have nothing to do with that, that is from sysinternals. Just press accept.
    Thats it.
    Have fun
    Best usage of this is if u use WPI (windows post install wizard)


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  6. PSP Box RAW files

    I am sharing my "RAW" files for 3d double boxes i created/collected/scaned, in hope to find people who have some as well for share. It is exceedingly hard to find spines and good scans for some games. So , i hope this helps someone in their project and hopefully will share some back
    All this raw files i used in my "psp double box project" it has 228 files
    I am also including PSP template psd.


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  7. Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Double Boxes

    Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Double Boxes
    I am heaving trouble actually uploading file here, it would just freeze at 3% , file size is 604mb. So link in download is a dummy txt file with google drive link in it.
    Pack has 228 game boxes in it.
    Have Fun!
    Game list:
    3rd Birthday, The (Europe) (Undub).png
    7th Dragon 2020 (Japan) (English Translated).png
    300 - March to Glory (USA).png
    Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos (USA).png
    Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem (USA).png
    Ape Escape - On the Loose (USA).png
    Armored Core - Formula Front - Extreme Battle (USA).png
    Assassin's Creed - Bloodlines (USA).png
    Astonishia Story (USA).png
    Atari Classics Evolved (USA).png
    Black Rock Shooter - The Game (USA).png
    Blazing Souls - Accelate (USA).png
    Blue Roses - Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi (Japan) (English Translated).png
    Bomberman (USA).png
    Bomberman Land (USA).png
    Brandish - The Dark Revenant (USA).png
    Brave Story - New Traveler (USA).png
    Breath of Fire III (Europe).png
    breathoffireiii copy.png
    Castlevania - The Dracula X Chronicles (Europe).png
    Castlevania - The Dracula X Chronicles (USA).png
    Class of Heroes (USA).png
    Class of Heroes 2 (USA).png
    Corpse Party (USA).png
    Crimson Gem Saga (USA).png
    Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII (USA).png
    Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII (USA) alternate.png
    Dangan-Ronpa - Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei (Japan) (Translated En).png
    Darius Burst (Japan).png
    Darkstalkers Chronicle - The Chaos Tower (USA).png
    Daxter (USA).png
    demodiscvol1_fr copy.png
    Disgaea - Afternoon of Darkness (USA).png
    Disgaea 2 - Dark Hero Days (USA).png
    Disgaea Infinite (USA).png
    Dissidia - Final Fantasy (Europe).png
    Dissidia - Final Fantasy (USA).png
    Dissidia 012 - Duodecim Final Fantasy (USA).png
    DJ Max Portable (Korea).png
    Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable (Japan) (Translated En).png
    Dungeon Siege - Throne of Agony (USA).png
    Elminage Original (USA).png
    End of Serenity (USA).png
    Entaku no Seito - The Eternal Legend (Japan).png
    Fate-Extra (USA).png
    Fate-Unlimited Codes (USA).png
    Field Commander (USA).png
    FIFA Soccer 10 (USA).png
    Final Fantasy - 20th Anniversary Edition (USA).png
    Final Fantasy II - 20th Anniversary Edition (USA).png
    Final Fantasy IV - The Complete Collection (USA).png
    Final Fantasy IV - The Complete Collection (USA) alternate.png
    Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of the Lions (USA).png
    Generation of Chaos (USA).png
    Genso Suikoden I & II.png
    God of War - Chains of Olympus (USA).png
    godofwarchainsofolympus_demo_2 copy.png
    Gradius Collection (USA).png
    Gran Turismo (USA).png
    Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (USA).png
    Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories (USA).png
    Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories (USA).png
    Guilty Gear Judgment (USA).png
    Hammerin' Hero (USA).png
    Hot Shots Golf - Open Tee 2 (USA).png
    Jeanne d'Arc (USA).png
    Killzone - Liberation (USA).png
    Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep (USA).png
    Kingdom of Paradise (USA).png
    Legend of Heroes II, The - Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (USA).png
    Legend of Heroes, The - A Tear of Vermillion (USA).png
    Lemmings (USA).png
    LittleBigPlanet (USA).png
    LocoRoco (USA).png
    LocoRoco (USA) (Demo).png
    Lord of the Rings, The - Tactics (USA).png
    Lumines (USA).png
    Lunar - Silver Star Harmony (USA).png
    Madden NFL 09 (USA).png
    Medal of Honor - Heroes (USA).png
    MediEvil - Resurrection (USA).png
    Mega Man - Maverick Hunter X (USA).png
    Mega Man - Powered Up (USA).png
    Mercury Meltdown (USA).png
    Metal Gear Ac!d (USA).png
    Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (USA).png
    Metal Gear Solid - Digital Graphic Novel (USA).png
    Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker (USA).png
    Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops Plus (USA).png
    Metal Slug Anthology (USA).png
    Monster Hunter Freedom (USA).png
    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (USA).png
    Mortal Kombat - Unchained (USA).png
    MX vs. ATV Untamed (USA).png
    Namco Museum - Battle Collection (USA).png
    NBA 08 (USA).png
    Need for Speed - Most Wanted 5-1-0 (USA).png
    Need for Speed - Underground Rivals (USA).png
    OutRun 2006 - Coast 2 Coast (USA).png
    Patapon (USA).png
    Payout Poker & Casino (USA).png
    Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection (USA).png
    Pinball Hall Of Fame copy.png
    Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (USA).png
    Pocket Pool (USA).png
    Power Stone Collection (USA).png
    Prince of Persia - Revelations (USA).png
    Prinny - Can I Really Be the Hero (USA).png
    Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters (USA).png
    Ridge Racer (USA).png
    R-Type Command (USA).png
    samplerdiscvol1 copy.png
    Sengoku Cannon - Sengoku Ace Episode III (Japan).png
    Shadow of Destiny (USA).png
    Sid Meier's Pirates! (USA).png
    Snoopy vs the Red Baron (USA).png
    Soulcalibur - Broken Destiny (USA).png
    Space Invaders Extreme (USA).png
    Star Trek - Tactical Assault (USA).png
    Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron (USA).png
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (USA).png
    The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky SC Disc1.png
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (USA).png
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials (USA).png
    Triplo X copy.png
    Tripo X – Estado De Emergencia copy.png
    Twisted Metal - Head On (USA).png
    Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins (USA).png
    Untold Legends - Brotherhood of the Blade (USA).png
    Valhalla Knights 2 (USA).png
    Wild Arms XF (USA).png
    WipEout Pure (USA).png
    World Championship Poker featuring Howard Lederer - All In (USA).png
    World Tour Soccer (USA).png
    WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008 featuring ECW (USA).png
    X-Men Origins - Wolverine (USA).png


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