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Everything posted by voicesinthedark

  1. oh come on that's no fun...tell us how you really feel
  2. Honestly if I was the one selling it I wouldn't have sold it to someone wanting to gut it for a mame cabinet either and it has nothing to do with being a "purist". Galaga is one of the most successful video games of the arcade era and as such those machines have seen much more use and abuse over less popular games, same thing for games like Pac-man, etc. There's going to come a point where the machines start dying off (become unrepairable) in mass amounts so it becomes a matter of trying to preserve as many of them as possible for as long as possible. Really there's so many options for buying/building a MAME cabinet that converting an old arcade cabinet should really only be done if there's nothing of the original game board or artwork that can be restored.
  3. Have you tried it on LaunchBox to see if you're getting the same result or if it's something you're only getting on BigBox? EDIT: GTX570 is an 8 year old card now and between windows 10, bigbox and other stuff you have going and if you have a slower rpm hdd it could just be that you're getting some stutter from one or more of those bottlenecking it.
  4. For your specific case this sounds more like a hardware thing than an actual problem with input lag like the others are having. How many games do you have?
  5. and that's with a controller that's recognized as an xbox controller (or is one) and not one only recognized as an HID?
  6. I could be totally off on this but I was going through and reading everything from the other thread on this issue and it got me thinking. In the other thread @jasoncarr was talking about the way the software checks for controllers every 5 seconds and something I've noticed so far is that everyone is using windows 10 and either an xbox controller or a controller that is read as one. There's one other program that almost every windows 10 machine uses without people even thinking about it and that's the xbox app that's included with Windows 10. I used my xbox 360 controller and scrolled through every game and platform I have on my system and never once even got the slightest bit of input lag, and the first thing I did when I installed Windows 10 was used powershell and removed every bit of bloatware Microsoft put on the system, including the xbox app because even when you're not using the app itself it still searches for a controller and inputs from one. obviously there's no way to test this theory without other people being willing to temporarily removing the xbox app from their pc, but is it possible the checks from launchbox/big box and the xbox app are somehow conflicting with each other? After all it's not exactly like microsoft lists everything they change in their change logs and they are still doing the staggered updates so maybe something they've changed triggered/ made it worse? Just a thought, sorry if this isn't helpful.
  7. Please forgive me for the large amount of stupid that this question is, but couldn't @jasoncarr just add a bezels section to the GamesDB and do some sort of administrative bulk file add so that we can download the bezels along with all of the other game art, etc. even though they technically aren't supported by launchbox/bigbox and then people could use whatever program it is to load the bezels and point its file location to the bezels folder within the launchbox directories?
  8. Just a suggestion you might want to make sure people post how many games they have as well incase it's an issue that's related to people having so many games over x amount.
  9. I've searched around the internet and the only options I've really found for using a light gun on a modern (lcd,etc) TV seem to be a WIImote toss together or one of the Aimtrak Light guns. I know with emulation you can just set it up to use other input methods instead of a light gun, which I've tried, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it. I'm wondering is there anyone on here that has one of the Aimtrak Light guns and if so how well do they work and do you think they're worth the money?
  10. Oh sure go and post the tutorial video for him......god you moderators are so disgustingly helpful.
  11. Launchbox is completely portable and yes you can copy your settings .
  12. ummmmm youtube. lol
  13. What dimensions (size) are you wanting the launchbox logo in?
  14. Personally I think that would that would be the best place to put shorthand game names like that and something that would definitely be hugely helpful. One of the biggest problems when importing games is that sometimes the GamesDB wants too much of an exact match in order to find a game, a perfect example would be a game with 2 or II in the title. Shorthand file names tend to be harder for the DB to recognize as well; I've run into this with MAME games as well.
  15. I don't personally have an adaptor like this as I just bought a ds usb controller but I looked around google and found this, it might help: https://www.epforums.org/showthread.php?83873-driver-for-blue-triangular-playstation-1-controller-to-usb-adapter
  16. @Klopjero Sorry I haven't replied sooner than this, been spending as much time with my dog as possible because in the almost three years I've had her we've never been apart for more than a few hours and I know she's going to take it hard when I finally stop procrastinating and go to the hospital. lol I haven't messed around with the little red riding hood one yet, but I might be able to do something with it thanks to some of the other images of the front cover you provided, think the back cover is going to need to be a recreation thou. As far as the might and magic trilogy, if no one else can find a high enough resolution scan for you I did find an image of the Dutch version of the box that should be able to be resampled and cleaned up and then the bonus scenario badge will just have to be recreated because that's not on the Dutch box, but it shouldn't be that hard to do.
  17. Okay you just became my new best friend. lol I had no idea about that black magic hoodoo voodoo workaround script thing for EP, thank you so much for mentioning that.
  18. Yeah sorry I should have been more clear when I said "..thanks to Nintendo.." and specified that I mentioned the domino effect from the situation with Nintendo and Roms. I knew I was tired when I read the statement, but somehow I totally missed that section. That makes it a whole lot better knowing it's just a changing of the guard type of thing so hopefully nothing important will be lost. This definitely isn't as bad as losing emup.
  19. awesome, thanks for the info. I knew some of the more "modern" arcade games were using pretty much the same thing as what was in the consoles, just didn't know that was one of them. ...and now my hunt begins. lol
  20. ahhh okay, thanks. So is the Sega Hikaru Board basically just the same as the Dreamcast was then just obviously a commerical arcade board version?
  21. Has anyone ever managed to find a working MAME version of the Star Wars Episode 1: Pod Racer game or are we just stuck with console/pc versions of the game? sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching the forums before making a new topic and didn't come up with anything.
  22. yeah most of it has been transferred, but not all. The other thing is they didn't host the files just links to them like most roms sites so if they were "safe" then why the need to switch?
  23. Not sure if ya'll have seen the statement on TheISOZone webpage but thanks yet again to Nintendo another huge rom and gaming info archive has been lost.
  24. Now where would the fun in that be? lol
  25. Actually those may help a lot, but this definitely isn't going to be a quick and easy one like the Darby one was. I'll try to clean them up as best as possible and hopefully I can get rid of the amiga sticker on the front....and doing the text on the back is going to suck, but that's only because I don't know all of the codes for the special characters those languages are using so it could take a bit. I'll start messing around with them a little later once I'm more awake. lol PS: I have a Dr. appointment on the 29th (may end up being sooner) and chances are I'm going to have to be admitted to the hospital for a few days/week, so this may take me sometime into next month to get finished.
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