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BigBox allows multi selecting a game if emulators takes long to load?


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I'm having troubles with FS-UAE Amiga emulator and Bigbox.

When I load a game through BigBox FS-UAE takes a few seconds before displaying it's WHDLoad status then loading the game, and in these few seconds I am able to choose the game multiple times which causes all types of drama.

I should note that I am using an additional app that's set to run before FS-UAE but that is all. It doesn't seem to be the culprit.

This was also only tested loading an FS-UAE config, not a UUID. I'm unsure if one loads faster than the other.

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So after asking around I've found this is a common problem for many emulators/ games.

This makes BigBox a no-go for bartop setup because you need a spotter telling randoms to only select a game once.

Why even bother having features like security lockout when I can break the pc by selecting a FS-UAE title 20 times before the first one starts?

Shouldn't there be some simple lockout code that stops BB from accepting input after selecting PLAY?  
Or even some dodgy timer we can set per platform or/and game that locks out input to BigBox after selecting play for X amount of seconds.

That search feature keyboard in BigBox not being able to jump from one side of the box to the other is a bit of a laugh too, what year is it again??
Go play some Pac-Man and recode that one Devs   :P 

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48 minutes ago, syntax_X said:

This makes BigBox a no-go for bartop setup because you need a spotter telling randoms to only select a game once.

Why even bother having features like security lockout when I can break the pc by selecting a FS-UAE title 20 times before the first one starts?

Get smarter friends, take a moment to teach them not to spam buttons or have a 2nd simpler setup for your friends ?


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Wow... top answer dude. 2nd mod that's disregarded a major flaw.

Ok every time I have new people over I'll pull out the whiteboard and show them how to properly use Big Box to avoid multiple loads ect.

Solid solution rather than code it to actually function correctly.

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I'm sorry but we're talking about a PC and a wide variety of software. If you need to pull out a whiteboard to explain to your friends to not spam the button and wait for the game to load then you need smarter friends.

And when you post snarky shit like:

"That search feature keyboard in BigBox not being able to jump from one side of the box to the other is a bit of a laugh too, what year is it again??
Go play some Pac-Man and recode that one Devs"

Don't expect non snarky responses.

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It was a light hearted joke dude hence the Pac man reference.

Don't go banning me for bagging out the issue/request system  one day then make a personal attack on my friends a week later because I have an issue with a design flaw. 

The pot calling the kettle black much?

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@syntax_X the best way to air bugs you find is start with a bit bucket ticket which will be a permanent place holder for the bug info.... Then add a reply to the current beta testing thread so that @Jason Carr see the bug... And then if your watching one of the live streams then bring it up on the chat. Doing these steps will help you to get the bug reported and in time fixed.


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Well I wasn't thinking of banning you but if you wanna continue with shit like:

1 minute ago, syntax_X said:

The pot calling the kettle black much?

I might consider it.

I wasn't personally attacking your friends but you can't expect a program to account for every single possible point of failure such as friends who are impatient and spam buttons to get a game to load faster. Take a second to inform them that they may need to wait a few moments for a game to load.

I have done this for my 5 and 11 year old cousins and they learned it instantly.

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16 minutes ago, Rincewind said:

@syntax_X the best way to air bugs you find is start with a bit bucket ticket which will be a permanent place holder for the bug info.... Then add a reply to the current beta testing thread so that @Jason Carr see the bug... And then if your watching one of the live streams then bring it up on the chat. Doing these steps will help you to get the bug reported and in time fixed.


Cheers Rincewind.

I more wanted/ needed to know if there was already a lockout code in place that was having issues with some programs and Bigbox.

I will be making a ticket but I always like to check I haven't overlooked an available option so I come here and post my issues. Didn't get much of a response till I was "snarky" :P

It only occurs for me with 1 emulator, and that emulator loads faster on the second load for some reason but still allows multiple selection, @zombeaver has the same issue with windows games also.

@lordmonkusI should of probably sent that as a pm and apologies if I insulted anyone with my "kettle" comment. 

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@syntax_X People here are being very patient with you and are trying to help you with simple recommendations, no one is having a dig or glossing over any perceived limitations in the software, all anyone has done is offer you friendly advice. But if you keep up with the frankly more and more aggressive attitude i will have no option than to lock this thread, before it descends into a slanging match. 

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19 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

I wasn't personally attacking your friends but you can't expect a program to account for every single possible point of failure such as friends who are impatient and spam buttons to get a game to load faster. 

Dude, i am no programmer but I can make a batch file that stops a program from loading till another one loads then monitors the loaded program and waits for it to close before allowing the initial program to load.

That's just batch. And me.

Jason would be more than capable of implementing this and polishing BB some.

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7 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

@syntax_X People here are being very patient with you and are trying to help you with simple recommendations, no one is having a dig or glossing over any perceived limitations in the software, all anyone has done is offer you friendly advice. But if you keep up with the frankly more and more aggressive attitude i will have no option than to lock this thread, before it descends into a slanging match. 

Dude just delete the whole thread. It's just me having a dig and a group of mods telling me to settle it's getting no where.

I'll make a ticket and keep quiet from now on.


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I don't want to lock or delete a thread, ever, but when it starts to descend into a back and forth, you said this, i said that it is very tempting to do so. I am going to leave this here for the time being, but if i see any more targeted dig's and jibes i will lock it in a heartbeat.

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This is what the "loading" message box was designed to address, but admittedly it's not always perfect. It used to be there was no visual feedback at all and the only way you knew was because of the accept/enter sound effect that played. I just kindof learned early on to just give it a moment and not mash the button a bunch of times :P

Some amount of improvement is probably possible but you have to keep in mind that we're dealing with a lot of different pieces of software that you're trying to fit into one box - it's not like every single platform is under the banner of RA - it's not just a single piece of software that has to be built around, it's many; and those myriad pieces of software often behave differently. Some launch some additional piece of software in the background, or create a command prompt, or any number of things. Because of this difference in behavior from one application to another, it's reasonable to assume that there isn't necessarily a consistent method of determining "Okay, it's done. You can play now." That's my take on it, anyway.

I do think it's worth ticketing though.

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Ah what an awesome point to bring up. The loading message. It seems it appears then disappears for FS-UAE. I know that when loading FS it simply loads launcher.exe and the task is only FS-UAE. It does not change.

If a program was starting additional things in the background like dosbox and it's cmd prompt I understand it's hard but with something that runs by itself tracking the task is simple.

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3 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

No, because I don't have to wait for my games to load unless it's something like a large modern PC game like GTA V.

But I have also learned not to just start buttons if something doesn't happen immediately.

Yeah sort of my point, you start a game then wait for it to load. 

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I'll record what happens with FS to show you guys what it looks like.

Ever setup an emulator wrong, gotten the loading screen when selecting a game then it disappears and the movie starts up again? This is exactly the same except eventually the emulator loads.

If the loading screen disappears and gives you controls to BB back it's basically asking you to try again in my eyes.

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