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so i cant get this system working. it launches and i get a black screen with a green line on top and then my pc freezes. do i need bios for this system? core info -L "cores\virtualjaguar_libretro.dll" in core folder virtualjaguar_libretro
Yeah I only have 3 games, Tempest 2000, Defender 2000 and Rayman. Of the 3 Rayman doesn't work. I am in the process of grabbing the set and I will do some extra testing. If you do get working roms and want to play be sure to turn on "Fast Blitter" or else your games will probably run too slow. This system is a curse I tell you.
Because that is one of the cores I wanted to use RetroArch on, I have found a solution by using a different core which seems to be for 64bit systems. Sadly it did not work that well like the actual Virtual Jaguar for me, but you can give it a try yourself. I honestly did not try too much to make it work better. Maybe you will have better luck. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=54548883414813573228
Virtual Jaguar does not really play Virtual CD, although I mean the actual emulator. It is a feature to be distributed. I tested a handful of CD ones and the only one that worked for me, was the Baldies if I remember well. it has been quite some time now. I stopped thinking about it, since it has been two years now that the status of that feature is on CD support coming soon.
I agree that Jaguar is terrible it is probably the worst system I've ever seen but despite that it is worth getting running as it takes very little effort especially if you use RA. I believe that CD emulation is non-existant about the same way the Virtual Jaguar development seems to be nonexistant.
The only reason I wanted to emulate Jaguar CD was the exclusive games it has and nothing more. Afar from like 4-5 games that do not exist on other consoles and would be nice to see their awfulness, I would avoid it XD There is an older emulator that supports Jaguar CD, but it is so bad that matches the awfulness of Jaguar CD itself.
My bitterness towards the Jag stems from the fact I actually owned one back in the day :( I wish it had good games but it sadly did not. Though I guess AVP was decent for its time but it has aged terribly, Tempest 2000 was great but it has ports to the Playstation and Saturn.
I remember you mentioned that you owned it, along with some others. Better not think about it. Try to fill your mind with good memories. From my "want to try" list, the only games I want to try on it are Battlemorph, Highlander, Hover Strike, Iron Soldier and Robinson's Requiem. I remember the whole library of games was really small, so it is not weird the interest to emulate it is not that high.
The Atari Jaguar CD, as far as I know, can only be emulated using project tempest, and furthermore, only like 2 of the games work at all. The regular Jaguar works well enough for me in RetroArch. No Bios required.
If I recall that core and the standalone emulator don't actually emulate the CD functions, only the cart functions. What I showed off for the tutorial was not a CD game. Virtual Jaguar still gets development from time to time because it is open source, but the last update was March of 2015.

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