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Rincewind Theme 1.9.6

   (3 reviews)

9 Screenshots

About This File

Total Game Count now works in all Languages

Updated the plugin Now on the new version of @NJDave71's Plugin (v4),

You may need to Unblock the plugin.

Credit to @NJDave71 for his plugin


Wow finally ready to release!! First off I have to mention that this is my first attempt to design a theme and secondly thank you to @viking as it was the base for the theme, and @criticalcid for all the help when I got stuck :)

Please install the font supplied in the folder before you start.

This theme has been designed around these platform clear logos and I recommend installing them to get the intended look

- simply download them and add them in the  ...\ LaunchBox \ Themes \ <Theme name> \ Images \ Platforms \ Clear Logo.
Remember to make sure the files are named the same as your platform name.


I also recommend using these platform images.

- simply download them and add them in the  ...\ LaunchBox \ Themes \ <Theme name> \ Images \ Platforms \ Banner.
Remember to make sure the files are named the same as your platform name.


What's New in Version 1.9.6   See changelog


Total Game Count now works in all Languages

Updated the plugin Now on the new version of @NJDave71's Plugin (v4),

You may need to Unblock the plugin.


Still cant sort out the animated gif not scaling properly on different monitor resolutions, Would love it if anyone has any ideas...... HELP!!! ;) 


Categories & Playlist TOTAL GAMES now work. Credit goes to @NJDave71 for his HelperControl Plugin. 

 TOTAL GAMES should now align properly on 4k screens

Removed scanline effect from all videos


Added the Community Star Rating to be displayed on most game views.

Also removed the rounded corners so that VLC will now work (shame on vlc).

Remember if you using the Banners and Clear Platform Logos from the above links then you will need to add them back in.


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@bbweiners thank you so much for the help on that, this has been a bit of an headache to get sorted, as far as I can tell this was working fine when I released the theme all be it has to use WMP and as the new LaunchBox version came out some thing stopped the "stretch" / "fill"..... 

I've changed your code slightly so that the widescreen videos expand to use the whole screen @Pyrometheous (I know it isn't how it would of looked but I also didn't like the black lines).

I would love to see your Platform View if you could upload / attach it here or PM it to me that would be great.

I will add the changed "BoxesGamesView" to a new update once I manage to get the videos working properly in the other views..... let me know if you have any ideas on what is causing them to not stretch :) 

Oh and @Pyrometheous you have not installed the font that goes with the theme by the looks of the screenshot.

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@Rincewind  I went ahead and did a short video showing all of the different views with both VLC and WMP. Also, you're absolutely right, after I re-imaged my computer, I forgot to install all of my special fonts. Fixed it now though.


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@Pyrometheous yes that's exactly how its looking on mine also, VLC doesn't load the PLATFORM videos only the sound, and so many don't fill the screen properly. I wonder @Jason Carr could you maybe spend 30 mins and see if you can make any head way on this?

Oh and @Pyrometheous if you have some games marked as favourites it makes one of the views look much better but I cant remember which one :)


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10 hours ago, Rincewind said:

Oh and @Pyrometheous if you have some games marked as favourites it makes one of the views look much better but I cant remember which one :)

I'll remember to check that out later today, I'm looking forward to that :)

10 hours ago, Rincewind said:

@Pyrometheous yes that's exactly how its looking on mine also, VLC doesn't load the PLATFORM videos only the sound, and so many don't fill the screen properly.

That's so odd, I wonder why VLC behaves that way.

I also gave you a shoutout on facebook. I still think your theme is super awesome! Thank you @Rincewind and thank you @bbweiners for getting the theme videos fixed. I think I might be back to using this theme as my primary one :D

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Hi @folken61 Just seen your review thank you, as for the videos have you changed your video playback...  in BigBox go to the options >> videos and at the top Video Playback Engine: change it from VLC to Windows Media Player.

Doing that should make all the views display the videos, if not please let me know, Cheers

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@Rincewind I was wondering, in the TV view where the games are bellow it, would it be possible (in another release), to have the selected game centered? Might just be me, but if it's easy to do, I think I'd prefer that over the selection boarder moving from left to right on its own. Or maybe as a separate view? Once I get some better cooling in my computer, I'm going to mess around in visual studio myself and see what fun thing I might be able to create, but for now, I was just curious to see if that was a thing that could easily be done or not.

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On 2017-6-19 at 3:23 PM, Rincewind said:

Hi @folken61 Just seen your review thank you, as for the videos have you changed your video playback...  in BigBox go to the options >> videos and at the top Video Playback Engine: change it from VLC to Windows Media Player.

Doing that should make all the views display the videos, if not please let me know, Cheers

hi thanks for the answer, 

i change the engine to WMP and yes more videos now works, but some still do not work  (windows- Steam trailers)

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I have some issues with the theme,  the number of games on each plataform is showed out of place and the stars in game rating are not showing in full, what could be the fix for that?

Sin título1.png

Sin título2.png

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@Deathbringer I've only ever tested this on a 16:9 monitor (1920x1080) and windows scaling at 100%

What resolution are you running and do you run Windows at a higher scaling?

There is a setting for the theme to force 16:9 but I haven't yet uploaded it but will do if that helps.

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On 5/1/2018 at 8:57 PM, Rincewind said:

@Deathbringer I've only ever tested this on a 16:9 monitor (1920x1080) and windows scaling at 100%

What resolution are you running and do you run Windows at a higher scaling?

There is a setting for the theme to force 16:9 but I haven't yet uploaded it but will do if that helps.

Ok, I'm not using scaling on my monitor 16:9 (1600x900) I didn't have this issue some updates before I think.

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Hello Rincewind,

Awesome theme. However, I have the same issue Deathbringer has with the number of games being unaligned. I am playing on a 4k TV. Other than that, the only glaring issue I would LOVE to find a solution to would be the platform view 2. It has scanlines by default which, I found out after abit of work, is a result of the "Background Fade" setting. The higher the percentage, the more pronounced the scanlines. Well, I wanted to get rid of the scanlines so I set the "Background Fade" to 0%. This, of course, got rid of the scanlines. However, it gave me another side effect. Now, when I select a game, it takes me to the game screen but it is solid black background which can blend in with some logos, as is seen below with the Zelda II logo. My question is: Is there a way to remove the scanlines and keep the background the exact same throughout the theme?


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@Ripklawe and @Deathbringer sorry I completely forgot to sort out the Total Games alignment, I will sort that now and get a new update out for it.

As for the scanlines  unzip this PlatformWheel2FiltersView.zip and copy it over the top of the old one inside the theme/views folder. If you need to manually edit it in the future just open the PlatformWheel2FiltersView with Notepad++ and in there you will see the following code section, just delete it and save the file.

			<Rectangle Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="25" Grid.RowSpan="18">
					<ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Rincewind/Images/Theme/Scanline.png" Viewport="0,0,15,5" ViewportUnits="Absolute" TileMode="Tile" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />


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Hello Rince,


Thanks for the reply. Awesome, I will try this fix when I get home and eagerly await the game total fix. Awesome theme, really ties it all together for me. Thanks again!

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58 minutes ago, Rincewind said:

@Ripklawe I've put out the update with the TOTAL GAMES alignment fix, I don't have a 4K screen so if you could let me know if it's fixed it or not that would be great :)

Oh! and you will have to use this PlatformWheel2FiltersView.zip now instead, ignore the last one. Cheers

Hiya Rince,

Ok, well the platformwheel you put here worked fine, did exactly what I was looking for. Thank you much.

However, I downloaded the latest version of the theme from the "Download This File" button at the top of the page and I still have the text alignment issue. Below is a picture.


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Hello Ricewind,

First this is a awesome Theme i love it.

I have one Question, can i disable in PlatformWheel1 the colorful Ring ?







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Unfortunately it's part of the whole background image so the only way to remove it will be to edit the original Photoshop file and then replace the graphic, I'll see if I can dig out the old file and make the change for you, won't be till tomorrow now tho 



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A lot better! Total games looks a lot better aligned now, maybe it needs very little adjustment (pic below), also i noted that the "plaque" with the system logo and some game's logos gets behind the "select Plataform/game" border

Edit: the select plataform/game thing  It has to do with the scaling on windows 10 (i was using 125% )

Now I can't see "the community star ratings" (pic below) and I saw in the snapshots taken by other that the "hour", and "years" fonts used are different from what it shows me, how do I change that?

Thanks for the help! This is my favorite theme for Launchbox!5a793ce7b8f55_Sinttulo.thumb.jpg.a5b1eb19ad798a0ac5852a05cbc858d9.jpgrating.thumb.png.86127fa94c859602ca8a276f114216ff.png


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@Deathbringer thanks glad you like it.

The reason you can't see the font is because you need to install the font from the folder xD it will then use that font instead.

As for the community star ratings that I can't understand, I wonder if it's a 4k monitor fault again

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Well, that seems to have fixed my game count alignment issue Rince, ty much. Quick question, in case you know the answer. Is the game count for playlists not showing up a theme issue or an issue with my list in Launchbox? For example, I have the standard "classics" type of playlists such as "Capcom Classics" or "Williams Classics" and there is no actual game count for them. I am assuming that is a Launchbox issue but figured I would ask.

Thanks again for the fixes, appreciate it!

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@Ripklawe Which of the files from above worked best as I will need to add the same code to the rest of the Platform views so the TOTAL GAMES will display better for them also. If its easier just attach the file to your reply :) Thanks.

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To be honest, I did not even try the 2nd file as the 1st one seemed to do the trick. I will do that now, just for completions sake.

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