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Everything posted by Soxbrother

  1. Thanks @Orionsangel for making the Gal Panic Bezel !!! Awesome !!
  2. Yeah I've just found out how to do it myself. Editing the game ini files which are in MAMEUI64\ for example "MAMEUI64\ffight.ini" Thanks.
  3. The HLSL setting you make in a game aren't saved. Is there a workaround, to make them work ? For example: I've set the quadric distortion to 0.22 to get a curved screen in my arcade bezel, but afterwards when you launch the same game, it has defaulted back to 0.0.
  4. I've just found out, that the HLSL settings don't save, like for instance I had set the quadric distortion to 0.22, like you said in the tutorial and now when I start the game, the setting defaulted back to 0.0. Is there any way to have it save the quadric distortion setting ?
  5. Thanks neil9000 !!! Seems this tutorial came out today, just when I needed it !!!
  6. In the app , in the core download section do I choose Mame 2000, Mame 2003 or Mame 2003 plus ? Which of the 3 is the mame_libretro_android.so core ? or is it the one in here ? http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/android/latest/armeabi-v7a/ Thanks in advance.
  7. Ah ok, I see. So this feature is maybe coming somewhere down the line then ? I'm relatively new to Launchbox, but I thought you could make custom platforms as well. So that got me thinking, maybe you could create a second Mame platform under a different name with only the games you want and then you can export that ? Or isn't that possible ? Edit : I've installed a 3rd Launchbox and isntead of using the import Full mame set option, I've just imported the roms, which I first copied into a separate folder.
  8. So you are saying, that all the games are copied over first to the Export folder and then the selected game(s) is/are picked from that folder and set aside for exporting to your Android ?
  9. Hi Jason, I've finally converted my Merged 0.214 set to a Non-Merged set. I've installed a separate Launchbox, I've called the folder Launchbox Android I selected a random game and tried the Android Export. I've choosen to export the selected game only, so far so good. But then it still started copying all the games to my Launchbox Export folder. So this "selected games export" option, isn't fully functional yet then I assume ? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi again, I've just followed your tutorial for adding the bezels to Mame and already tried one game. It turned out I that needed to enable the HLSL settings, to get all the options. My question for you : is there a way to auto scale the video to fit these bezels, like in retroarch ?
  11. I'll certainly do that. So it will take approx. 28,3 hours LOL (17min x 100 = 1700min : 60 = 28,3333) Update : It worked, it was finished Sunday evening, yesterday I've made a new scan and everything was well.
  12. Ok. Thanks for the info. The 1st procent took about 17min. Seems like it's going to take a while, LOL Is it normal that there are a lot of skipped files ?
  13. I didn't notice that option, I used the rebuilder and it's currently busy at 4%. Should I stop the process and use the Merger instead ? Will the Merger work faster maybe ? ? Maybe it produces a different/better result ? Thanks for the info.
  14. 17min for 1%, this is going to take a while ?
  15. I'm currently rebuilding to a non-merged set, fingers crossed !!!
  16. Thanks for this tutorial, I've update my MAME version from 0.213 to 0.214. I do have a question related to this, maybe you can help. I have a merged set, but I want to convert it to a non-merged set. Can you tell me if I'm on the right track with the following steps ? Step 1 The same as tutorial Step 2 12 - not adding the update path ? Step 3 The same as tutorial ? Step 4 25 - Don't Check the box “Use Add-Paths” 26 - I don't know 27 - choose non-merged set 28 -> 37 The same as tutorial Thanks in advance.
  17. Ah, ok. The previous time I saw the scanner renaming or fixing some stuff, so I presumed that would be enough. Thanks.
  18. I was hoping it was that simple. So for this, you wouldn't need the rebuilder, only the "scan" option ?
  19. Thanks for the info. I'll try it. Fully independent sounds good.
  20. Hi, I have a 0.214 MAME merged set (Updated my 0.213 set to 0.214 with Clrmamepro, using a tutorial here on the forum) But now I'd like to know how to convert my merged set into a Non-merged set, because of the way the Android exporter works. I've read that the exporting of selectable games will only work with a non-merged set. So if that option comes available in the future, I need a non-merged set. Can someone tell me the correct steps to convert my merged set into a non-merged set with Clrmamepro ? (At least I think that program should do the trick.) To be clear I want a non-merged set NOT a split set. Thanks in advance. Soxbrother
  21. Ok. Thanks for the info. Keep on creating these great bezels !!!
  22. Ok. Thanks for the info. I guess I can convert my merged set to a non-merged set with clrmamepro, so that I don't have to get a whole new set.
  23. Excellent work on these realistic Arcade bezels !!! While extracting I get a few questions to overwrite some files, should I overwrite them or rename them ? (First few where, spyhunt, shinobi, ....) Maybe these are updated files ? Thanks in advance.
  24. So in a later version of the Android exporter, you can choose your games, but not if you have a merged set. With that in mind, could it be possible to import a non-merged or split set in Launchbox under a different name and when exporting, choose that one instead ? And eventually when the ability comes available to choose your game, then choose the differently named "non-merged or split set" while exporting and choose the games you like ? One other possibility would be to have 2 installations of the Launchbox PC version. One with the merged set and an other with the non-merged/split set in it. But I'm guessing this is not possible. Update: So I've read that is indeed possible to have multiple Launchbox installations on the forum. I think I'm going to try it.
  25. I have a merged set, is this a problem for Android ?
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