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I created platform device images that show the platform co ntroller and the corresponding buttons for my cab in which I incorporated into my main theme.1357377430_NintendoEntertainmentSystemController_proc.thumb.jpg.1b42af03353d2fd23ddb7aee13806c56.jpg1719522895_platformdevice.thumb.jpg.20d5af1a98f4faf802e634d4728b10b0.jpgI would like to be able to add that image to the pause screen which is (I'm pretty positive)  

<Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.DeviceImagePath}" />

I tried adding that in and it doesn't work.

<Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Source="{Binding SelectedPlatform.DeviceImagePath}" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                HorizontalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">
         <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="10" Direction="-90" RenderingBias="Quality" ShadowDepth="1" />

My guess is that once the game is loaded, the platform becomes irrelevant so is not stored.  Hopefully I'm wrong and just messed up the code.

As a workaround I know I can copy that image to all the game-names.png and put them into an "Arcade - Controls Information" folder for the given platform and just use SelectedGame.ArcadeControlsInformationImagePath.  This doesn't solve the issue of per-game controls for consoles which I agree would be an extreme undertaking and is not important to me.  It would be nice to be able to use the 1 image rather than creating a mess of duplicates.

Anyone have any thoughts?  Hopefully simply something I overlooked or missed


Use the following binding if you are storing the images in the \LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\[Platform Name]\Device folder. Here it is working in an edit of a Pause theme I was messing with.

Source="{Binding Platform.DeviceImagePath}"



  • Thanks 2
  • 2 years later...

Here I am 2 years later... went to pause a game and this doesn't seem to be working anymore.   The Pause Theme works fine.  It's just the 'Device' image isn't showing anymore.

I double checked that the image is still there, and it is.  With LB running, I also checked in the ../Core/Images/Platforms/ [platform] /Device/  (linked/shortcut) folder, and it's 'there' too.  I then made a copy of the ../PauseThemes/Default/   folder, edited Default.xaml and changed the Source on one of the <Image> lines as noted above.  Still no joy.

Did by chance something change with: ?

Source="{Binding Platform.DeviceImagePath}"

I did do another test to prove to myself the image is good/readable by using

Source="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/PauseThemes/Default - Copy/NES.png"

..and that worked.  But obviously not ideal.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • 3 months later...

I was messing around last night trying to edit a copy of Faeran's PausePie theme for my own use and I couldn't get any of the alternate image bindings to work either. Image Source ="{Binding BackgroundImagePath} works but the other image bindings I tried didn't seem to do anything. I chalked it up to me not really knowing what I was doing, but now I'm not so sure....

49 minutes ago, JaysArcade said:

I was messing around last night trying to edit a copy of Faeran's PausePie theme for my own use and I couldn't get any of the alternate image bindings to work either. Image Source ="{Binding BackgroundImagePath} works but the other image bindings I tried didn't seem to do anything. I chalked it up to me not really knowing what I was doing, but now I'm not so sure....

Just ran a few tests and seems like it all should still work. Send me a PM if you need help.

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