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  • 2 weeks later...

New to Launchbox

I have read the prior posts

I have a 1920 x 360 24inch monitor

I have tried the prior XAML files from the prior posts to help with my second monitor for the marquee

I am trying to "fill" the entire marquee and eliminate the black side borders

Is there an available XAML file for the marqueeview and gameview folders to enable this

trying to learn/ hard process

appreciate any help

  On 10/21/2021 at 6:06 AM, Briantodd said:

New to Launchbox

I have read the prior posts

I have a 1920 x 360 24inch monitor

I have tried the prior XAML files from the prior posts to help with my second monitor for the marquee

I am trying to "fill" the entire marquee and eliminate the black side borders

Is there an available XAML file for the marqueeview and gameview folders to enable this

trying to learn/ hard process

appreciate any help


What version of LaunchBox are you on? Should be a matter of just changing the fill type used in the XAML file for the most part.


@Briantodd Not sure which xaml in this thread you tried, but like @C-Beats mentioned if you just edit the "Stretch" to either "Fill" (which will stretch the entire image to fill the available space) of "UniformToFill" (which will crop the image as it fills the space). Possibly even change the Alignment from "Center" to "Stretch"

One of the xaml I posted here already has the image set to fill. (see the below code)

<Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Panel.ZIndex="1" Stretch="Fill" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">



Thanks for help 

I am on the current Launchbox version 

if I copy and rename the default XAML file, do I just need to change only the 1 parameter from stretch to fill in that 1 line you sent ?

Do I need to change the height and width to 1920x 360 from the default parameter 

there are 2 marquee XAMl files (game view and marquee view)

are there changes on the other XAMl file needed as well  ?


thanks for help 

very appreciative of support 


<UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
    <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
        <coverFlow:FlowImage CreateFallbackImage="False" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" ImageType="Boxes" Stretch="Uniform" StretchDirection="Both" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type coverFlow:FlowImage}">
                    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=MarqueeImage, Path=HasImage}" Value="False" />
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=LogoImage, Path=HasImage}" Value="False" />
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=MarqueeVideo, Path=HasVideo}" Value="False" />
                            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
        <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Grid}">
                    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=MarqueeImage, Path=HasImage}" Value="False" />
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=LogoImage, Path=HasImage}" Value="True" />
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=MarqueeVideo, Path=HasVideo}" Value="False" />
                            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
            <Image Source="{Binding SelectedGame.BackgroundImagePath}" Stretch="UniformToFill" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">
                    <BlurEffect Radius="20"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="6*"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="6*"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
                <coverFlow:FlowImage x:Name="LogoImage" Visibility="Collapsed" CreateFallbackImage="False" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" ImageType="Clear Logo" Stretch="Uniform" StretchDirection="Both" 
                                     HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
                <Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Source="{Binding SelectedGame.ClearLogoImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
        <coverFlow:FlowImage x:Name="MarqueeImage" CreateFallbackImage="False" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" ImageType="Marquees" Stretch="Fill" StretchDirection="Both" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type coverFlow:FlowImage}">
                    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=HasImage}" Value="True" />
                                <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=MarqueeVideo, Path=HasVideo}" Value="False" />
                            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
        <coverFlow:FlowVideo x:Name="MarqueeVideo" VideoType="Marquee" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" PlayVideo="True" PlayAudio="False" FallbackToDefault="False">
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type coverFlow:FlowVideo}">
                    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=HasVideo}" Value="False">
                            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>


Appreciate input 

i tried numerous themes with no change 

Yes All my images are set as marquee images 

they all seem centered not stretched 

where do I find the marqueeimage alignment property to switch from center to stretch ?


  • 1 month later...


Sorry for bumping this thread, but I have a question like this one.

I recently got my arcade up and running - and Marquee is not displaying correct.

I use the Unified theme, and it looks like the picture, when I start it up.

I use a Sunul SR24-540 monitor in the top of the arcade, and it outputs 1920x1080p from my GTX1060 card.

All good - I just want the marquee to display on the bottom half of the screen - stretched to 1920x540 instead of using the full monitor size, which Windows thinks is a 1920x1080 for some reason.

Tried editing the Marquee xaml file - can someone help me out, what I need to do?


As you see in the image it does not fill the bottom half - it's like it's cut off or something, and black bars on both sides.


Thank you, and have a merry christmas!


  On 12/22/2021 at 9:46 AM, RaGaDK said:

As you see in the image it does not fill the bottom half - it's like it's cut off or something, and black bars on both sides.


Instead of using the (almost square [600x578]) Banner, could you use the (more rectangle [1040x214]) Clear Logo instead?

  On 12/22/2021 at 2:11 PM, RaGaDK said:

Hi Joe,

Thanks man - how do I do that?

All the best.

- Thomas


You would have to download a different aspect ratio image.

You can edit the xaml to fit images in the available space. Issue is, if you use squared shaped images it will squish and stretch the image. To do this you would need to edit the marquee view xaml and change the stretch. It is possibly set to Stretch="Uniform". You can change to Stretch="UniformtoFill" and that will crop some of the image to try an keep aspect ratio, but will fill the space. Or Stretch="Fill" and it will simply squish and stretch the image to fill the space.

If the theme you are using does not have a PlatformMarqueeView.xaml and a GameMarqueeView.xaml then a custom one would need to be created to fix for a better image fit.

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