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A stylish, background heavy focused theme with inspiration from the unreleased Aura 4k theme by iGarikoitz. The theme itself uses your clear logo images, fanart - background images, screenshot images, and game video snaps to create this completed theme. There is a number of white platform clear logos made by Dan Patrick and 100+ platform/playlist/category backgrounds are included that I have curated with the ability to add your own. This theme will gracefully fall back to different images to make sure something is always displayed.


  • LaunchBox must be on version 13.1 or higher (or you'll get errors)
  • Theme is made for a 16:9 aspect ratio


  • Platform Wheel 1 - The main platform wheel for this theme
  • Text Filters View - Used primarily when viewing other filter sections
  • Horizontal Wheel 1 - The main game view for this theme
  • Horizontal Wheel 2 - An alternate game view that uses your screenshots and video snaps
  • Text Games View - Mostly used for the Game Details Menu view, but could be used as a game view

Things to Note

  • 100+ Platform Backgrounds have been included in this theme. You can include your own by placing them in the following folders (The file name needs to match the name of your platform, category, or playlist):
    • Platform Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platforms\Fanart
    • Category Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platform Categories\Fanart
    • Playlist Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Playlists\Fanart
  • White Platform Clear Logos have been included by Dan Patrick. You can add your own by placing them into the following folders (The file name needs to match the name of your platform, category, or playlist):
    • Platform Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platforms\Clear Logo
    • Category Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platform Categories\Clear Logo
    • Playlist Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Playlists\Clear Logo
  • You can add your own Game Backgrounds that are specific to this theme. You can place them into the following folder (file name must either be based on the game's title, replacing special characters, or named after the LaunchBox Game ID. Check folder for some examples.)
    • LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Games\Game Background\[platform name]


For Theme Developers
There are a number of features in this theme that have never been done before. You can examine the code to learn the following:

  • Use of a progress bar with the game count bindings that provides dynamic visual feedback of where you are in your game list as you are navigating around
  • Use of the Index Visibility binding to provide animation triggers. This allows you to provide smooth animations to any element when opening and closing the alpha-numeric index
  • The use of FlowImage (and its bindings) to provide performant image fallbacks. Using FlowImage over an Image element increases performance by loading images in an off-thread, provides better disposal logic, and doesn't lock the file that is located on the hard drive.
  • The use of an item offset converter, which allows you to display images (or metadata) for games that  are (+ or -) around the game or platform that is selected.

Thanks to
Dan Patrick - for use of his white clear logo pack
iGarikoitz - for the initial concept inspiration for this theme


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3 hours ago, cybermat said:

If i select Text list with details , i noted that for Arcade i always have CLEAR LOGO, for Nes i have Title Screen, for Naomi Gameplay screen etc etc

I mean in the right bottom section.


That would be dictated by the Image Group you choose in LaunchBox for each of those platforms.

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Ok you're right, Image group dictates that. Under LB "image group" was not refreshing ...and i keep to see CLEAR LOGOS for any platform! I rebooted and now for any platform i can see "image group" selection.

BTW it's really a nice theme!

Edited by cybermat
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  • 4 months later...

It really is a fantastic theme

I want to use it in 16:10 as well



I have this problem with 16:10 when there is no fix...



When I change Force16X9AspectRatio to false in ThemeSettings.XML file, I have this problem...



Edited by MUJI
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32 minutes ago, MUJI said:

It really is a fantastic theme

I want to use it in 16:10 as well



I have this problem with 16:10 when there is no fix...



When I change Force16X9AspectRatio to false in ThemeSettings.XML file, I have this problem...



It would take me a while to dive into all the code to see if it's easily possible to convert this one, but I have this feeling that it's not.

If I ever get some time, I'll quickly check for you, but if anyone else wants to take a stab at it, I'm all for it.

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18 hours ago, faeran said:

It would take me a while to dive into all the code to see if it's easily possible to convert this one, but I have this feeling that it's not.

If I ever get some time, I'll quickly check for you, but if anyone else wants to take a stab at it, I'm all for it.

I'm counting on you😃  

Edited by MUJI
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  • 1 month later...
18 minutes ago, DragoonDemon4 said:

when is going to have a ctc file?

Probably never. This theme was not made with the CTC. Not all themes are.

If you ever want to see if a theme was made with the theme download it and open one of the platform or game view xaml files in the \Views folder. The top of the file will show it was made in CTC. 

Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 6.24.24 PM.png

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  • 6 months later...

Hi faeran!

I'm using your VisioN custom theme. Really like it and makes BigBox looks very cool! 🙂

I just wanna make 3 little modifications on it for my personal use:

1 - Make the game screenshot and video bigger.

2 -  Wanna prioritize the video over screenshot (only show the screenshot if there is no video).

3 - Keep screenshot/video centered on the last grid row.

I did the first one, editing the file HorizontalWheel2GamesView.xaml and changing the RowDefinition values by (line 436):

	<RowDefinition Height="23*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="4.0*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="0.2*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="10.8*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="1.0*"/>

 I'm trying the second modification, but I cant get it working. I made something like an if-else using "DataTrigger", but screenshot keeps showing even when there's a video for the selected game.

Also trying to keep screenshot and video centered. When I get just the screenshot the HorizontalAlignment="Center" works, but when I force just the video it keeps aligned to the right or left.

Can you pls help me?

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14 hours ago, DarkStalker said:

Hi faeran!

I'm using your VisioN custom theme. Really like it and makes BigBox looks very cool! 🙂

I just wanna make 3 little modifications on it for my personal use:

1 - Make the game screenshot and video bigger.

2 -  Wanna prioritize the video over screenshot (only show the screenshot if there is no video).

3 - Keep screenshot/video centered on the last grid row.

I did the first one, editing the file HorizontalWheel2GamesView.xaml and changing the RowDefinition values by (line 436):

	<RowDefinition Height="23*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="4.0*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="0.2*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="10.8*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="1.0*"/>

 I'm trying the second modification, but I cant get it working. I made something like an if-else using "DataTrigger", but screenshot keeps showing even when there's a video for the selected game.

Also trying to keep screenshot and video centered. When I get just the screenshot the HorizontalAlignment="Center" works, but when I force just the video it keeps aligned to the right or left.

Can you pls help me?

I did a quick check in the theme file and here's some answers:

2 - Pretty sure that the video I use already falls back to screenshots/backgrounds if there's no video. So if you don't want to see the screenshot, simply remove that code from the theme. Pretty sure it's the <coverFlow:FlowImage x:Name="Screenshot1"....  that you want to remove

3 - Centering is a bit more involved, as you would need to remove a number of pieces from the theme, and it also depends on what exactly you are wanting to center it to. You'll need to remove the video code from the Canvas and StackPanel that it's in, and just keep it in the Grid. You also may need to remove the Height property on the video. Doing all of that will then center the video inside of the Grid's space, whatever that space is.

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On 1/30/2024 at 12:54 PM, faeran said:

I did a quick check in the theme file and here's some answers:

2 - Pretty sure that the video I use already falls back to screenshots/backgrounds if there's no video. So if you don't want to see the screenshot, simply remove that code from the theme. Pretty sure it's the <coverFlow:FlowImage x:Name="Screenshot1"....  that you want to remove

3 - Centering is a bit more involved, as you would need to remove a number of pieces from the theme, and it also depends on what exactly you are wanting to center it to. You'll need to remove the video code from the Canvas and StackPanel that it's in, and just keep it in the Grid. You also may need to remove the Height property on the video. Doing all of that will then center the video inside of the Grid's space, whatever that space is.

Hi faeran, thx for the answer.
But here I see both the screenshot and the video. If there's no video, just the screenshot is showed. Anyway to show just one of them, prioritizing the video? And in this case, how to center both?


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  • 4 weeks later...

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