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Yes indeed, but it's going to be a while. PHP sucks, that's the problem. It's already on killer amazing hardware and performance is lacking regardless. We're going to be moving to a new forums solution eventually but it'll be quite a large undertaking.
Jason Carr said Yes indeed, but it's going to be a while. PHP sucks, that's the problem. It's already on killer amazing hardware and performance is lacking regardless. We're going to be moving to a new forums solution eventually but it'll be quite a large undertaking.
Yea if we want to keep everything in-tact, which we do, it will be a gigantic update. I wanted to show everyone how awesome the front page was a while ago, I am happy you all enjoy it!
Do you guys (meaning Jason and/or Brad) build the Website yourselves, or do you send it out to some Web Developer with the idea, and they code it for ya? I'm gonna guess you guys do it. Smile I built (using Notepad) a kid-like Website back when Netscape would fit on one diskette (mid-90's). Smile It's still around but I can't get past the Home Page (with a click, anyway) using either Firefox of Microsoft Edge, 'cause the little spinning applet I had (I didn't write any of the applets I used) to click on to proceed is missing, so I'm left adrift on the first page. LaughLaugh Maybe I'll look into it one of these days... P.S. How do I link a name (such as Brad or Jason up at the top Smile) to the member's forum profile?
BTW, I really like the way the major icons spin as you approach them - even the LaunchBox Cube in the upper-left corner. Bravo! Smile I liked the "The cake is a lie" and "OCD all over your collection", too. It's great that despite your brainiacness, you guys have a sense of humor. Laugh
Yea Jason builds it all, he's good at it too. Yea people now day's have website building easy. SquareSpace is an amazing website for that sort of thing. What do you mean by link a name? You mean like @SentaiBrad or @Jason? All you do is use @ then the users user name, so @CadetStimpy. Sometimes spaces do and don't work too or in Jason's case it's just @ Jason since he changed his name afterwards.

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