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    I really dig the aesthetic! Please upload some more if you did some more:)
  1. I cant get this to work with the Colorful Theme... Maybe someone can help me.
  2. Tigmex


    Loving the new Version! Those automatic game banners really look awesome! is there a way to get automatic banners with the clear logo for playlists/platforms as well? right now it just shows the logo out of proportion.
  3. Sounds awesome! If you have the time can you compile you stuff, like you did with Heretic? Cheers
  4. Sorry it took me a while to get back to it. So apparently the video has transparency. But I cant seem to find an option to turn it off.
  5. Awesome theme, I really dig the style! There's one issue I have, which I can't seem to fix by myself. If there is no video, I'd like to see the screenshot in the gamelist view. If I add it as a background image, it will show through the video. If you have the time to look into it, i'd really appreciate that!
  6. Tigmex


    @syncy those look awesome! can you upload your custom theme?
  7. Good job. I had a similar idea but couldnt realize it.
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