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Games with multiple manuals


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1 hour ago, Pixel said:

Additional apps are not a user-friendly solution, unfortunately. I have thousands of additional apps. They are difficult to manage and my menu is all cluttered - PDFs with real apps and other kinds of files. 

For your specific use I can completely understand this would not be the best way to handle your needs. However, it is a user friendly solution in many use cases and might be for the original poster. I know for my use it is as I am not the kind of person who has thousands of additional apps. Only those necessary to allow me to enjoy my games.

So while I do hope some day our devs can put something more suitable in place for how you use LB/BB and I can see how a different option would be very helpful for how you manage your set-up. I would hope you can see it is not helpful to come to this post and just discount a viable option that might be useful for this user and many others.

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1 minute ago, Pixel said:

Specific? Hmm...

Look at the author post. Such a simple thing as having two manuals per game seems to be a problem to a average user. For years now, again and again. So why it was discarded? For me, a bit more advanced user, it is also a problem because my menu cannot hold the files in one simple menu. So both of us have a problem, right?

Yet devs decide to create a new poll, which the features of are very minor.

The things is that for a dev adding such a features cannot excees more than a few hours. It is a max of their time.

Really? People have to beg for such simple features? Don't tell me that adding new fields would take day or weeks to implement. Come on... it's a matter of duplication of what was already done in the code and addning new names to it. Let's be serious...



I recommend if you want to continue with your specific request open a new thread and start there. Any more on the subject in this thread is not helpful and will be deleted.

Not trying to discount your specific need. It would just be better served in its own thread getting feedback there instead of derailing this one.

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17 minutes ago, Pixel said:

BTW, if some moderators work drunk, why aren't they fired? This forum seems toxic to me.

No moderators apart from actual staff work for Launchbox. We are NOT employees, we do this in our own time for no rewards whatsoever, and sometimes the "i paid, implement my specific feature right now" mentallty of some users catches a moderator on a bad day, it happens, especially when you spend the whole day often answering the same questions over and over again, and dealing with the same troublesome users. You are not at all blameless in this situation with your antagonistic, holier than thow posts and what you imply in nearly every thread you post in.

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I think we have started down that slippery slope. So let's just squash any more posts not related to the actual question the OP had. All that is going to keep happening is more back and forth. So let's move on.

@KoritsuKyu If the option I mentioned works for you and you are sorted then glad you have what you need. If not, start a new thread and we can go from there

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