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Everything posted by launchretrogirl2562

  1. as you say, there really is not much difference between any of those platforms when it comes to implementation to get them working. I have never experienced that. So no idea really what is causing this on your system. Are you running the latest Retroarch version? (v1.13) If so, my advice would be to test it with a lower version of Retroarch (v1.12) or if not, with a higher version (v1.13) And then see if you still encounter it. Edit: i've seen rocketlauncher doing what you describe. But never launchbox.
  2. No worries. I am positive I can get them to work. I think I got a handle on most of this by now 😄
  3. The following I can supply for you in the coming days - Epoch Super Cassette Vision - Bally Astrocade (THIS ONE I ALREADY PROVIDED ABOVE) - Casio PV-1000 - Tiger Game.Com - Funtech Super A'can The others, I have to look into. FM Towns I use TSUGARU emulator, and not mame SL combined with retroarch. It's on my list to change to retroarch. APF I use mame, it is on my list to change to retroarch. Epoch game Pocket computer I have not looked into. I can check it out and see if I can get it running.
  4. BALLY ASTROCADE Download the complete mame software list https://archive.org/download/mame-sl/mame-sl/astrocde.zip/ Copy all zips in your launchbox games folder and make sure they are in the 'astrocde' folder \\LaunchBox\Games\Bally Astrocade\astrocde Also copy the astrocde.zip BIOS in the same game folder as it is required to make the games run. Make sure your \RetroArch\system\mame\hash has the astrocde.xml file Place the following file(s) in your \RetroArch\config\MAME folder astrocde.opt is REQUIRED (astrocde.slangp and astrocde.cfg is only if you use the DUIMON preset) Place the following file in your \RetroArch\system\mame\ini folder astrocde.ini is REQUIRED (Be sure to change the FILEPATHS in this ini to match your launchbox game folder and retroarch folders) AS to joypad controls. Check this link. https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/22600/how-to-emulate-bally-astrocade-vtech-creativision-and-emerson-arcadia-2001-in-lr-mess RETROARCH SETTING astrocde.opt astrocde.slangp astrocde.cfg astrocde.ini astrocde.zip astrocde.xml
  5. Sure. That would be no problem.
  6. These are the apple2 hash related xml's from the official latest release from mame 0.249 So no, they have not removed any files. My example above uses all zips from the apple2_flop_clcracked.xml Those zips i copied in my apple2e games folder in launchbox QUESTION : Also, is it critical to have the same SHA1 and CRC hash sum for every file in archive as in xml file? I cannot tell for sure. Cause I haven't tested it. My SL list is up to date so I have not encountered this issue. I think bios files is more of an issue than the hash for the roms. Just download from internet archive https://archive.org/download/mame-sl/mame-sl/ https://ia904505.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/17/items/mame-sl/mame-sl/apple2_flop_clcracked.zip Download that zip file. Extract it somewhere. Copy one rom from it to your launchbox\games\apple II\apple2e games folder And follow the other walktrough. If you follow these tips and attachments from my earlier post. Just test with one rom (for instance pacman.zip from the internet archive link above) Then it should work. As for the naming. Do not rename any files in your game folder. Leave them as you download them from the mame software lists. (and as they are described in the Mame SL xml) And then you can use the Mame software Lists import tool to import them into launchbox This tool scrapes the actual name, which allows launchbox to scrape the correct artworks. So alcazar.zip wil get imported into Launchbox with the title 'Alcazar the Forgotten Fortress (cleanly cracked)' My advice would be, before scraping for artwork to edit your Launchbox aplle2 xml file and get rid of the ' (cleanly cracked)' from your title names
  7. You can find all the hash files (xml) from the latest MAME install https://www.mamedev.org/release.php Just download version 0.249 and install it somewhere. In the installed mame folder there you will find a directory called hash. You can copy this entire directory to your \RetroArch\system\mame\ directory. As for naming conventions, it looks for the exact filename in the xml (see <software name='NAMEOFGAME'>). Therefor you will need to find the latest MAME SOFTWARE LISTS. So in your apple2e folder you will have games like alcazar.zip, aztec.zip, amchal.zip,... (or see Apple2MAMESLroms)
  8. Does this mean you did manage to get it working?
  9. FOR REFERENCES TO FILES SEE ATTACHMENTS. Put the following file in your '\RetroArch\config\MAME' folder apple2e.opt (this file is REQUIRED) You can add these two files below in the same '\RetroArch\config\MAME' folder but only if you use a shader pack with VULCAN. Else skip copying these to the retroarch\config\mame folder [--- apple2e.slangp (only copy it there if you have DUIMON's preset pack installed, else skip this file) apple2e.cfg (only copy it there if you have a shader pack which requires VULKAN, for instance DUIMON's preset pack, else skip this file) ---] Place the following file in your '\RetroArch\system\mame\ini' folder apple2e.ini (Be sure to change ALL the paths to match your folders. Mine has the C drive for Retroarch and Launchbox. So change the rompath to your apple2E games folder AND change the paths to your RETROARCH install folder) Your games should be placed in a following folder C:\LaunchBox\Games\Apple II\apple2e and it should also contain following BIOS files. (so the apple2e, apple2, votrax, d2fdc and a2diskiii) (SEE APPLE2BIOSPACK.zip) To be sure I copied ALL other apple2 bios files from my MAME arcade folder and placed them in my apple2e folder. I have copied all games from my MAME SL folder 'apple2_flop_clcracked' to my launchbox\games\apple II\apple2e folder. Make sure ALL hashes from your latest MAME install are also present in your RETROARCH folder \RetroArch\system\mame\hash (you can copy them over from your MAME install folder - \Emulators\MAME\hash) For Retroarch I am using the latest version with the MAME 0.249 libreto core and the MAME 0.249 Software LISTS With these settings I can run apple2 games. If you run the game, be sure to wait a few seconds and the game will load. No need for extra command parameters. PACMAN apple2e.opt apple2e.slangp apple2e.cfg apple2e.ini apple2biospack.zip
  10. I've also since then used the pointers/tips in that post 😃 Guess I also need to change my settings to something easier
  11. follow the tips in this post
  12. another thing to try: get rid of the auto hotkey script download the no nag mame exe here (for instance the 0.240) backup or rename your mame.exe copy the no nag version over in mame install folder and these are my working emulator settings
  13. the github has pretty much all the information you need. https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe#install-and-run
  14. How about this one? credits : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GP32_logo.svg
  15. For Atari 2600 you can use retroarch (see below for links) with the stella core. Just add Retroarch as emulator in Launchbox And use following settings in associated platforms XBox has several emulators but xemu and xenia are the ones I use Links to the emulators: RetroArch https://www.retroarch.com/ Download the latest stable release https://www.retroarch.com/?page=platforms https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.12.0/windows/x86_64/RetroArch-Win64-setup.exe XBOX Xemu https://github.com/mborgerson/xemu/releases https://xemu.app/ Xenia https://github.com/xenia-project/release-builds-windows/releases https://xenia.jp/
  16. Glad to have helped
  17. FloatingYeti on hyperspin has a complete media set for WASM-4 https://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/23663-wasm-4-retroarchwasm4_libretro-complete-setup/ Maybe it is of use for you?
  18. you can use ps3.txt to check between name of the game or codename of games. hope it helps.
  19. Sony Playstation 3.z01Sony Playstation 3.z02Sony Playstation 3.z03Sony Playstation 3.z04Sony Playstation 3.z06Sony Playstation 3.z07Sony Playstation 3.z08Sony Playstation 3.zipPS3.txtSony Playstation 3.z05Sony Playstation 3.z09
  20. or this
  21. AAE are just mame romsets. They work identical as arcade roms. These are my settings. I just use MAME to run it with following settings. Associated platform default command line And my roms are stored in a seperate games folder. But they can be anywhere. You say 'I'm not able to figure out how to set it up in Launchbox to run one game directly' What exactly happens then if you run a game? Mame just starts with no game running?
  22. Here's a first two sets after tidying up my previous upload. (thanks again for spotting the doubles @opeth2112, @LineOf7s) ~750 video's cleaned up, added a couple new ones, no doubles, video matching the game and all matching the names in Zombeavers C64 dreams set. Just drop the contents of the zip file in your LaunchBox\Videos\C64 Dreams directory. I still have a lot to go through but it's a start. Hopefully by next week I will have another set to add to this. It's very time consuming. Also added a zip file with the missing list of videos (zero byte mp4's) which I use to compare. If anyone can add to this then please share. While going through all videos I thought I also wrote down some of the games I played when I was young. Maybe Zombeaver can comment if they will be included in version 0.60 (I will keep these videos in the hope I can add them to the videos set😏) Lazarian Tooth Invaders The Young Ones Tales of the Arabian Nights Super Pipeline (1 & 2) Super Sprint Moon Patrol Lady Tut Kickman Highnoon Burnin' Rubber Arctic Shipwreck Aardvark EDIT October 24th 2022 : Added another 53 vids - Commodore 64 Done.3.zip. Rest will all be manual labor I'm afraid. Commodore 64 DONE.3.zip 515107489_Commodore64.zip 1765727101_Commodore64DONE.2.zip Commodore 64 missing.zip
  23. that would be great to have a custom theme for lunar battle. just take your time. no pressure
    I already wrote my comment. Very nice looking themes and thanks for the share ❤️ After seeing it in Bigbox one of my games didn't have a theme video. Then checking the set I think the game 'Lunar Battle' is missing. Do you have that one?
  24. again a great set. thanks for sharing
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