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On 1/3/2023 at 7:52 PM, LonestarK said:

And you're ignoring the fact that two different versions were officially released in the same region. 


Nope, they are included in the merged entries, with both logos and correct regionalization of both names to avoid overlapping.

On 1/6/2023 at 1:52 PM, alissongamer said:

I'm one of the database's moderators, and since no other moderators have spoken out and most of the time I'm seeing change requests, I'll accept it, so let's separate these versions as individual games for the time being, because I think the arguments make sense .
However, if other moderators speak out and decide that they should not be separated, then we will have to undo everything.

Sou um dos moderadores do database, e como nenhum outro moderador se pronunciou e na maioria das vezes está aparecendo pra mim as solicitações de alteração, eu vou aceitar, então vamos por enquanto separar essas versões como jogos individuais, pois acho que os argumentos fazem sentido.
Porém caso outros moderadores se pronunciem e decidam que não devem ser separados, aí teremos que desfazer tudo.

If you follow the way we did with identical scenarios in multiple entries in the past they must be merged.

The database is full of examples of extreme regionalizations like this brazilian versions:

NES: Dragon Power (USA) and Dragon Ball Shenron no Nazo (Japan) Dragon ball (Europe). american version has all main sprites changed to erase dragon ball references

SNES: Ranma ½ Chōnai Gekitōhen (Japan) and Street Combat (USA) Horrible re-spriting in all graphics in USA version.

           The Jetson's : Invasion of The Planet Pirates (USA) and Youkai Buster: Ruka no Daibouken, in this case the original game was adapted to japan audiences.

GAMEBOY: We´re Back has 5 different editions, also 3 different in the same region (the argument of they release both of brazilian versions) Released with sprites changes as

 • Baby T-Rex (EU)
• Bamse (EU)
• Edd the Duck (EU)
• Agro Soar (AU)

MASTER SYSTEM: Hokuto no ken (Japan) and Black Belt (Usa/Europe) no blood or kenshiro and rivals in western releases, all story changed, main character is a generic karate fighter.




2 hours ago, Freestate said:

Kung fu kid entry triggers some error when you try to modidy of delete names (it happens with alternates some times, also with images) it's some kind of bug of the database, like the delete bug.

polluted nation is not an official release name, if somebody regionalized it with north-america region, launchbox gives priority to regionalized alternates using your configuration of region order. i've checked entries and at least IN THAT MOMENT are complete, all name data, all regions.

It's not a matter of d*** it's related that your examples are like mine in favour of keeping merged entries, they we're unadressed, when somebody merge them it was aproved. The main point is why if in dozens of equal scenarios people merge games into one entry, we are going to make and excepcion with some brazilian games?

No way.  Same scenario, same resolution.

Except it's not the same scenario. In none of your examples were the games released twice within a single region, once in its unmodified form and then again in a modified form.

Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, LonestarK said:

Except it's not the same scenario. In none of your examples were the games released twice within a single region, once in its unmodified form and then again in a modified form.

we're back https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gameboy/585988-were-back/media released in europe in three different versions with graphical alterations.

bugs bunny crazy castle 2 https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gameboy/585650-the-bugs-bunny-crazy-castle-2/boxes released in europe in two diferent versions with the same kind of graphical changes  Mickey Mouse and Hugo, the mickey mouse and hugo versions we're available in spain and germany officially because hugo was a popular character of child tv shows. Also Hugo lacks of crediting the original developer KEMCO, exactly the same situation of these brazilian editions, the editor takes all the credit about creation and ownership because in that years the right management was slight at best, it happens also with some movies and anime productions. Do you remember how Carl Mazek adquired and butchered Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, Super Dimensional Cavalry Southern Cross y Genesis Climber Mospeada to create Robotech with heavy alterations in plot and music and taking all the credits as a Harmony Gold production?

ahem.... This is becoming more a feud about ego and some lies about the real alterations of this brazilian re-editions (not fact, in some versions like the monica wonder boy versions only the main character is changed, take a look at videos of gameplay in youtube, same gameplay, same bosses in some cases, the same with sapo xule kungfu or teddy boy geraldinho.) It's false that they are new games using the same engine, are simple regionalization versions created by minor hacking tools.

Edited by Freestate

We're Back was regionalized as We're Back in Italy, Bamse in Sweden, Baby T-Rex in Germany, and was to be regionalized in the UK as Edd the Duck, but the UK version wasn't officially released.  Three regionalizations for three different regions.  There was no crossover on these.  You're relying on the ambiguity that these different regions are all on the same continent.


I think several things, the first thing that if everything finally had to be merged, Tec Toy by Sapo Xulé would also have to be included in the same entry and it would be confusing because there is no option to clarify what each developer has done. Everything included (regional names and all) is supposed to have been made by the people coming out. I think that separately it is clearer which company has done what. And then there are the rules that ask us to verify in a series of specific sites, doing a double verification check. Some of those sites have them separately. For example, too, in the Video URL field there is no room for two video links from each of them. It would be necessary to put one or the other (which would it be?), or put a two-part video with the two game plays. I don't know... I understand that if everything were the same even with a different logo, and a different name and translation = regionalized game. But if we add to all this that they have changed the sprite for another doll that the others don't have... I think it's too much to continue being regional.

Posted (edited)

Could you please stop with this nonsense? I can still see some absurd behaviour on the database. And it's causing some unwanted side-effects:

For example in the Commodore 64 section, there's a few games named the same that have been made in DIFFERENT TIME by DIFFERENT DEVELOPERS in both EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA  - something like "Aliens (European Version)" "Aliens (US Version). These versions are NOTHING alike. And now someone has this foolish idea of trying to delete them because they are "regional" and the "same" and should be put under one entry. That's just BS. I think if you're not familiar with a platform and its history - please stay away from it. And this seems more like someone just getting mad, because by simply using some common sense and looking at the screenshots you'd understand that they are not the same version.

I've been trying to add MISSING IMAGES these past days. Instead of going back and forth with this feud, could you please help me instead? There's THOUSANDS of missing Spines - we'd like to see  those 3D models looks sublime. But now the database seem stuck with this "Regional mayhem and debates" and on top of it someone deleting hundreds of his fan-art discs (consider NOT uploading temporary things in the database, instead use the forum and offer them as optional downloads instead).

Edited by kurzih

No need for new developer info. As we talked before, it's a regionalization of other games. The credits include the original sega copyright as it happens with other regionalizations translations. Minor alterations on graphics or gameplay doesn' mean we have a new development. We have a lot of examples in several platforms, games with story modes in one region and lacking of it in another, common main character alteration, missing or changed game elements. Adding Tectoy in the distributor list is enough.

19 hours ago, kurzih said:

Could you please stop with this nonsense? I can still see some absurd behaviour on the database. And it's causing some unwanted side-effects:

For example in the Commodore 64 section, there's a few games named the same that have been made in DIFFERENT TIME by DIFFERENT DEVELOPERS in both EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA  - something like "Aliens (European Version)" "Aliens (US Version). These versions are NOTHING alike. And now someone has this foolish idea of trying to delete them because they are "regional" and the "same" and should be put under one entry. That's just BS. I think if you're not familiar with a platform and its history - please stay away from it. And this seems more like someone just getting mad, because by simply using some common sense and looking at the screenshots you'd understand that they are not the same version.

I've been trying to add MISSING IMAGES these past days. Instead of going back and forth with this feud, could you please help me instead? There's THOUSANDS of missing Spines - we'd like to see  those 3D models looks sublime. But now the database seem stuck with this "Regional mayhem and debates" and on top of it someone deleting hundreds of his fan-art discs (consider NOT uploading temporary things in the database, instead use the forum and offer them as optional downloads instead).

The repeated deletion demands it's due to a delete bug present in the database, when a entry it's not deleted some users mark them with DELETE DUPLICATE in main title and clean up this entries with no image data. The entries are already deleted a dozen times, but due to the ad nauseam feeling of some moderators that are ignoring the deletion demands, the bug and some re-uploads and vanzalizing on the merged entries there's still a couple of remnant entries. Most of the examples of unadressed issues of regional versions given in this post were merged as well, the same with most of the tectoy reeditions-regionalizations of some games. 

Posted (edited)
On 1/15/2023 at 1:30 AM, BloodyThorn said:

Wow. This discussion is well more heated that it needs to be.

I'll just continue to skip these Sega games so I can continue to contribute.

I wanted a resolution, not a gathering of salt.

Well there's a good explanation of why are the same game, giving examples of other games, with notifications of videos on youtube when it's crystal clear that are simple and minor graphic alterations. But someones, and i'm still trying to know why, twisted the arguments by talking about examples that persisted in the database separated, when it was simply that they had not been detected so far, I had to read outright lies in the successive re-uploads, saying they were totally different games in gameplay, history, etc when anyone can examine gameplays on youtube to see that they have simple graphic changes and no alteration in the gameplay beyond the dirty shoe of toad xule. And the height of cherrypicking has been to appeal to the special or goty editions, which is something totally alien to the 8-16 bit generation where we have always proceeded by unifying them in merged entries. But there are those who have made it their personal crusade and many others have ended up fed up. All entries have been merged and the rest deleted, there are only 2 undeleted remnants of the Brazilians due to a bug in the database. Stop collaborating by ignoring the deletions and allowing those who have been headstrong to go against the policy followed for years to continue trolling.

Edited by Freestate

These merges have only started in the last few weeks, and have now spread to the attempted merging of completely different games that share nothing in common other than having the same name in different regions. 

Multiple users have voiced legitimate concerns and gave examples of the negative consequences that merging has on the database. Consequences that include the inability to differentiate which information is for which of the different games contained within the single entry (information like release dates, developers, publishers, and even game type, in cases such as Edd the Duck, an unreleased but leaked game); the inability to provide unique videoURLs for each of the different games showing the different gameplay/graphics or provide unique descriptions/overviews for each game's story and history; the increased burden on LaunchBox's end users to sort through the jumbled entry to determine which portion of the overview, which images, and other information applies to which game; as well as other concerns and consequences touched upon in this thread alone.

These concerns and consequences have been dismissed out of hand by a single user, with the misconception that we just always merge games around here, always have and always will.  Said user, as a means of blocking further discussion, makes blanket statements insinuating that these matters have long ago been settled, but without actually referencing any specific discussion, link any topic, show any kind of statement from anyone with authority, or even quote an official guideline or rule. He uses a "just because" fallacy to protect his own misguided status quo bias, one that might not even be based on an accurate interpretation of the status quo. All of this is incredibly poor form when discussing any matter, and does not foster cooperation or debate.  This user then proceeded to merge even more games together when other users illustrated that his reasoning was flawed and provided examples where different games of similar circumstances were not merged.  Said user has a mistaken understanding of the concepts of "same" and "different", as well as a misunderstanding of the moderator guidelines and contributor rules.

Rule 3 states:


A game should only have 1 entry per platform.

  • Multiple Disc games don't get entries per disc. Still 1 entry.
  • Special Editions only get a unique entry on the Database if the game is significantly different than the already existing entry. I.e. Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition would be two separate entries.

Rule 3 was created to merge multi-disc games which previously had an entry for each disc, and greatest hits/platinum type games which were just re-releases of their base game, but with an exception for special editions that were different from their base games and would thus maintain their own entry.   It was not created for merging different games.

One of the keystones of LaunchBox's core mission statement is to make your games beautiful, another is to provide the end user with an easy-to-use frontend to easily organize without being forced to customize. The added burden to the end user as a result of this user's merges are in violation of both of these tenets.  Furthermore, said user's own "merge it all" policy is inconsistent, and leads to an inconsistent experience for the end user.  Why, under said user's policy, are we to ration and jumble official entries or even some unreleased prototype entries, but provide a much better service for romhacks?

I ask that all moderators stop participating in the merging of these games, as it has clear negative effects on the database and its end users, it violates the core principles of the LaunchBox frontend, and it has no basis in the moderator guidelines and contributor rules.

  • Thanks 2
  • The Cake is a Lie 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, LonestarK said:

These merges have only started in the last few weeks, and have now spread to the attempted merging of completely different games that share nothing in common other than having the same name in different regions. 

Multiple users have voiced legitimate concerns and gave examples of the negative consequences that merging has on the database. Consequences that include the inability to differentiate which information is for which of the different games contained within the single entry (information like release dates, developers, publishers, and even game type, in cases such as Edd the Duck, an unreleased but leaked game); the inability to provide unique videoURLs for each of the different games showing the different gameplay/graphics or provide unique descriptions/overviews for each game's story and history; the increased burden on LaunchBox's end users to sort through the jumbled entry to determine which portion of the overview, which images, and other information applies to which game; as well as other concerns and consequences touched upon in this thread alone.

These concerns and consequences have been dismissed out of hand by a single user, with the misconception that we just always merge games around here, always have and always will.  Said user, as a means of blocking further discussion, makes blanket statements insinuating that these matters have long ago been settled, but without actually referencing any specific discussion, link any topic, show any kind of statement from anyone with authority, or even quote an official guideline or rule. He uses a "just because" fallacy to protect his own misguided status quo bias, one that might not even be based on an accurate interpretation of the status quo. All of this is incredibly poor form when discussing any matter, and does not foster cooperation or debate.  This user then proceeded to merge even more games together when other users illustrated that his reasoning was flawed and provided examples where different games of similar circumstances were not merged.  Said user has a mistaken understanding of the concepts of "same" and "different", as well as a misunderstanding of the moderator guidelines and contributor rules.

Rule 3 states:

Rule 3 was created to merge multi-disc games which previously had an entry for each disc, and greatest hits/platinum type games which were just re-releases of their base game, but with an exception for special editions that were different from their base games and would thus maintain their own entry.   It was not created for merging different games.

One of the keystones of LaunchBox's core mission statement is to make your games beautiful, another is to provide the end user with an easy-to-use frontend to easily organize without being forced to customize. The added burden to the end user as a result of this user's merges are in violation of both of these tenets.  Furthermore, said user's own "merge it all" policy is inconsistent, and leads to an inconsistent experience for the end user.  Why, under said user's policy, are we to ration and jumble official entries or even some unreleased prototype entries, but provide a much better service for romhacks?

I ask that all moderators stop participating in the merging of these games, as it has clear negative effects on the database and its end users, it violates the core principles of the LaunchBox frontend, and it has no basis in the moderator guidelines and contributor rules.

Let me see.... Tectoy graphical hacks = special editions.  Minor regionalizations seen in multiple examples-not the same if the ones who made it are an brazilian company. Not having Brazilian hacks as independent jewels when the whole world has seen dozens of similar cases unify, something that respects the objectives of the launchbox???  Of course, your desire to defend the indefensible is exemplary. 


Let me finish with a perfect example https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/85376 the graphical changes in USA version where extensive, more than brazilian hacks, an IREM also takes credit of the main credit, when the real game was coded by NCS. The rest of the users have already read enough to draw their own conclusions, I'm already exhausted from talking to a wall of pride.

And yes, the previous work done in the database has something to say, the decisions have not been made lightly, they are part of a previous consensus that a mixture of lies (saying that a game is totally different due to fanciful attributions of changes in history and gameplay due to small adjustments in collision boxes or some graphics, as well as a regional way of selling it again is) and tricky doubts relating special editions of current generations, they intend to sabotage. The database rules have not been updated a single line since it began, and it has been continuous work and collegiate decisions that prevent it from being a complete disaster because it still lacks some basic fields/tags for some media.

Edited by Freestate
Hace 9 horas, LonestarK dijo:

Estas fusiones solo comenzaron en las últimas semanas y ahora se han extendido al intento de fusión de juegos completamente diferentes que no comparten nada en común más que tener el mismo nombre en diferentes regiones. 

Múltiples usuarios expresaron preocupaciones legítimas y dieron ejemplos de las consecuencias negativas que tiene la fusión en la base de datos. Consecuencias que incluyen la incapacidad de diferenciar qué información es para cuál de los diferentes juegos contenidos en la entrada única (información como fechas de lanzamiento, desarrolladores, editores e incluso tipo de juego, en casos como Edd the Duck, un juego inédito pero filtrado) ; la incapacidad de proporcionar URL de video únicas para cada uno de los diferentes juegos que muestren los diferentes gráficos/juegos o proporcionar descripciones/descripciones generales únicas para la historia y la historia de cada juego; la mayor carga sobre los usuarios finales de LaunchBox para clasificar la entrada confusa para determinar qué parte de la descripción general, qué imágenes y otra información se aplica a qué juego;

Estas preocupaciones y consecuencias han sido descartadas por un solo usuario, con la idea errónea de que siempre fusionamos juegos aquí, siempre lo hemos hecho y siempre lo haremos. Dicho usuario, como un medio para bloquear más discusiones, hace declaraciones generales insinuando que estos asuntos se resolvieron hace mucho tiempo, pero sin hacer referencia a ninguna discusión específica, vincular ningún tema, mostrar ningún tipo de declaración de alguien con autoridad, o incluso citar un directriz o regla oficial. Utiliza una falacia de "solo porque sí" para proteger su propio sesgo erróneo del statu quo, uno que podría ni siquiera estar basado en una interpretación precisa del statu quo.. Todo esto es de una forma increíblemente pobre a la hora de discutir cualquier asunto, y no fomenta la cooperación ni el debate. Luego, este usuario procedió a fusionar aún más juegos cuando otros usuarios ilustraron que su razonamiento era defectuoso y proporcionaron ejemplos en los que no se fusionaron diferentes juegos de circunstancias similares. Dicho usuario tiene una comprensión errónea de los conceptos de "igual" y "diferente", así como una mala comprensión de las pautas del moderador y las reglas del colaborador.

La regla 3 establece:

La regla 3 se creó para fusionar juegos de varios discos que anteriormente tenían una entrada para cada disco y juegos de grandes éxitos/platino que eran solo relanzamientos de su juego base, pero con la excepción de las ediciones especiales que eran diferentes de su base. juegos y así mantendrían su propia entrada. No fue creado para fusionar diferentes juegos.

Una de las piedras angulares de la declaración de la misión central de LaunchBox es hacer que sus juegos sean hermosos, otra es proporcionar al usuario final una interfaz fácil de usar para organizar fácilmente sin verse obligado a personalizar. La carga adicional para el usuario final como resultado de las fusiones de este usuario viola estos dos principios. Además, la propia política de "combinar todo" de dicho usuario es inconsistente y conduce a una experiencia inconsistente para el usuario final. ¿Por qué, según la política de dicho usuario, vamos a racionar y desordenar las entradas oficiales o incluso algunas entradas prototipo inéditas, pero brindamos un servicio mucho mejor para los romhacks?

Pido que todos los moderadores dejen de participar en la fusión de estos juegos, ya que tiene claros efectos negativos en la base de datos y sus usuarios finales, viola los principios básicos de la interfaz de LaunchBox y no tiene base en las pautas del moderador y las reglas de los colaboradores. .

I agree with you,

One example I always like to use is the "Wings of World" title for the Genesis/Mega Drive. In Japan it was released as "Gynoug", but the publisher and developer list is the same. However, Sapo Xulé clearly states in MobyGames "Additional Development by Tec Toy Indústria de Brinquedos S.A." and that is what I think that as moderators we should verify. In simple regionalization translations there is no additional development (be it a little or a lot), I think that in general, we are not here to judge the content but the data, double-checking the list of sites allowed by rule 1 and, sticking to to that, there should be no problem, because there would be the same methodology. But this in the end is a vote and that is what decides. And now giving my personal opinion, for me a game is regional when the content is exactly the same as in another country (except for the title or start images), if it has a different doll it is no longer the same, but it is just my humble opinion. I respect the others, of course.

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, LonestarK said:

Said user, as a means of blocking further discussion, makes blanket statements insinuating that these matters have long ago been settled, but without actually referencing any specific discussion, link any topic, show any kind of statement from anyone with authority, or even quote an official guideline or rule.


7 hours ago, Freestate said:

Let me see.... Tectoy graphical hacks = special editions. 

Said nobody. If anything it has been suggested that they may be entirely separate releases. Just because the changes are graphical in nature doesn't mean that the changes are not significant.


7 hours ago, Freestate said:

Let me finish with a perfect example https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/85376 the graphical changes in USA version where extensive, more than brazilian hacks, an IREM also takes credit of the main credit, when the real game was coded by NCS.


What is the value of examples when there is no record of when that was merged, by who, or if any discussion was had prior to doing so? You could have done that a week ago and there would be no way to differentiate it from a change that was made 5 years ago. It's particularly hard to attribute your examples any value when it's been shown that when given examples of unmerged entries you promptly change them. Do examples from the database only count when they align with your opinion? 

But all of this is inconsequential, because what does the examples prove anyway? Nobody has claimed that there are not merged examples in the database. And just because there are examples of something does not mean that it is necessarily the ideal state of things, and definitively doesn't mean that a conversation can't be had about it. A conversation, by the way, does not usually consist of one participant just saying that he has had conversations before, and thus the other participant does not need to have one.


7 hours ago, Freestate said:

 I'm already exhausted from talking to a wall of pride.

If you projected any more you could be showing movies and charging ticket money.


7 hours ago, Freestate said:

(..) a mixture of lies (saying that a game is totally different due to fanciful attributions of changes in history and gameplay due to small adjustments in collision boxes or some graphics, as well as a regional way of selling it again is) and tricky doubts relating special editions of current generations, they intend to sabotage.

Just because people disagree with you does not mean that they are lying, and resorting to painting those who disagree with you as lying saboteurs is absolutely disgusting rhetoric. Anyone who is halfway literate can see the multiple instances in the thread of suggestions to leave this well enough alone precisely because it's causing damage.

Edited by Kjetter
  • The Cake is a Lie 1
8 hours ago, MITUB3R said:

Sapo Xulé clearly states in MobyGames "Additional Development by Tec Toy Indústria de Brinquedos S.A." and that is what I think that as moderators we should verify. In simple regionalization translations there is no additional development (be it a little or a lot), I think that in general, we are not here to judge the content but the data, double-checking the list of sites allowed by rule 1 and, sticking to to that, there should be no problem, because there would be the same methodology. But this in the end is a vote and that is what decides. And now giving my personal opinion, for me a game is regional when the content is exactly the same as in another country (except for the title or start images), if it has a different doll it is no longer the same, but it is just my humble opinion. I respect the others, of course.

That`s why i´ve mentioned Ranma ½ Chōnai Gekitōhen and Street Combat or The German/Spanish regionalization of We're back called Hugo. The original games were made by NCS and Kaneko respectively. Irem distributed the ranma game in USA changing all the graphics into something horrible and took credit of the full game when esentially it's just a regionalization without more alterations. The same happens with Hugo of Gameboy, Kaneko isn't mentioned in the box.  But that does not mean that they are exclusive developments, what happens is that the respect to appear as the creator of the original work and respect its integrity decades ago was light at best to put it mildly. It happened with games and it happened with movies or anime, where the person who bought the rights was thought to be acquiring rights not only for distribution but also for the complete work, finding all kinds of aberrations in terms of changes, editions, names, etc. I have even mentioned anime productions such as Macross and I can also mention some of the first studio ghibli films such as Nausicaa where the distributor, in addition to cutting parts, changed names and even removed it as A PRODUCTION OF... erasing any trace of its Japanese origin and the actual study. If we have even discovered the work of some game development studios many years later through interviews because the producer or publisher did not allow their name to appear. The Brazilian versions of known master system games as if they were games entirely produced by tectoy is an example of the abuses of that time and of a market as peculiar and closed as the Brazilian one.


I can't believe this is still going on... three weeks of utter madness. I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing these games coming up again and again and again.  For those who are fanatically deleting and merging these games can I ask, because I don't understand, WHY DO YOU CARE?!  Like seriously, what difference does it make to you or your life if there are two separate entries AIR QUOTES "For the same game" - there are enough people with enough doubts that it should be a separate entry.  So let them have it!  Don't have it i your collection, I couldn't care less but stop telling enforcing your opinion on others.




And I agree wholeheartedly with kurzih - there is so much valuable work still to be done to improve the overall quality of the database and instead we're wasting time going round and round on some obscure Brazilian releases of Master System games because of zealotism. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, Freestate has tagged some (presumably) staff/admin early on in the discussion with zero response, and made a separate topic in the troubleshooting section that also got exactly zero replies. I recently posted the thread in the database section of the discord and asked if any staff or admin could have a look at it or at the very least clear the queue-clog. Guess what, zero response.

I am rapidly forming the opinion that nobody on the staff-end of this cares at all. It seems to me that the database is in fact maintained, with little to no oversight, solely by users who only need to submit a minute amount of data to achieve moderation rights. For reference it took me a few days from signing up at all. And I can't believe I have to say this, but that is a really really terrible idea, especially when the system has so little accountability and transparency. The fact that it works at all is a miracle. And while it works, it certainly doesn't work well - and this situation is only one of many examples of why.


Edit: Just to further illustrate the perceived lack of interest from staff - this is currently the fourth most discussed topic in "Contributions", second if you discount the stickies.

Edited by Kjetter

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