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exit hot key not working in Big box


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Can someone tell me what the Close Active Window setting looks like in the InputBindings.xml looks like please..  For whatever reason I can not remap any of the Controller Bindings from inside of BigBox, so I have set them manually in the InputBindings for Up, Down, Left, Right, Select and Back and that is working just fine, I have ONE freaking game inside of Teknoparrot that will not exit like it should, the other 8 work fine.  I was hoping to try and use the Close Active Window setting and see if it works but everytime I try to add it to InputBindings.xml and open BigBox it throws and error.

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@Zeosstud You can't really be adding new elements to the xml files.  Modify existing values, ya. Adding new element/values, no.  I think what you might be looking for is in BigBoxSettings.xml.  ControllerAutomationCloseButton   But you may want to look into why your controller is not 'playing-nicely' with BB and get that sorted.

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If you have time, maybe you could goto controller mappings, scroll down to Close the Active Window, assign it a button and let me know what changes in inputbindings.xml or BigBoxSettings.xml??  I am gonna do some testing on another machine and see if I can figure it out also.

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My bad... I was looking at my "test" LB install and didn't have any BB bindings set.  Looked at my cab's InputBindings and see



But you may want to do your testing and see if/what changes in BigBoxSettings also.

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Okay, I solved this..  


This is what the inputbinding.xml entry looks like corresponding to Close the Active Window under Controller Mappings..

So for me, when I have the below lines in the Running AutoHotKeyScript tab of my Edit Teknoparrot Emulator in Launchbox

         Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

and I have the upper settings for Close the Active Window under Controller Mappings
H2Overdrive finally closes like it should, as do all the other Teknoparrot games I have setup


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50 minutes ago, Zeosstud said:

So for me, when I have the below lines in the Running AutoHotKeyScript tab of my Edit Teknoparrot Emulator in Launchbox

         Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

and I have the upper settings for Close the Active Window under Controller Mappings
H2Overdrive finally closes like it should, as do all the other Teknoparrot games I have setup

Have you tried to find out why your controller isn't working, like @JoeViking245 suggested. Because if you have to put in:

         Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

that means autohotkey is doing the exiting, not the BigBox controller automation. You can select different controllers in BigBox (like LaunchBox) for controller automation.

Schermopname (39).jpg

Schermopname (40).jpg

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I do not know why BigBox does not allow me to assign things like it should but I am not fighting this battle any longer, adding the correct lines to the inputbindings.xml solved my issue, not gonna spend any more time going down that rabbit hole, going to spend some time actually playing some games. 

On the same machine I did do a quick test, I installed LaunchBox to the root of my D Drive, so, D:\Launchbox, when I go into options and tell it to use my Thrustmaster TX Steering wheel as a controller, it immediately acts as if I am holding the down button consistently, there is nothing I can do about it..  I exit out of BigBox, goto the inputbindings.xml and remove all entries that reference "LeftStick", there are like 6 or 7, save the file and go back into BigBox, my steering wheel controls everything exactly how I want it to, the dpad moves things up, down, left and right and buttons 1 and 2 are Select and Back. I can not explain why all this happens, but, with the current workaround things are functioning flawlessly, I have 5 different emulators setup, maybe 20 or so games total, everything working as desired.

Appreciate all the replies and comments and hope everyone takes some time to play a game or two soon



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Although you did not ask for it, seeing as I also own a Thrustmaster TX steering wheel, I can give you some advice. When setting up controllers for controller automation in BigBox, check if your controller uses the xinput or dinput controller api. Xbox controllers are xinput and Playstation controllers (and the Thrustmaster TX) are dinput. Because they use different controller api's, xinput and dinput controllers have different button numbers for what seems like the same button. For example the start button on a Xbox controller is button number 8 and on a Playstation controller button number 10, the Xbox guide button is button number 11 and the Playstation home button is button number 13. Because of those different button numbers, you currently can not natively use xinput and dinput controllers at the same time for BigBox controller automation.

10 hours ago, Zeosstud said:

when I go into options and tell it to use my Thrustmaster TX Steering wheel as a controller, it immediately acts as if I am holding the down button consistently, there is nothing I can do about it..

On the Thrustmaster, the wheel itself is the left stick x-axis. Steering left is x-axis - (negative) and steering right is x-axis + (positive). The brake pedal however uses the left stick y-axis. When the pedal is fully upright (not pressed) its position is y-axis -, halfway pressed is y- axis neutral and fully pressed is y-axis +. That means that although you don't press the brake pedal, in windows the pedal registers as being fully pressed on the negative y-axis which translates to "down" being pressed. You can test this with your wheel by using the BigBox controller automation and pressing the brake pedal halfway. The pedal now registers as being halfway between y-axis + and y-axis -. So it value is y-axis 0 or neutral and the scrolling in BigBox stops. There is a way to mitigate this. Go to the Thrustmaster control panel and enable "Combine Pedals". This combines both the brake and the throttle to y-axis. Now the pedals, when not pressed, register as being neutral. The downside is that both pedals lose half of an an axis, so this is not advisable for modern racing games but its fine for older or emulated racing games.

But what I want to get across is that you currently can not mix and match al sort of controllers for BigBox controller automation without some workarounds. For me, I use my DS4 controller with DS4Windows which acts as a xinput wrapper and creates a virtual Xbox 360 controller for the DS4. And for my Thrustmaster wheel I use a controller mapper (antimicro) which maps keyboard keys to controller buttons. I made profiles for BigBox and various games in antimicro that auto load. Then disabled controller automation and enabled keyboard automation. This way I can navigate BigBox with my Xbox one, my DS4 controllers and my Thrustmaster wheel and exit games with the same button combination.

Your right about playing games. That's where LaunhBox \ BigBox is meant for in the first place. But maybe one day you want your BigBox experience to be as seamless as possible. Maybe now you have a starting point.

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Thanks for all the info, nice to have an even better understanding of why the menu took off down when I turned on the wheel.  Editing out the entries in the inputsettings.xml that referenced "leftstick" was easy and once completed the Dpad on the Thrustmaster worked just like you want it to, and the shifter paddles default to select and back which also works really well.  I am lucky enough to have a dedicated driving cockpit so the only controls hooked to it are the wheel, pedals and shifter so there will not be any confusion. I am familiar with the Dinput vs Xinput because when setting up games in Teknoparrot you have to choose the correct one, Dinput as you noted.

I could not be happier with how things are working currently and really happy that my one game, H2Overdrive is now closing out like it should, not 100% sure why this one game acted differently than the other 8 games I play that use Teknoparrot but I am confident it is not BigBox related, in fact I would credit BigBox with providing a way to "override" emulators and games that act up, so another reason why I have a lifetime subscription.

Have a great day and enjoy playing some games!!



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