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Everything posted by launchretrogirl2562

  1. clrmamepro is more for the experienced user. I've been using Romvault for upgrading pretty much the last 20 mame releases without any issues. It is much more user friendly and is updated on a regular basis. Once you set it up once, next times it's just a question of downloading new dat's, importing them, scanning and fixing the files. All through the UI. https://www.romvault.com/
  2. Here are my examples. In the opt, you either change the mame_softlists to disabled. Or you as JoeViking mentioned...you change your romnames to the required ones supracan.cfg supracan.opt
  3. these are the names it expects. (see screenshot or u can try edit your opt file (\RetroArch\config\MAME\supracan.opt) and disable softlists mame_softlists_enable = "disabled"
  4. just create a new post, and share which issues you are having with mame. Hopefully it will also solve your problems with mame.
  5. My version is 1.19.1 and with the configs i added, the core I added and the settings everything works. My advice,...to troubleshoot...start with a whole new retroarch (1.19.1 or 1.20) install on a new folder. Put my configs in the cap32 config folder, the 4.2.0 core in the cores folder... Don't use the cfg arguments in LB, just use the configuration I showed. That way you can rule out any other settings you might have made in your current Retroarch install. And work up from there.
  6. I will just share my settings...which do work by the way! (For Amstrad CPC and for Amstrad GX4000) In Launchbox, I do not pass any config at all to retroarch as it is not needed. As you can see from my settings : In the retroarch.cfg (from the main folder) I have global_core_options = "false" In the \RetroArch\config\cap32 directory I have the files which I zipped in cap32.zip In the RetroArch\cores directory I have the cap32.dll from before 2022 cause it is tried and tested and later versions of that core never seemed to work for me. It is in the attached cores.zip As you can see in Retroarch I have locked this core (cap32_libretro.dll.lck) so when you update your cores in Retroarch, this core will be left unattended. Cap32 version : Try this, and hopefully it should work for you. cap32.zip cores.zip
  7. The move to use SQLite indeed shows a lot of performance improvements. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Is it not an idea to in a following build to also use SQL for the user/data files? And a setting/option in LB to use/not use SQL for user/data files. If a user chooses to use SQL...then in early stage...it always reads from the SQL database but still writes to both XML and Database. (in later stage) If a user chooses to only use SQL....it only reads and writes to the SQL database. If a user chooses to use only use XML...it will read and write only from/to the xml files (default setting) That way you can implement a grace period and slowly start making xml obsolete and have an only SQL implementation for LB/BB
  8. Yes ofcourse that is possible. All the details and how to achieve this are in the first pages of this forum thread.
  9. I dont think this has anything to do with the theme you are using. This looks like you are streaming a spanned (1 and 2) screen. can u not disable one screen and only show LB or BB on your second screen (65" TV)? Cause that doesn't look correct at all. Also, when u use a second screen, like a 4K TV, it is always best to set the scaling of that screen to atleast 250%
  10. It uses version 1.11.0 of Retroarch. Updating it to the latest version is I think not advisable cause it may (or will most definitely) break the working of C64dreams. If I remember correctly, Zombeaver told us he is working on a next release which will include an updated version of Retroarch. What kind of bezels it loads can be configured in Retroarch itself. I suggest you look for information on how to do that on the libreto forum https://forums.libretro.com/t/duimon-hsm-mega-bezel-graphics-and-presets-feedback-and-updates/28146 Before you change anything, it's best to make a backup of the retroarch folder so you can always revert back when u break someting.
  11. there u go,...now u have! Files to Import.txt Parents XML Insert.txt Platforms XML Insert.txt
  12. much obliged dr Seuss 😊
  13. nice profile logo and nameπŸ˜πŸ‘
  14. Definitely worth it. The emulator has a large list of playable games and the emulator is actively updated/developed: see here : https://rpcs3.net/compatibility
  15. thank you for your reply. and do take your time. family comes first.😊
  16. Any plans for an update? I noticed some tables were added : Banzai Run Earthshaker Black Knight 2000
  17. this one came with one of the bigbox themes I downloaded.
  18. Too be fair, that's not what he said. He said he found a lunch box.🍞🍏πŸ₯›
  19. Hi Faeran, Yes that works. Thank you very much. Sadly my skills in editing xaml files are severely lacking 😒 Getting the marquee to show up in the right place is - i found out- a bit of a struggle.
  20. did you activate game mode on your samsung TV? https://www.samsung.com/au/support/tv-audio-video/smart-tv-game-mode/ There are some settings you need to make. Also, it is best to sometimes not mirror...but just make the TV as the only active one.
  21. Hi Jason, I was in the process of adjusting my theme to use moving marquees on top of my arcade cabinet. I use the following in my wheelgames3 xaml <!-- MARQUEE IMAGE --> <controls:PrioritizedPathSelector x:Name="MarqueeVideoFileName" FolderPath="Themes\Unified &amp; Ultrawide\Media\marqueeVids" FileExtension=".mp4" Priority1FileName="{Binding SelectedGame.ApplicationFileNameWithoutExtension}" /> <controls:VideoControl VideoPath="{Binding PrioritizedFilePath, ElementName=MarqueeVideoFileName}" StretchVideo="true" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.RowSpan="1" CenterVideo="false" Panel.ZIndex="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Panel.ZIndex="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" Grid.RowSpan="1" Text="{Binding PrioritizedFilePath, ElementName=MarqueeVideoFileName}" Foreground="Orange" DockPanel.Dock="Left" FontFamily="{StaticResource FontBebasNeue}" FontSize="50" TextAlignment="Left" /> With the textblock I just check to see if the path to my marquee vid is correct...which it is. But my marquee just doesn't show. When I however click through to the textgames view....and go back...then magically the marquee appears. But never on the first go, and never while scrolling through the games in the wheelgamesview The textblock shows the correct path to the vid each time I scroll through the wheel....but the marquee never loads. Only always when first going to the textgames view...and then back I did include the reference in usercontrols : xmlns:videos="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.Controls;assembly=BigBox" What could be the cause of this? I am using the following theme Example of marquees are attached 1943.mp4 1944.mp4
  22. I follow Mr Sujano on youtube, both were featured there.
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