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A Couple Of Issues/Features


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Hi All

First of all, let me tell you how much I'm loving launchbox, its made my roms much easier to organise!!! so thank you for the great piece of software. Now please ignore my ignorance if launchbox already does what I'm about to ask but I have a couple of things I'm not sure about.

1. Is there a way to add a submenu to a platform, for example, i like to keep hacks/translations/unlicensed games separate from the main game list. at the moment, i have a platform for each different set(see below for an example)

Nes Licensed

Nes Unlicensed

Nes Hacks

Nes Translations

what I would like to be able to do is while in the big box have a single platform for NES, then once I've selected into it, there's a submenu with the following groups, rather than 4+ menus on the main screen for each system.


2. Is there a way to import roms and them use their file names as the game name, this is really useful for hacks and translations so i can see who created the translation or any button activations which I tend to keep in brackets in the file names


3. When downloading images(metadata) I have to manually select which ones I want for every system, is there a way to say set up a global profile that will always download particular images, rather than me selecting them each time?


Again i would like to say thanks and i hope some of these questions can be addressed

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2. Is there a way to import roms and them use their file names as the game name, this is really useful for hacks and translations so i can see who created the translation or any button activations which I tend to keep in brackets in the file names

For this, if you put what you want to "in brackets" into the VERSION field (right-click / EDIT)...you will usually see it displayed after the games name in parenthesis as you scroll through your collection...

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for 1, to get around it for now...you can right-click the platforms list on the left (I use platform categories view), the create a new Platform, I named it MIXED COLLECTIONS...

Right-click a game and choose to ADD IT to a PLAYLIST, name the playlist whatever you want, ..(if you don't see the playlist on your left view after this, just change the VIEW from platforms/platform categories TO PLAYLISTS (on the bottom), then right-click each playlist you want to have appearing in the platform's view and EDIT...then  choose the checkbox that says "Include this playlist in Platforms list", and choose the PLATFORM you created (in my case, mixed collections) in the drop-down box and click okay (before you click okay, you can also choose how you want to sort the games added, I do it by TITLE).

...not the same, but at least you will see it, and can name these collections and add games to them manually as you desire and they appear on the same platforms...I have a 2D FIGHTING GAMES and  3D FIGHTING GAMES list I maintain, as well as MEGAMAN, METROID, MARIO playlists, etc...Also if you don't want to always manually have to add games by right-clicking and adding to playlist...you can set up in the previous options the checkmark to 'AUTO-POPULATE this playlist 'and after importing a game, add a tag VIA EDITING the game to have it detect it and add it automatically, I use the field  GENRE, and just add values like: 2d-fighting in some, 3d-fighting in others, etc...

Hope that makes sense and helps.

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4 hours ago, power5lave said:

1. Is there a way to add a submenu to a platform, for example, i like to keep hacks/translations/unlicensed games separate from the main game list. at the moment, i have a platform for each different set(see below for an example)

I was just talking to @Jason Carr about this one yesterday, it's been requested often and I have been bugging him for it for a while. Hopefully we will see it soon, lately work as been done on a couple of other often requested features like "Bulk Edit Rom Paths" and "Launch With Other Emulator" along with website improvements, BigBox performance and the big surprise being unveiled Tuesday.

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Yeah I think having the option to call up a menu/filter, much like I suggested way back when (a menu overlay sidebar that slides over into the screen) is a great feauture. Because being able to call up a playlist that is platform specific while already inside that platform makes a smooth experience. This may only apply to a handful of instances when people have playlists that stick to one platform only like the NES hacks, or SNES hacks, even stuff like the top 100 lists.  It would just feel a bit more seamless, instead of having to switch to playlist view and scroll through them all to get to the one for the platform your in.

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