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13.15 - access to the path is denied - plugins


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Hello, after upgrading Launchbox to 13.15 whenever I'm starting the app I'm getting `Access to the path '...' is denied.` error and then LaunchBox shutdowns. I can make it launch once by removing 'Plugins' directory but then it gets recreated and on next try I'm getting the same error.
Has someone seen anything like that? Can I maybe somehow force LaunchBox to not install those plugins? I have never installed any but I guess in 13.15 there are some by default.

On the screenshots the error relates to 'MAME' directory but it happens randomly for any of the default plugins

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this helps identify the fault at all, but I was having a similar problem. @C-Beats upon your suggestion I headed on over to the folder to check out if was set to read only, but it's set as per the below and that appears to be pretty normal for a lot of the folders for Windows 11 for me. Unchecking it just get's reverted to back to the same.


However, I realized I had starting using google drive to sync and back up my LaunchBox folder and the issue occurred after that. My solution was to delete the plugin folder completely, and then relaunch LaunchBox. LaunchBox recreated the plugin folder, then once in LaunchBox, it told me I needed to update the Dolphin plugin, restarted, and all seems good again.

No idea if it's the same issue but wanted to through it out there in case it helps anyone in anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm experiencing this same issue. I'll uncheck "Read-only"  and hit "Apply", but when I open properties, it's still checked. The only way I can get around this is to delete my Plugins folder every time I start LaunchBox.

I'd be very grateful if someone knows how to fix this once and for all.

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@radio5 thanks for confirming the version, though can I confirm are getting the same error as the original poster (i.e Access to the path LaunchBox/Plugins/MAME/denied)? Or is yours referring to a different plugin?

Also, where is your LaunchBox directory hosted? Is it on a cloud storage location like Google Drive or Dropbox, or somewhere else?

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