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  1. thank you very much, looks awesome
  2. good day all, I wanted to find out if there is a loading script to put a PC game into vertical or portrait mode when loaded, the game naturally is set for horizontal position but its worth a try to see if I can use a script to run it in vertical or portrait mode thanks
  3. I have one more request, here is the logo
  4. I thought this feature would have been done a lot sooner then even this topic. For example, I have had Nintendo Wii USA full set for the last 5 years and emumovies still doesn't have all the video snaps, it would be a really nice feature to have
  5. thank you friend, looks fantastic
  6. would anyone be kind enough to make this a silver ring clear logo
  7. thanks so much my fiend, looks fabulous
  8. Super clean logo my friend, can you possibly make it with the word "Vertical" on top? thanks
  9. these are flippin amazing, thank you
  10. good morning, I notice there has been no updates since 2021, do you plan on making more of there magnificent overlays? thanks you
  11. good evening all, would anyone be kind enough to make a "Vertical Arcade" and pinup popper silver ring clear logo please thanks
  12. oh, ok, that would be better then, sorry to bother with your time. Do you know if he is doing Mugen as well?
  13. good day to you May I request a Steam Hardware set image? thanks
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