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Sega System 16

3 files

  1. Sega System 16 | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc

    There are 2 versions of this board, A&B. The B board featured better clocks and sound. Some games were released on both but the parent version is on the A board. I have configured for both preferred A&B versions in this case. Also, Action Fighter has a clone version that featured analog steering and accelerator, again both parent and analog clone have been configured for choice. Quartet and Passing Shot have 4 player variant clones which have also been configured in addition to the parents.

    Moving forward I have decided if a game has a clone/variant that has a different name due to region, I will configure for it and provide an image for it independently.

    In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
    You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
    These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
    Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
    I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
    Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
    NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
    The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
    NVRAM files are also here. A lot of games need fixes or calibration in the service/test/dip switch menus before they'll work. There's also a bunch of unlockable content, preferable settings and a whole world of strange and wonderful crap in these menus. This will also be covered in this project.
    Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
    However, as stated above this was a bit objectional for this platform with some games. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
    Check your controllers input type. XINPUT or DINPUT.
    Download Remap files for your input type and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
    Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
    Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
    Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
    Ace Attacker
    aceattac Controls:
    -Next to Major League, this is up there with obscure and difficult input systems.
    -The OG controls had a trackball, rotary dial and a little spring loaded hand shaped joystick.
    -In the spirit of the original HW the hand swing and save ball left & right, is on the right stick.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Nothing worth noting.
    -Free Play set Action Fighter
    fighter Important Info:
    This game has an analog input variant on the B board. This version has also been configured for so you have the choice between digital and analog.
    If I had to choose for a 1G1R setup, the digital one 'fighter' is way easier to control.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Options. Lives, Difficulty and Points Per Life are changeable. Using 'normal, defaults.
    -Free Play set Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
    alexkidd Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Options. Lives, Difficulty and Points Per Life are changeable. Using 'normal, defaults.
    -Free Play set Alien Syndrome
    aliensyn Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Altered Beast
    altbeast Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & HP changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Atomic Point
    atomicp Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Game Mode changeable. Increased lives to 3.
    -No Free Play available Aurail
    aurail Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Bonus Life Points changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set
    -There is a Special Function Mode, I have no idea what it does so it's OFF. Can someone let me know what this does? Bay Route
    bayroute Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Bonus Life Points changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Body Slam
    bodyslam Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Options. Difficulty and Time are changeable. Using 'normal, defaults.
    -Free Play set Bullet
    bullet Controls:
    -This game needed setting into 3 player mode. 2 Players is the default but we want 3.
    -Twin stick shooter.

    Dip Switches:
    -3 Player Mode set. 2 Players is the default.
    -Lives & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Cotton
    cotton Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Destroyer from Jail
    dfjail Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Nothing worth noting.
    -Free Play set Dunk Shot
    dunkshot Controls:
    -4 Player game using trackballs.
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Nothing worth noting.
    -NO Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Dynamite Dux
    ddux Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Bonus Life Points changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -NO Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. E-Swat
    eswat Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Excite League
    exctleag Controls:
    -Yay..... another baseball game with an over complicated control scheme with trackballs and analog bats.
    -The OG controls had trackballs and a little spring loaded analog bat to hit the ball.
    -In the spirit of the original HW the bat swing is on the right stick (Up and Down).
    -Bunt position is on RT.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Fantasy Zone
    fantzone Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Options. Number of lives including 240 lives cheat, extra ship cost. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa
    fantzn2x Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives, Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play available. Flash Point
    fpoint Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    Nothing worth noting.
    Free Play set. Golden Axe
    goldnaxe Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Heavyweight Champ
    hwchamp Controls:
    -Well...what an original control scheme. The original cab had 2 levers that you'd hold onto and throw punches with. Uppercuts, hooks and jabs.
    -On top of that the entire monitor swivel left and right so you could move your guy and duck n weave.
    -This has been setup to use both analog sticks like hands. Dodge left & right have been set to LT & RT.
    -Proud of this one.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal'.
    -Allow Continue set
    -Free Play set Lock On (Philko)
    lockonph Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -No Free Play available Major League
    mjleague Controls:
    -Major League.....more like major headache.
    -This game has been one of the most difficult to figure out. Nothing I can't handle.
    -The OG controls had 2 trackballs and a little spring loaded analog bat to hit the ball.
    -In the spirit of the original HW the bat swing is on the right stick (Up and Down)
    -The controls are very complicated so a supplement to the layout image is being provided.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Nothing worth noting.
    -No Free Play set. It doesn't work. Monster Boy III - Monster Lair
    wb3 Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set MVP
    mvp Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.
    -Changed the button layout so it is the same as the on screen instructions in game.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Passing Shot
    passshta Important Info:
    This game has a 4 Player variant 'passshta' which is preferable.
    Both the 2 player parent and 4 player clone have been configured.

    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -NO Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Quartet / Quartet 2
    quartet2 Rom Info: This game is one of those that fixes the character selection to the coin mech that's in front of each character joystick position. Like The Simpsons Arcade.
    This parent version does NOT allow you to select your character via a selection screen. For that, play quartet2 which is the 2 player variant that allows you to select your character.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Credit setting & Difficulty can be changed. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Riot City
    riotcity Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set RyuKyu
    ryukyu Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Sakeban Jansi Ryuko
    sjryuko MAHJONG GAME WITH A MILLION INPUTS. NOT USING OR CONFIGURING SDI: Strategic Defence Initiative / Defense
    defense Important Info:
    This game has an A & B board variant. It was known as Defense in EU which has its own clone version 'defense'. The parent Japanese version 'sdi' is different & features harder levels and enemy placement.
    All 3 have been configured for choice.
    'sdib' I'd consider to be the definitive 1G1R version.

    -Set this game up to play as a twin stick shooter. As it should be.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Lives & Difficulty can be changed. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Allow Continue set
    -Free Play set Shinobi
    shinobi6 Important Info:
    This game has an A & B board variant. The B board has faster clocks and better sound.
    Both have been configured for choice.
    For 1G1R the B board version is the one for me. 'shinobi6' was the latest set.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Language set to English. Japanese is the default.
    -Lives, Difficulty and Enemy Bullet Speed changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Snapper
    snapper Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Lives set to 3
    -No Free Play available. Sonic Boom
    sonicbom Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Super League
    suprleag Issue: This game was only released as a cocktail version that uses screen flipping when switching between batting and pitching. This is fine if you are viewing the screen from the side as intended, but pitching is upside down on a normal screen. You can't disable screen flipping to my knowledge.

    -Another baseball game with that stupid control scheme. Excite League uses the exact same controls.
    -The OG controls had trackballs and a little spring loaded analog bat to hit the ball.
    -In the spirit of the original HW the bat swing is on the right stick (Up and Down).
    -Bunt position is on RT.
    -The controls are very complicated so a supplement to the layout image is being provided.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Tetris
    tetris2 Important Info:
    This game has an A & B board variant. The B board has faster clocks and better sound.
    Both have been configured for choice.
    For 1G1R the B board version is the one for me. 'tetris2' was the latest set.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
    -Nothing worth noting.
    -Free Play set Time Scanners
    timescan Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Multiple pinball related options. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Toryumon
    toryumon Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set Tough Turf
    tturf Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -3 Continues set. 1 is the default.
    -Free Play set Waku Waku Ultraman Racing
    ultracin Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. This was a Kids game.
    -You need to tap the A button to be able to move. It's a strange input system. There is no accelerate so it's more about combat and shooting everyone else on the track.
    -The 2nd player appears to be always active even if there's no one playing.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set but does nothing as the start button is tied to the coin mech. Wrestle War
    wrestwar Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switches:
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
    -Free Play set


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  2. SEGA SYSTEM 16 3D BOXES (37)

    These have been uploaded to the LaunchBox Database.
    A full collection of Sega System 16 flyers converted to 3D Boxes, Complete Set


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  3. Sega System 16

    2D and 3D Cart Images for Sega System 16


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