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Everything posted by Retro666

  1. Ok cool, how about the opposite, if i wanted to add that type in if i didn`t pick it on the import? Cheers,
  2. Hi, Bit of a daft question i`m sure but i`ll ask anyway If you import a rom collection and during the import leave the default tick boxes for media can you later on remove any types of media that you don`t want? Say i left Back cover ticked but due to space constraints want to remove all back covers across all my platforms is their an easy way to perform that? Something like bringing the original selection screen back so you can re-pick which media you want for the platform? If that makes sense Cheers,
  3. Ok all tested with a new instance, working perfect. It`s a good excuse to start from fresh, my library and setup was a mess Thanks again mate!
  4. Will do mate, i have multiple retro arch installs for different setups, i might just do a new fresh launchbox install (as i think i can install multiple instances) and see what that does with a new library
  5. Not sure if it`s linked to the issues in this thread but when clicking on tools, manage, update it`s overwritten my already existing retroarch installation (...\emulators\retroarch) and now wont launch at all, even manually in windows explorer... Should i remove that folder for retroarch, perform a small rom import to kick off the retroarch installation and see what happens? Cheers,
  6. This is awesome, hope it continues development. I`d love games like booty etc if possible, is the process to add them already documented? Keep it up, seamless and just awesome.
  7. Yep tried that but Naomi2 does not appear as a platform to choose. Cheers,
  8. Hi, When importing Sega Naomi 2 roms they just go into an existing Sega Naomi category but i expected as it was on the platforms list on the import process they would be separate? Any ideas how to get these separate as i would like to identify them separately in launchbox and bigbox. I tried to manually create a Sega Naomi 2 category but i can't pick it to move roms into, so figure their must be an easier way Cheers,
  9. v10 beta running nice and smooth. Can i ask if theirs any roadmap to change video/image paths within the import wizard? Can't stretch to a 4tb SSD just yet so i offload my media to another drive. Cheers,
  10. Followed the guide, i have the lightgun working with my dolphin bar and a wiimote. I use the 360 controller to navigate LB/BB, i`m not sure i exactly understand what i should be doing to keep the settings as i want them... Any help would be great. Cheers,
  11. Hi, got an odd one. I appear to have to two arcade platforms appearing with the same clear logo on bigbox yet only one listed in launchbox. One contains my full mame romset as expected but the other has 17 roms in. How do I remove this rogue arcade platform? cheers,
  12. Awesome, I’ll have a look. Thanks dude.
  13. Yep will do mate, maybe a future feature request to Jason? cheers,
  14. Yep but can that be done when running the import wizard OR do you have to setup a platform first, change the paths then run the import wizard after? Cheers,
  15. Hi, Might be a silly question but how do i use the new nesting feature? I have numerous Commodore platforms but would like them nested. Cheers,
  16. Hi, As the video's for the full mame romset are fairly large can you specify the video path when importing? Cheers,
  17. For now i have edited my local GP, set launchbox.exe to the allowed moderate risk file types under user\administrative\windows components\attachment manager\inclusion for moderate file types, used launchbox.exe and issue cleared. Once i get a rebuild done i`m sure it`ll be ok without the GP plaster Cheers again mate.
  18. I did a fresh install also to the root of c, same result. Maybe its my machine, i`m due to perform a rebuild as i`m going to dedicate a machine to launchbox/bigbox so i`ll see if i get it again on there. To be honest i`ve not seen any reported cases on the forums so it`s particular to my setup (which is good). Cheers,
  19. As below mate.
  20. Hi, Still getting the failed digital signature prompt when running the exe after install. Do you guys have this since the 8.8 update? Cheers.
  21. Yeah, tried about 4 email addresses now, checked my smarthost and nothing in the SMTP logs at all.. Didnt know about the updates folder and there it is so many thanks for that mate... Fresh install en route and 118 platforms to get through Cheers again.
  22. Hi, I`ve had to remove launchbox as i kept getting a missing digital signature when launching either launchbox or bigbox. I`ve tried to request the download link via the main site but not had any emails through. Is their another location to get 8.8 installer? Cheers,
  23. Trying to use the universal close emulator auto hotkey script with dolphin when running gamecube titles but it quits BB completely not just the emulator. The annoyance is when closing a title the dolphin GUI remains on the screen, trying to get that to close when i quit the title. Any ideas?
  24. Runs bang on. Floats around 15-30%
  25. Yep, it’s the full lot including dc, gc, psx etc hence the size..
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