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Everything posted by mikty

  1. Hi, I can't find in neitheir of the different download pack, these overlays of Sega Ninja. Do you think you could share this please? thank you regards
  2. Hi, thanks for your great arcade logo. Really appreciated. Do you think you will make a global pack when you finish this long work? Thanks again.
  3. Hi, could you please create these clear logos non available on database (or not accurate yet) thanks again regards
  4. Hi, perfect work as always thank you so much
  5. Hi, thank you so much to keep alive my request. Awesome work one more time thanks
  6. Hi, thank you so much one more time, awesome result thanks regards
  7. Hi, thank you so much for your great work on these 2 clear logos. regards
  8. Hi awesome work. thank you so much. hope you could do the same result for the others posted earlier. thanks again regards
  9. thank you so much for these last pc engine wheels. awesome work regards
  10. Hi, could someone from your great team could make clear logos from these neo geo titles (the ones availables haven't got great quality) thanks a lot for your work and sorry for the high number. regards
  11. thanks a lot for your quick answers ans work regards
  12. Hi, any chance to get this clear logo from these pics? (the one available isn't accurate) thanks again regards
  13. Thanks again guys for your beautiful work as always
  14. Marvelous thanks a lot
  15. Hi thanks again for your work. do you think, you could achieve another batch of clear logos for these last pc engine title below (available, but in low quality) thanks again regards
  16. Awesome! Thank you so much for your hard work Regards
  17. Marvelous thanks hope You could finish the last thanks again
  18. Hi, could you please make clear logos for these pics. the existing wheels aren't in high quality. thanks regards
  19. Great work thank you
  20. Whaoou! Marvelous thanks a lot for your great result regards
  21. ok no problem thanks
  22. hi seaview59, do you think you could exctract logos from these 2 dirty pictures? thanks regards
  23. thank you so much. great work as always thanks
  24. hi seaview59, do you think you could improve this title from snes clay fighter witch isn't very good on database? thanks a lot regards
  25. wouah! marvelous thanks again
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